Image of Reception - RE - Stories Jesus Heard.
13 Feb

Reception - RE - Stories Jesus Heard.

In RE, Reception has been learning about stories Jesus heard. Today we recapped the story of Joseph and then they chose their favourite story to draw on a scroll. They enjoyed trying on Joseph's colourful coat!

Image of Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught
30 Jan

Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught

In R.E. this week we have thought about the values taught to Christians by Jesus. We compared these values to our school values, and to the British Values. We made connections between these values and realised how they are very similar, learning that society follows the values which Jesus taught.

Image of Year 2 RE - The Ten Lepers
30 Jan

Year 2 RE - The Ten Lepers

We looked at the story of The Ten Lepers, discussed how we would feel as a leper before and after being healed and the importance of being thankful to Jesus for helping us.

Image of Reception - RE - Joshua And The Walls Of Jericho
30 Jan

Reception - RE - Joshua And The Walls Of Jericho

In RE, Reception Class has been learning about stories Jesus would have heard as a child. Today they learnt the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho falling down. Joshua needed to be brave and the children talked about when they needed to be brave.

Image of Year 1 - RE - Jesus Calms The Storm
29 Jan

Year 1 - RE - Jesus Calms The Storm

In RE, Year 1 has been thinking about how Jesus was special. Today they acted out the story of Jesus calming the storm. They enjoyed pretending to be on a boat in a storm and thought about how the disciples would have felt. They then reflected on times that they have felt scared and what made them feel calm again.

Image of Year 3 R.E. - The Story Of Zacchaeus
24 Jan

Year 3 R.E. - The Story Of Zacchaeus

In R.E. Year 3 have been looking at the story of Zacchaeus. They have been learning to understand that people's lives can be transformed by becoming a Christian and choosing a different way of life.

Image of Year 5 RE - Why is What Jesus Taught Still Important?
23 Jan

Year 5 RE - Why is What Jesus Taught Still Important?

In RE we are learning about Jesus as a teacher. We have read and thought about some of Jesus's parables, and His different teaching methods, such as storytelling and building relationships. We held a class discussion about what He taught was important to people, and the difference He made to people's lives, then and now.

Image of Year 3 - Visit To Church For The Communion Service
21 Jan

Year 3 - Visit To Church For The Communion Service

Today Year 3 went to church to take part in the Communion service. They wrote and read out their own prayers, as well as completing a reading from the bible. After the service they enjoyed having lunch with other members of the congregation who were at the service.

Image of Year 3 Epiphany - What Gift Would We Give Baby Jesus?
16 Jan

Year 3 Epiphany - What Gift Would We Give Baby Jesus?

Year 3 have been thinking about Epiphany and the gifts that were given to the Baby Jesus. They had to imagine that they were visiting the baby and think about what gift they would take and their reason for giving it.

Image of Reception - RE - Diwali
16 Jan

Reception - RE - Diwali

To finish our unit on Christmas, we learnt about another festival that celebrates light in our world, Diwali. The children learnt about different sources of light and talked about how light does overcome darkness. We then had fun with candles, glow sticks and torches and sang a simple Diwali song.

Image of Reception - Class Worship - Jesus Feeds the 5000
13 Jan

Reception - Class Worship - Jesus Feeds the 5000

This morning the children learned about the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. We discussed how we would have felt if Jesus shared out our lunch to thousands of people, and we considered the things Jesus might say to us. Jack shared out some breadsticks with the class as we thought about this story.

Image of Year 1 - RE - Epiphany
9 Jan

Year 1 - RE - Epiphany

In Year 1, we have been learning about Epiphany and particularly about the Festival Of The Three Kings that is celebrated in Spain. The children learnt that in Spain they eat an Epiphany cake with a tiny figurine of Jesus or a king hidden inside, as well as a black bean. If they get the figurine in their slice of cake then they get to be king for the day. If they get the bean, they have to pay for the cake! We decided to all be kings and queens and made beautiful crowns to wear.

Image of Year 6: R.E - Exodus
9 Jan

Year 6: R.E - Exodus

In R.E. year 6 have been thinking about what exodus means to Christians, with a focus on developing our understanding through subject specific vocabulary.

Image of Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert
18 Dec

Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert

Key Stage 2 were fantastic this morning in church for our annual Christmas Carol Concert. Everyone remembered their lines and said them so clearly, and the carols were sung beautifully by all. Well done KS2! Happy Christmas!

Image of Year 5 R.E. - Sorting the Nativity Story into Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel
5 Dec

Year 5 R.E. - Sorting the Nativity Story into Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel

In R.E we are learning about the Bible story of the Nativity. We have compared the story in the Bible to what we already know about the Christmas story, and found that some elements are in Matthew's Gospel (the three wise men) and some are in Luke's Gospel (the shepherds)! We then thought about why the two accounts are different, and the Gospel's audience and purpose .

