Image of Year 3 - Visit To Church For The Communion Service
21 Jan

Year 3 - Visit To Church For The Communion Service

Today Year 3 went to church to take part in the Communion service. They wrote and read out their own prayers, as well as completing a reading from the bible. After the service they enjoyed having lunch with other members of the congregation who were at the service.

Image of Reception Class - Maths - Capacity
21 Jan

Reception Class - Maths - Capacity

In maths this week the children have been learning about mass. They have used the balance scales to explore heavy and light objects. The children then explored the mass of different objects using cubes.

Image of Reception Class - Counting the Buttons on the Gingerbread Man
21 Jan

Reception Class - Counting the Buttons on the Gingerbread Man

Reception class have been using the smart board to support their learning in class. The children had to subitise or count the buttons in the gingerbread man and find the correct numeral.

Image of Reception Class - Class Worship - Jesus Walks on Water
20 Jan

Reception Class - Class Worship - Jesus Walks on Water

This week in class Worship, the children learned about the bible story of Jesus walking on water. The children acted out the story and developed an understanding of having trust in Jesus. The children also discussed how they would have felt if they were on a boat, stuck in a storm, and they saw Jesus walking towards them on water.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - Using Story Props To Support Our Understanding of The Story's Structure
16 Jan

Nursery - Literacy - Using Story Props To Support Our Understanding of The Story's Structure

In Nursery class this week we have been reading 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?'. The children have been enjoying using our story props and masks to support their understanding of the story. They have been able to find and select specific masks based on the events happening on each page of our book. The children have been encouraged to vocalise the animal name and colour name, we have also explored the animal sounds and movements linked to their chosen masks.

Image of Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Statues to Show Themes
16 Jan

Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Statues to Show Themes

We explored the themes of our novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, in English this week. We created 'statues' to show a theme of the story, and the rest of the class had to guess what that theme was. We went on to write an explanation of why that theme was part of the story, using evidence from the text.

Image of Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Freeze Framing
16 Jan

Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Freeze Framing

Year 5 used drama skills to act out key parts of our novel: The Invention of Hugo Cabret. We freeze framed a part of the story, and then spoke our characters inferred thoughts out loud.

Image of Year 5 P.E. Hockey Skills
16 Jan

Year 5 P.E. Hockey Skills

In P.E., Year 5 began learning about hockey skills with some ball control through dribbling exercises. It was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 5 D.T. Food Technology - Cheese Tasting
16 Jan

Year 5 D.T. Food Technology - Cheese Tasting

Year 5 enjoyed tasting different cheeses in DT this week, to choose a good cheese to put in a pie! We rated the cheeses, and created bar charts on Purple Mash to show our results.

Image of Pre-School- PD-Fine and Gross Motor Skills
16 Jan

Pre-School- PD-Fine and Gross Motor Skills

The children take part in Write Dance to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Moving to music with the ribbons and making up and down movements building on muscle strength. The children move their body into position to hold their crayons to make the movements on to paper. Developing the skills they have just learnt through dancing.

Image of Pre-School-Maths-Take and Give 1,2,3
16 Jan

Pre-School-Maths-Take and Give 1,2,3

In maths this week we have been filling Grandma's basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take it to her. The children selected their own fruit and vegetables and then counted them with 1:1 correspondance. We then asked the children to take one item out of each basket and as they did this they needed to count each item and then stop. We then moved to two and three items counting and stopping as we went. Children also counted in number sequence in this activity.

Image of Year 3 English - Identifying Features of A Story
16 Jan

Year 3 English - Identifying Features of A Story

In English Year 3 are enjoying reading the book, The Stone Age Boy. Using chromebooks they read the story in groups and worked together to identify the different features.