Year 4 English
Year 4 have been creating story maps to retell the story of Gulliver's Travels.
Year 5 Maths - Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
In maths, Year 5 have been learning equivalence in fractions, decimals and percentages. They are showing their understanding of converting fractions or decimals to percentages on their whiteboards.
Year 5 Geography - Using Digital Maps to Locate the Deserts of the World
In Geography, Year 5 used digital maps including Google Earth and Google Maps, atlases and printed maps of the world to locate the largest desert on each continent.
Year 2 Music - Soundscapes
Year 2 have had lots of fun this week in Music looking at soundscapes!
Year 2 PE - Target Games
We have been practicing our underarm throwing skills this week in our Target Games lesson. Year 2 have also been amazing at teaching one another the correct technique to use for this throw! Well done.
Nursery - Geography - Egg Hunt
Following on from our story this week 'Oh dear!', Nursery class went on an egg hunt in our garden! At each location the children saw an image that they had to link with different areas in the garden to help them find the next clue. We followed each clue and went on a trail to find the eggs. The children showed some great observational skills, noticing details in the garden which helped them follow the trail. Showing brilliant perseverance the children checked each spot which eventually led them to the chicken and the eggs hiding in the bushes. Well done everybody!
Year 1 - P.E. - Target Skills
Year 1 enjoyed some target practice using a cone and a ball. They challenged themselves to hit the target 10 times and then make the task even harder by moving away from the target.
Year 4 - PE - Golf Skills
In their golf lessons, Year 4 have been learning good techniques for hitting the ball at a target in a controlled and safe way. Some of them can hit the ball a considerable distance!
Year 5 - Music - Different Music Styles
In Music, Year 5 has been thinking about the different dynamics used in music. In their lesson this week they learnt a song that was sung in 5 different styles. They then drew pictures and patterns to reflect the moods created by the styles.
Year 1 - D.T - Joining Fabrics Using Running Stitch
Year 1 persevered with their stitching skills to join two pieces of fabric together. They threaded their needle and used their growth mindset to sew a running stitch. Well done, Year 1.
Year 1 - Handwriting
Year 1 did some handwriting warm ups to the video 'Crocodile Snap'. Then they used their whiteboards and pens to write capital letters. Well done Year 1.