Image of Nursery Stay and Play
16 Mar

Nursery Stay and Play

Nursery held a stay and play on Thursday, the children and their families had a fantastic time! Thank you to everyone who attended.

Image of Reception Class Pets
15 Mar

Reception Class Pets

Reception Class have had great fun learning about the different pets that their friends and teachers have. We have learned lots of new vocabulary and applied our phonics to write about the pets. If your little one is in Reception and they have a pet, please send a photo via Dojo so we can add them to our wall.

Image of Y3 - Music - Keyboards
13 Mar

Y3 - Music - Keyboards

Today Year 3 have been learning how to play 'Wibble Wobble' using the keyboards. They have been marking the keys with the correct notes and following the sheet music.

Image of Y2 - Coding
9 Mar

Y2 - Coding

This week in Computing, Y2 have added a collision detection code to our algorithm and turned the frog into a prince! Another fantastic week, well done Year 2!

Image of Harold the Giraffe Visit
24 Feb

Harold the Giraffe Visit

This morning, Reception class has had two very special visitors. Steven and Harold from 'life education' came to teach us all about our bodies, our emotions and self care. The children loved learning about a few of their internal organs and what they do to keep our bodies functioning and healthy. We also discussed who we would talk to if we felt sad or unwell and how we could improve our mood by doing different activities. The children also looked after Harold by brushing his hair and brushing his teeth, making sure that he is ready for the day! Harold ended our session by singing a wonderful song all about emotions. I'm sure your little ones will have lots to tell you about Harold and what they have learnt when they get home!

Image of Y6 Science - Light
24 Feb

Y6 Science - Light

This afternoon Year 6 have had fun proving that light travels in a straight line in Science!

Image of Reception RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders
22 Feb

Reception RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders

This afternoon, some of Reception class have been exploring the story of 'The wise and foolish builders'. The children worked together to build two houses, one on the sand and one on solid ground. Once they had finished building I told the children that we were going to pour lots of water on top to mimic the storm in our bible story. They were very excited about this! But first we made our predictions on what we thought would happen to each house. They all thought the house on solid ground would be the strongest and the house on the sand would fall! So we put their predictions to the test! And sure enough the house on the sand did fall down, it wasn't strong at all. Meanwhile the house on solid ground didn't budge!

Image of Y2 Computing - Databases
9 Feb

Y2 Computing - Databases

Year 2 finished their computing unit today. The children worked really hard using a database to answer questions.

Image of Year 3 - Soil and Water Investigation
25 Jan

Year 3 - Soil and Water Investigation

Today in Science, we investigated which type of soil absorbed the most water. We used our measuring skills using syringes, beakers and cylinders.

Image of Year 2 - Computing
24 Jan

Year 2 - Computing

Y2 continued our 'Questioning' unit in computing today and the children created a binary tree. They worked very hard with a partner or in a small group, thinking of questions and sorting the animals. Well done Year 2, some super work!

Image of Pre-School - Jasper’s Beanstalk
20 Jan

Pre-School - Jasper’s Beanstalk

We have had a very busy week in Pre-School exploring and learning. We have been reading Jasper's Beanstalk and have been taking part in lots of different activities. We even created our very own beanstalk and made our own Jasper the cat masks.

Image of Year 6 - Science - Designing Experiments
19 Jan

Year 6 - Science - Designing Experiments

Today in Science, Year 6 have been designing experiments to predict if their heart rates will go up when they do still exercises. It's been a fun afternoon!