Breakfast Club

Mrs C Fallon

Mrs C Fallon

Ms V Evans

Ms V Evans

Mrs J Mountain

Mrs J Mountain


At breakfast club this term, we have been promoting independence. The children have been encouraged to make pour own cereal, butter their own toast and pour their own drinks. We have been on hand to help with these tasks and to support your children when developing these skills. They have all enjoyed the new routine and it has been lovely to see them all grow in confidence when accessing the breakfast table and also see the improvement in their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills. 
If you would like to book your child onto breakfast club please do so on parentpay. The listing goes live at 3:45 every Monday for the following week.



We will be capping the places to a maximum of 40 children per morning, here is how it will work.

Please log on to ParentPay to book your child’s place (you will need to book for the week).

The booking will go live on ParentPay every Monday morning and close at Friday lunchtime for the following week.

Bookings are on a first come first served basis.

Once the 40 places have been booked you will not be able to book on ParentPay. Please contact the school office who will add you to a waiting list.

If your child does not use their booked place without informing the office, the place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.

If your child isn’t booked into breakfast club via ParentPay, we will be unable to offer your child a place, please do not send your child without a booking.

Breakfast club is provided for children to have breakfast and not as a childcare provision. We politely ask that if you are giving your child breakfast at home you do not book a place at breakfast club.

Bookings are live for next week, please visit

Thank you for your cooperation.


Club Information and Timetables

Updated: 18/04/2024 152 KB

Extra Curricular Activities

Many of our children take part in lots of different clubs and activities outside of school and we are always keen to celebrate their achievements. You can see some of our wonderful children below.


26/4/24 - Luna and Elijah both celebrated ther swimming achievements with us this week. Swimming is such an important life skill and it is great to see our little ones developing this.


19/4/24 - Alexiana earned her orange belt in kickboxing at Organised Chaos - well done!