Image of Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters
6 Feb

Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters

In Drama Club we are creating our own characters for a play, so we learnt how to paint our faces to create different weird and wonderful characters! It was a lot of fun!

Image of Spring Clubs!
15 Jan

Spring Clubs!

Our spring clubs are now available to book via ParentPay. They are a great way for children to learn a new skill and to socialise with others. Please log on to your ParentPay account to book, if you need any help please contact the office.

Image of Breakfast Club
3 Oct

Breakfast Club

In the Breakfast club we made brick towers bigger than a year 5 child and played Guess Who Games . We had lots of fun.

Image of Mrs Heald and Mrs Davies TaskMaster Club - Can You Balance a Spoon On Your Nose?
24 Sep

Mrs Heald and Mrs Davies TaskMaster Club - Can You Balance a Spoon On Your Nose?

A favourite challenge this week in Task Master Club, was to see who could balance their spoon on their nose for 1 minute without using their hands. Why not try it and see how long you can do it for!

Image of Summer Activities at BwD Family Hubs
6 Jul

Summer Activities at BwD Family Hubs

There are lots of activities available At the BwD Family Hubs over the Summer. Free lunches are also available, call the number to book.

Image of St James Rainbows and Brownies
16 May

St James Rainbows and Brownies

St James Rainbows and Brownies have spaces available. They meet each week at St James Over Darwen Church. Rainbows is for girls aged 4 - 7 and Brownies is for girls aged 7 - 9. The children earn different badges, they bake, craft, raise money and have lots of fun! Please contact Lisa on 07895023147 for more information.

Image of Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet
14 May

Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet

Today the children have been programming their Micro:bit to create a digitial pet. There were lots of variables needed and lots of code to debug! The children showed gret perseverence and were proud of their finished program.

Image of Frisbee Golf
25 Apr

Frisbee Golf

Ollie's frisbee golf club have been learning the correct posture and how to throw the frisbee this week. The children had a great time, even though it was tricky mastering the technique!

Image of DPSSA Netball League
25 Apr

DPSSA Netball League

Our netball team had a fantastic start to thee Darwen Primary Schools Netball League at Darwen Vale, coming away with a 10-0 win! Our players showed great sportsmanship, teamwork and dedication, and we are extremely proud of them all!

Image of Netball Practice
21 Apr

Netball Practice

Our netball team have been busy practicing for our first tournnament this week. They have been working on hand-eye coordination, passing the ball, footwork and defence.

Image of Micro:bit Club - Creating a Name Badge
18 Apr

Micro:bit Club - Creating a Name Badge

Today in Micro:bit Club, we took a look at what a Micro:bit is and connected it to a computer. We then wrote a simple algorithm to create an electronic name badge.

Image of Breakfast Club
19 Mar

Breakfast Club

At breakfast club this term, we have been promoting independence. The children have been encouraged to pour their own cereal, butter their own toast and pour their own drinks. We have been on hand to help with these tasks and to support your children when developing these skills. They have all enjoyed the new routine and it has been lovely to see them all grow in confidence when accessing the breakfast table and also see the improvement in their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills. If you would like to book your child onto breakfast club please do so on parentpay. The listing goes live at 3:45 every Monday for the following week.

8 Feb

Clubs cancelled

All clubs are cancelled tonight due to staff training. Thank you

1 Feb

Clubs cancelled

All clubs, except Dance club are cancelled tonight. Thank you

Image of Football Team
9 Nov

Football Team

The football team represented Darwen St James' excellently tonight and showed great team work. They smiled and had fun from start to finish and we are very proud of them all. Well done!

Image of Purple Mash Club
25 Sep

Purple Mash Club

Purple Mash club have been busy tonight using 2Paint and 2Animate to create some pictures. We are going to try some coding next week!

Image of Progressive Active Camps
23 Oct

Progressive Active Camps

Holiday Camp Announcement!!! After the successful launch of our 1st Holiday camp we are pleased to finally announce that we have confirmed a 2nd venue to run our camps from. starting from October half term. Starting from October half term we will be working at Darwen St James CE Primary Academy along with West End Primary school were we are excited to reach out to more children and continue to inspire and encourage children to be physically active over the holiday periods. If you would like to book onto either venues please follow our booking page link below: If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you soon

Image of Football
29 Sep


Super proud of our football team tonight who played in their first match of the season! Despite not winning, they showed great resilience and a growth mindset! Well done!

Image of Clubs - Autumn Term
14 Sep

Clubs - Autumn Term

Clubs for this term are now available To book via ParentPay. Our clubs are very popular, so please book early to avoid disappointment. Please contact the office for all ParentPay queries.

Image of Summer Tasters
29 Jun

Summer Tasters

At the Ash Grove Shops, as a Food Bank we are trying out a whole new raft of activities for the whole community before the summer holidays. Come along, try something out and let us know if you like it!

Image of Netball
16 Jun


The Netball team played their absolute hearts out tonight at the Darwen Schools final. They won 1 out of the 3 matches against St Edwards, St Paul’s and Sudell. Well done girls! We are all very proud of your efforts!

Image of Breakfast Club Update
23 Jan

Breakfast Club Update

Breakfast Club Update: As of next week, Monday 24th January all children who have booked a place for breakfast club should enter school via the front office entrance. Access will not be available via the KS2 yard. As your child arrives, a member of staff will tick their name off on the breakfast club register. If there is no place booked for that child, unfortunately they will not be able to attend breakfast club. We will ask parents to return with their child at the start of the school day at 08:55. If you haven't booked a space, we also have a waiting list for the week. Please contact the school office if you wish for your child to be added to the list. We also politely ask that your child attends breakfast club once a place is booked. Failure to attend will result in us offering the place to a child on the waiting list. Unfortunately we have had to make these changes as we have too many children arriving at breakfast club without booking and the numbers exceed what we are permitted to have in the hall with regards to space and staffing.

Image of Breakfast Club
29 Sep

Breakfast Club

Please read about the important changes to Breakfast Club...

Image of Team DSJ - Football.
23 Sep

Team DSJ - Football.

Well done to our football team who came away with a 4-1 win and a hard fought 3-3 draw in this afternoon’s matches at Witton Park! Two great games… well done!