Year 3 French - Learning Numbers From 1 To 6
Year 3 started their new topic in French learning to count numbers from 1 to 6. They played a game where they rolled a dice and counted their moves in french.
Year 6 - French - Football Vocab.
As part of their unit on Sports, Year 6 have been learning lots of vocabulary connected to the game of football. In order to embed their learning they played a game of pictionary and became more confident with understanding and speaking the words.
Year 3 - French - Learning About Feelings
This week, Year 3 have learnt how to talk about feelings in French. They played the game 'Hello Mary' using french phrases to say how they were feeling and answering with C'est and their name.
Year 3 French - Greeting
Bonjour from Year 3. Today in French we have been learning different greetings for different times of the day. We greeted visitors into Year 3 with Bonjour and Au revoir when they left.
Year 3 French
In French, Year 3 have been learning how to describe shapes using their French vocab knowledge of shape, colour and size. Today they made pictures in the style of the French artist, Henri Matisse, who also used coloured shapes. They brilliantly labeled their work in French.
Year 4 French Expressing Opinions About Clothes.
In our French lesson we have been learning the names of clothes and today we used our great French speaking skills to express our opinions about different outfits. Their French accents are really sounding good.
Year 5 French
In our French lesson we learnt how to say the words for brother and sister and how many that we have.
Year 3 French - Describing Animal Actions.
In today's French lesson Year 3 have been learning how to describe the actions of different animals.
Year 6 French
Year 6 enjoyed their French lesson with Mrs Colyer, learning the four points of the compass in French!
French in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning the four points of the compass in French.
Year 5 French - Snakes and Ladders
Year 5 enjoyed playing Snakes and Ladders in French today. When they landed on certain squares they had to make up french sentences connected to our topic on musical instruments. It was wonderful to hear such lovely French accents around the room!
Reception - French - Names of Animals
In French this week, Mr Miakukila has been helping Reception class with animal names. So far have we have practised le chat, le lapin and le chien. Do you know which animals they are? Ask your little ones about these three animals when they get home, they might be able to name a few more too!
Reception - Colours in French
Reception have had their first French lesson of this term today and they have been learning how to say different colours! So far we have worked on rouge, bleu and jaune.
Reception Class - French
Today during our french lesson the children have been practising how to ask for something and also how to say thank you! They have all done really well and have been able to ask 's'il vous plaît' and say 'mercé'
Year 1 - Counting to Ten in French
In french this week we played find the missing numbers, the children are fantastic at counting to 10 in french.