Good morning, please find below dates of up coming events in nursery.

Monday 18th July - Parents book look-
 Am Parents are welcome to  come and look at books from 11.00 am till 11.30 . 
Pm Parents are welcome from 2.30 till 3.00.
School reports will be handed out on this day.

Tuesday 19th July - Party day 
Am party 8.30 -11.30 with only Pre School Leavers in, parents are welcome to join at 11.00 for Graduation celebration.
Pm party 12.00-3.00 is for nursery children not going to school.

Wednesday 20th July - There will be NO afternoon session this day. 
Nursery will close at 11.30 for Am session children.

Thank you for all your continued support and hope you all have a lovely summer holiday.

Many thanks

Mrs Corbally and Mrs Skinner