Senior Leadership Team

Miss L Peckson

Miss L Peckson


Mrs M Matthews

Mrs M Matthews

Deputy Headteacher

Miss A Sears

Miss A Sears

Early Years Lead

Administration Team

Miss J Tanner

Miss J Tanner

School Administration Manager

Mrs K Murray

Mrs K Murray

Administration Assistant

Early Years Foundation Stage Team

Miss A Sears

Miss A Sears

Mrs H Corbally

Mrs H Corbally

Miss C Cooney

Miss C Cooney

Miss L Davidson

Miss L Davidson

Miss N Colyer

Miss N Colyer

Miss L Ramsay

Miss L Ramsay

Mrs J Bolton

Mrs J Bolton

Key Stage 1 Team

Mrs C Gonzalez

Mrs C Gonzalez

Miss Z Choudry

Miss Z Choudry

Miss K Mulligan

Miss K Mulligan

Miss P Kershaw

Miss P Kershaw

Mrs S Dalal

Mrs S Dalal

Mrs N Colyer

Mrs N Colyer

Key Stage 2 Team

Mrs J Heald

Mrs J Heald

Mrs T Ainsworth

Mrs T Ainsworth

Mrs H Meagher

Mrs H Meagher

Mrs M Adamson

Mrs M Adamson

Mrs J Thompson

Mrs J Thompson

Mr J Broughton

Mr J Broughton

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs N Colyer

Mrs N Colyer

Mrs H Cookson

Mrs H Cookson

Mrs S Kiyani

Mrs S Kiyani


Mrs Matthews

Mrs Matthews

Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator

Welfare Team

Mrs H Meagher

Mrs H Meagher

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs C Fallon

Mrs C Fallon

Mrs K Gregson

Mrs K Gregson

Miss K Mulligan

Miss K Mulligan

Miss L Ramsay

Miss L Ramsay

Mrs S Kiyani

Mrs S Kiyani

Pupil Wellbeing Team

Ms V Evans

Ms V Evans

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs J Mountain

Catering Team

Mrs N Crompton

Mrs N Crompton

Mrs D Parker

Mrs D Parker

Catering Assistant

Miss A Smith

Miss A Smith

Premises Team

Mr D Duxbury

Mr D Duxbury

Site Supervisor

Miss P Kershaw

Miss P Kershaw

Always Remembered

Shona Davis

Shona Davis


Mrs Tara Maynard

Mrs Tara Maynard

Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor. Safeguarding Governor. Registered interest when position became available. Expiry 02/11/2027

Miss Laura Peckson

Miss Laura Peckson

Ex-Officio Staff Governor

Miss Chantelle Cooney

Miss Chantelle Cooney

Parent Governor. Attendance Governor. Registered interest when position became available, Expiry 31/08/2025

Revd. Kevin Colyer

Revd. Kevin Colyer

Church Governor
Church School Link Governor. Pupil Premium Governor. Expiry date 30/4/2026.

Mr Daniel Riley

Mr Daniel Riley

Foundation Governor
Trust Appointed, Expiry Date 31/12/2026

Peter Ashworth

Peter Ashworth

SEND Link Governor

Michaela Underwood

Michaela Underwood

SIAMS Link Governor

Amy Sears

Amy Sears

Staff Governor. Registered interest when position became available. Expiry 16/04/2028

Philippa Kershaw

Philippa Kershaw

Foundation Governor. Registered interest when position became available. Expiry 16/04/2028

Melissa Matthews

Melissa Matthews


Parent Governor Vacancy

Parent Governor Vacancy

Wellbeing Champions

Mrs H Corbally

Mrs H Corbally

Mrs M Adamson

Mrs M Adamson

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs J Mountain

Miss L Davidson

Miss L Davidson

Worship Team











