We are excited to announce that the Easter Egg Competition is returning and this year the theme is going to be 'The Queen's Jubilee'.
This is a very fun activity for all to get involved and create a scene or simply decorate an egg with the chosen theme of 'The Queen's Jubilee'. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners on offer. All competition entries to be in by no later than Monday 4th April, then we can get the judges to decide their winners and then announce our winners at Celebration Worship on Wednesday 6th April at 2:30pm.
We will inform parents in due course who we are able to invite to Celebration worship as we may have to limit the amount of people we can have in school, however we will have more clarification on this nearer to the time.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with your child's classroom teacher.