Image of Reception Class - Introducing the Bee Bots
14 May

Reception Class - Introducing the Bee Bots

Today in Reception the children have been programming the Bee Bots to follow an instruction, referring back to the arrows we learned about last week. The children had retained the names of the arrows, along with being able to correctly identify left and right. They could navigate the Bee Bot to fllow the directions of the arrow, explaining what was happening.

Image of Reception - Understanding the World - Understanding Arrows
7 May

Reception - Understanding the World - Understanding Arrows

Reception class discussed what the different arrows mean and their names (forwards, back, left and right). They then had to follow my instruction when I showed them an arrow, moving one step in that direction.

Image of Nursery Class - Understanding the world - Finding Hidden Animals in our Environment.
30 Apr

Nursery Class - Understanding the world - Finding Hidden Animals in our Environment.

Nursery class explored their outdoor environment to find some hidden animals. The children used their brilliant searching and looking skills to find all of the animals from our story and match them to our checklist. As the children found the animals they were encouraged to voice the animal sound, some children began to make movements like the animals they had found and could even remember where some of the animals would usually live.

Image of Reception - Train Journey
12 Mar

Reception - Train Journey

Reception class experienced a train journey today! We walked from school to Darwen Train Station and took the train to Blackburn as we were going to the cinema. The children were so excited and enjoyed talking about the different scenery they could see through the window.

Image of Year 3 Geography - Counties that make up England.
8 Mar

Year 3 Geography - Counties that make up England.

Today in Geography, year 3 have been learning about the counties that make up England. In particular they looked at Lancashire. They used google maps and an atlas to identify local towns. Taking this information they marked the towns, Blackpool, Preston, Darwen Blackburn and Burnley on a blank map.

Image of Year 2 - Geography - Hong Kong
7 Mar

Year 2 - Geography - Hong Kong

In Geography this week, we have been discovering the location of Hong Kong. We have written descriptions of Hong Kong using geographical vocabulary.

Image of Year 3 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 3 - World Book Day

Today for World Book Day Year 3 read Handa's Chicken and learned about Africa. They looked at its different countries and also the different flags. They also enjoyed a visit to nursery, to listen to the story of The Gruffalo read by Miss Lawson.

Image of Reception Class - Our Local Area
29 Jan

Reception Class - Our Local Area

This afternoon the children have continued to develop their geographical knowledge by exploring their homes and the local area on Google Maps. The children loved directing me to their houses and pointing out familiar landmarks.

Image of Year 6 - English
23 Jan

Year 6 - English

Over the last two days in our English lesson we have been learning about Mount Everest. We have learned a lot of interesting facts and discussed what we need to take in our rucksack.

Image of Reception Class - English - Writing about Penguins
19 Jan

Reception Class - English - Writing about Penguins

Reception class have been learning all about penguins this half term. During our English lesson the children wrote the sentence ‘the daddy penguin hugs his baby.’ The children applied their phonetic knowledge, identifying tricky words and using their segmenting skills. Great effort everyone!

Image of Pre School - North and South Pole
8 Dec

Pre School - North and South Pole

This week in Understanding the world, we learnt about the North and South pole and what we would find there. We discovered lots of ice and different animals to what we would see in Darwen. We put the polar bears and reindeer in the North pole and whales and penguins in the south pole. The children then explored ice and what happens to the ice when it starts to get warm.

Image of Year 2 - Naming Continents
6 Nov

Year 2 - Naming Continents

Year 2 had fun naming the continents this afternoon. When they caught the globe they had to name the continent it landed on.

Image of Year 6 Geography - Ordnance Survey Maps
30 Jun

Year 6 Geography - Ordnance Survey Maps

On Friday afternoon, Year 6 began learning how to read Ordnance Survey maps. We are looking at 4-digit and 6-digit grid references, and the symbols used on the maps.

Image of Explorers Exhibition - Reception Class Visit
29 Mar

Explorers Exhibition - Reception Class Visit

Throughout today, Reception class have been in small groups to visit our 'Explorers Exhibition' that was kindly set up by Mrs Thompson. The children have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the different items and learning about some of the more obscure objects. The children had some very good ideas and opinions about the items set out. Ask them about some of their favourite pieces of exploration equipment or memorabilia when they get home.

Image of Y4 - Geography - Maps
21 Mar

Y4 - Geography - Maps

Year 4 a great afternoon in Geography looking at lots of different maps. They had an empty map of Europe which they were trying hard to complete with the different countries and seas. They learnt some interesting facts about the Mediterranean Sea, too! I wonder if they can remember how many countries and continents the Mediterranean Sea surrounds...

Image of Y5 - Geography
5 Jul

Y5 - Geography

Today year 5 went on a local area walk as part of our local area study in Geography. The children completed surveys about the streets and amenities in our area, as well as analysing the conditions in our area. Now to upload to digimaps!

Image of Y4 Geography.
3 Feb

Y4 Geography.

In Geography, Y4 have been finding facts about countries that are on the Mediterranean Sea!

Image of Year 5 Geography
8 Dec

Year 5 Geography

Year 5 have been working hard with Mrs Mountain this afternoon learning all about contour lines. They have made models showing how the contour lines on a ordinance survey map demonstrate the gradient of the mountain. Well done everyone!