For all the latest Collective Worship news, please click here.

Worship at Darwen St James

Collective Worship Policy

Worship at Darwen St James’ is integral to our daily academy life.  It is a time that brings us all together, be it remotely, in the hall or as class groups.  We use this time to reflect, discuss, talk to God and praise him through song.

Worship is planned by Miss Peckson, our worship lead and the Worship team have input into the planning and also the delivery of some of the worships.  For our worship overview for this year please see below.  From that document you will see that our worship is planned in themes, which are not value specific. This enables us to focus on all of our values throughout the year in many different ways.

Through Worship we look at our values, bible stories, Christian festivals, world news events and how that relates to God and Jesus, multi-cultural and different faiths festivals, Remembrance and a huge amount more.  Worship is led by all of the teachers at Darwen St James’ who embrace the experience that Worshiping with the children gives them.

This is what our daily collective Worship looks like –

Monday Class Worship
Tuesday Whole school Worship.
Wednesday Whole school Worship with Rev. Kev
Thursday Class Worship - Picture News
Friday Whole school Celebration Worship.


Worship Overview 2024/2025




W/S Theme - The Words of Jesus

EY Theme - Big Bible heroes

Festivals - Harvest

Values - Hope, Courage, Friendship and Perseverance

W/S Theme - People Jesus Met

EY Theme - All About Jesus

Festivals - Epiphany

Values - Love, Hope, Courage, Friendship, Perseverance 

W/S Theme - The Parables of Jesus

EY Theme - Living God’s Way

Festivals - Ascension, Pentecost

Values - Courage, hope, Perseverance, Friendship




W/S Theme -  Advent  and Christmas

EY Theme - Christmas

Festivals - Remembrance day, Advent, Christmas

Values - Hope, Love, Courage, Friendship

W/S Theme - Holy Week and Easter

EY Theme - Easter

Festivals - /Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday/Lent/ Easter

Values - Love, Hope, Friendship, Perseverance, Courage

W/S Theme - The Miracles of Jesus

EY Theme - Living God’s Way

Festivals - Ordinary Time

Values - Courage, Hope, Love, Perseverance, Friendship


Our Worship area in the school hall.

At the start of our worship we say the Trinity and light three candles in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We then say our opening words together. To signal the end of our worship we say our closing words together as we put out the candles.

As we are a church school each classroom or base has its own worship/ reflective area. Each area contains various resources suitable for the age of the children who use the room. Examples of resources include Bibles or Bible story books, crosses, candles, a book to record class prayers, prayer dice and prayer formats which can be used to write prayers for collective worship.


Collective Worship Autumn 2024

Welcome Words –We meet in the name of God,

                        Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Closing Words –  Grace, Mercy and Peace be with you

                        and also with you

Worship - Autumn 1 - The Words of Jesus

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Collective Worship Summer 2024

Welcome Words – The glory of the Lord has risen upon us.

                     Let us rejoice and sing God’s praise for ever.


Closing Words – Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;

                   as it was in the beginning is now and shall be forever 


Collective Worship Spring 2024


Take a look at our winners of the Easter competition, well done to everyone who entered, there were some wonderful creations!


Welcome Words – This day the Lord has made.

                               Let us rejoice and be glad in it.


Closing Words – May the light and peace of Jesus Christ our Lord be with you.

                             And also with you.



Year 3 and 4 performed our annual Easter performance in Church today,  Roll Back the Stone.The children told the story of Easter through acting and song, and they did a marvellous job.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them this morning.



Welcome Words – The light of Christ has come into the world.

                            We welcome his light into our lives.


Closing Words – God loves us all and knows that we are special.

                          We will carry God's love with us in our hearts.

Collective Worship Autumn 2023

AUTUMN 2 2023 - The Word


Welcome Words –

The Lord is with us.

 Let us praise his name together.

Closing Words –

 The light and peace of Jesus Christ be always with you.

 And also with you.

Worship Autumn 2023 - The Word

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AUTUMN 1 2023 - God is.....

Welcome Words –

God is spirit.

Let us worship him in spirit and truth.

Closing Words – 

The light and peace of Jesus Christ with you.

And also with you.

Worship Autumn 1 2023 - God is

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Prayer At Darwen St James

The Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.


Our Action Prayer.

May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
And the love of God our Father.
And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
Be with us all evermore.


Our Governor's Prayer

Here are our wonderful Worship team members, these children put themselves forward as something that they wanted to be a part of. The group starts at Year 3 and goes up to Year 6. The children meet with Miss Peckson once a fortnight to go through new ideas, articles for the newsletter, competitions and planning Worships for the school.


Worship Team













Spring 2024

Worship Team Minutes Spring 2024

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Autumn 2022

Worship Team Meetings 2022/23

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Summer 2022

Creative Worship - 24/5/22.

Our Worship Team planned a fabulous creative Worship for all of School. We took part in the activities they had created for usd and learned al about Jesus and his ascension to Heaven.

Worship Team Meeting 28/4/22

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Spring 2022

Our Worship Team took us on a journey through Easter today using our senses. They did a fabulous job, well done to you all!

Worship Team Worship through Easter

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Here are the prayers our Worship team have written and shared during our whole school Worship.



Autumn 2021

Here are the prayers our Worship team have written and shared during our whole school Worship.

St. James Over Darwen church is our local Church and is just up the road from our academy. We have strong links with our Church, we visit them on a regular basis for worship and celebrations including Easter, Harvest and Christmas. Our Reverand, Rev. Kev leads our worship every Wednesday, he will also be around school supporting familes and our pupils. 

Rev Kev is the Vicar of St James, Over Darwen our church school. He loves to make faith in God real and exciting to everyone, especially those who are not normally members of the church. He has lived in Belgium with his family for 10 years, likes to think he can speak French. For fun he likes running and messing about with computers and technology.

Click here to get more information on the work at St James Over Darwen Church

Click here to view the St James Church, Over Darwen Facebook page

January 2024

We recently had a team from the Church of England head office come and make a film about Minecraft Church! Very exciting! Hope you like it!

Our School Values 2024

Lent 2024

Epiphany 2024

Advent 2023

Lent 2023

Ephiphany 2023

Advent 2022

Harvest 2022

Religions Around the World 2022.

Lent 2022


Epiphany 2022

Advent 2021

Harvest 2021

Values 2021

Lent 2021

Advent 2020

Harvest 2020

Living Out Our Values At Darwen St James.

At Darwen St James we are proud of our caring, Christian ethos, underpinned by the Christian values that permeate our teaching and learning and shape every member of our school family.

Our school values are;

  • Love ‘Serve one another in love’.    

      (Galatians 5:13)

  • Hope May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him.

      (Romans 15:13)

  • Friendship"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

       (John 15:12-13)

  • Perseverance“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” 

      (James 1:12)

  • Courage - “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

      (Joshua 1:9) 

One of the first things that you will see as you walk into our academy is our whole school display, we focus on our values and the words in our vision and mission statements to showcase on this display.

To learn more at home about our Christian Values and many more please use the resources below from


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