Y2 - Science; Plants and Trees
The children had a wonderful time on our walk around Bold Venture park this morning. We looked at different plants and trees and thought about which were wild plants and which had been planted. We also thought about how seeds are dispersed.
Two’s Room - Planting Seeds
Last week in the two’s room afternoon group, we planted some cress seeds. We talked about what the seeds needed in order for them to grow and we used a watering can to water our own seeds. We have been watching them grow and when we checked on them today, they had grown so much!
Reception - Science Experiment
Yesterday the children participated in a science experiment. We had to choose some materials that would keep Incy Wincy dry. We used water to check if the material was waterproof and discussed the different properties of each item.
Help us Win £1000 for our School’s Library!
*** We need your help! *** This would be a fantastic prize for our children. Please could you spare 30 seconds, follow the link, click enter now and vote for Darwen St James CE Primary Academy. https://www.nationalbooktokens.com/schools? Thank you!
Y5 - Making Bread
In DT today, year 5 made bread with Mellors. They made lavish bread and had a go at needing pitta bread dough before trying one with garlic butter and another with hummus!
In PE today Y5 were thinking about map reading skills as part of their orienteering unit. The children have thought about how to create a map of school using various objects. They did a great job showcasing their leadership, teamwork and creativity skills!
Summer Tasters
At the Ash Grove Shops, as a Food Bank we are trying out a whole new raft of activities for the whole community before the summer holidays. Come along, try something out and let us know if you like it!
Wake up Wednesday - Minecraft
The biggest-selling video game of all time! However, even the mighty Minecraft isn’t totally immune to #OnlineSafety risks. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday guide brings trusted adults the lowdown on this established children’s favourite.
Y2 - Pizza Making
On Wednesday, Y2 had a pizza making session with Mellors Catering. The children discussed the nutritional value of the ingredients, and chose a selection of toppings for their pizza.
Y1 Trip to Smithills Farm
Wow! What an amazing day at Smithills Farm. Year 1 have done lots of exciting activities including feeding sheep and alpacas, riding a donkey, stroking chicks and lambs and even going on a very bumpy tractor ride! We've had a great day.
Y1 PE - Outdoor Games
Y1 have been learning about and trying out different outdoor games as part of thir PE topic this half term.
Y2 - Little Zoo
Last week, Gemma from Little Zoo to you visited school with a selection of animals and spoke to the children about their habitats. The children had a wonderful time and learned lots of different facts!