Year 4 writing Information Booklets of Darwen
In English, year 4 have been researching facts about Darwen so that they could write their fantastic information booklets. On Monday, they researched Darwen Tower and Darwen Library Theatre and they had great fun learning about interesting facts, such as The Beatles playing in Darwen in 1963 and Mahatma Gandhi visiting the mills. All of the children wrote their wonderful information booklets, trying to persuade people to come and see their town.
Reception - RE - Stories Jesus Heard.
In RE, Reception has been learning about stories Jesus heard. Today we recapped the story of Joseph and then they chose their favourite story to draw on a scroll. They enjoyed trying on Joseph's colourful coat!
Year 4 - Evaluating Their Pizza Creations
In DT, year 4 evaluated their yummy pizzas. They thought about what was good about their pizza and how they could have improved it or made it better. They also discussed whether their pizza matched the design that they originally planned and gave suggestions for other toppings if they were to make the pizza again.
Year 3 Life Education Visit - Meet The Brain
Today we had a visit from Life Education. They came into Year 3 to talk about your brain. With the help of a magic t shirt and the interactive whiteboard the children were about to see how their brain worked with other parts of the body. The ysaw inside the lungs, what blood looked like in the body, what the brain looked like and how the heart worked. At the end they met Harold the giraffe and sang a song about friendship.
Nursery - Maths - Can You Give One Each
During maths this week we have been looking at sharing groups of objects. The children were tasked with giving the little pigs one item each and sharing the objects fairly. The children were encouraged to count the objects as they gave them to the pigs and some children were able to correctly state that we needed 3 of each object when asked how many we would need. Well done nursery class.
Online Safety - Online Relationships and Dating Apps
Dating apps have grown rapidly in popularity since their introduction, transforming the way many of us meet new people and form relationships. While these platforms are typically restricted to an audience of over-18s, there are still children and young people attempting to make use of them and exposing themselves to their risks – from online harassment to outright abuse. As a parent or educator, it can be daunting to navigate this complex and ever-evolving landscape, and to know how best we can support and protect youngsters who are accessing dating apps. This guide breaks down the risks associated with these platforms and offers expert advice on how to safeguard children from such online safety concerns.
Year 5 PSHE - Coram Life Education Workshop
Year 5 were lucky to have a visit from Coram Life Education and learned about friendship and being assertive with our friends. We all enjoyed the activities and role playing!
Pre-School-PSHE-Self Care
Pre-School have been learning how to look after themselves. We independently wash our hands for snack time and select a cup and plate for placing our snack on. The children have also been washing the babies in the wash tray, using the sponges to clean the babies and made lots of bubbles. We talked about why it is important to wash our bodies, to keep the germs away.
Pre-School-Expressive Arts and Design- Valentine's Craft
The children have been busy using different materials to create Valentine items. The children have used cutting techniques to cut foil and tissue paper to make paper flowers. Making cards for the people we love, writing their names into the card and designing the front cover. We have mixed coloured glue to make different marks and watched what happened to the colours.
Year 6: Maths - Solving 2 Step Equations.
In maths this week year 6 have been focusing on solving algebraic equations.
Year 6: Science - Classifying Bacteria
In science this week, year 6 have been learning about bacteria, and how different types of bacteria can be classified.
Year 2 - PSHE - Children's Mental Health Week
Whilst wearing our silly socks for Children's Mental Health week, we discussed big and small feelings, what we can do to feel better when we feel these ways, how to take care of our brain and coloured in lots of fun pictures, as this is one strategy we learnt can help us feel better!