Image of Year 5 R.E. - Learning about Holy Books
21 Nov

Year 5 R.E. - Learning about Holy Books

As part of our R.E. Bible Topic, we have studied Holy Books from World Religions, including the Torah and the Qur'an, comparing these sacred texts to the Bible. We learned that the Torah is made of scrolls and must be handwritten, and that Muslims must learn the Qur'an by memorising the text. We played a game where the children tried to memorise parts of the first verse of the Qur'an to tell their team - against the clock! It was difficult, but a lot of fun!

Image of Nursery - RE - Show And Tell: Recognising Family Members And Different Family Structures
18 Nov

Nursery - RE - Show And Tell: Recognising Family Members And Different Family Structures

During RE this week, Nursery class looked at our different families. We started by looking at a picture of baby Jesus and his family, the children noticed and named Mummy and Daddy in the picture and showed a good understanding of Jesus' immediate family. The children then got to show everybody their own family members! They took great joy in telling their friends about the pictures on the screen and naming who they could see. Some of our friends had really BIG families with lots of people and some of our friends had small families, we even had some pictures of fur-family members.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - Creating Marks And Following Patterns
30 Oct

Nursery - Literacy - Creating Marks And Following Patterns

Making links with Diwali celebrations, Nursery class have been making marks and following patterns in glitter. The children selected their mark making tools and used their fine motor skills to draw in the glitter, noticing the black void that their movements had made. The children were encouraged to copy the shapes made by their teachers, mimicking small and big movements. Some children were also able to slowly trace the patterns drawn under the glitter to reveal the lines.

Image of Year 4 Holy Communion
30 Oct

Year 4 Holy Communion

On Tuesday this week, Year 4 joined Rev Kev and some of the local community in church for a communion service. We enjoyed singing the beautiful hymn chosen, and listened and thought reflectively about the words spoken in the service. We had written our own hymns and some of us read them out, while others read part of a Bible reading.

Image of Year 5 R.E. - Researching the Timeline of the Bible Translations
3 Oct

Year 5 R.E. - Researching the Timeline of the Bible Translations

Year 5 used a website about the history of the Bible to help make timelines of Bible translations, going all the way back to the 1300's!

Image of Year  6 RE
11 Sep

Year 6 RE

Year 6 followed the journey made by Bishop Philip and made lots of decisions to tell him where to go.

Image of Year 1 R.E
9 Jul

Year 1 R.E

Year 1 have been learning about the Hindu creation story. They made groups pictures of what they had learned.

Image of Year 4 RE - Why Do We Pray?
4 Jul

Year 4 RE - Why Do We Pray?

We have been looking this week in to 'Why' people PRAY... We came up with: To Praise, To Repent, To Ask and to Yield... we then made this into a colourful acrostic art.

Image of Year 5 R.E
4 Jul

Year 5 R.E

In our R.E lesson this week we researched Deborah from the Bible. The children then noted down what makes a good leader and judge. The children came up with some fantastic answers.

Image of Year 2 Holy Communion
3 Jul

Year 2 Holy Communion

On Tuesday we went up to St James' Church to experience Holy Communion with the local congregation and Rev Kev.

Image of Year 3  Liturgical Board - Courage
27 Jun

Year 3 Liturgical Board - Courage

Year 3's Liturgical board is linked to the school theme of worship Courage. We talked about what courage is, how we show it and people of courage such as Martin Luther King Jr and Harriet Tubman. We also listened to the story of David and Goliath.

Image of Year 5 Thinking About the Decisions Moses' Mother had to Make.
26 Jun

Year 5 Thinking About the Decisions Moses' Mother had to Make.

Year 5 are currently looking at certain influential women in the Old Testament. This week we focused on Moses' Mother's hard decisions. The children had to decide if they agreed and also how her decisions affected her. It was an absolute emotional lesson where the children shone in their empathy and understanding. I was very proud of each and everyone of them.

Image of Reception RE: The Good Samaritan
19 Jun

Reception RE: The Good Samaritan

In RE today, Reception class acted out the parable of The Good Samaritan. They were shocked that religious leaders would walk past a very badly hurt person but someone from an "enemy country" would stop to help and care for him. We talked about how we can show love to everyone.

Image of Pre School-R.E- Noah and the Ark
19 Jun

Pre School-R.E- Noah and the Ark

Noah and the Ark In our R.E lesson the children have been learning about the story of Noah and how God sent a big flood. Noah and his family saved two of each animal from the flood. They waited 40 days before seeing land again. The children enjoyed role playing with the different animals and adding them into the Ark. The children also created their favourite animal from the story.

Image of Year 5 RE
18 Jun

Year 5 RE

In our RE lesson the children firstly had to decipher why certain women in the old Testament were famous from looking at the pictures. They then researched each of the women to find out exactly why they were in the Bible. Some of the children were surprised by the answers !

Image of Year 2 RE Investigating Mosques
14 Jun

Year 2 RE Investigating Mosques

In Year 2, we looked at the features of a Mosque using religious vocabulary. We then created our own Islamic pattern designs.

Image of Year 5 RE
13 Jun

Year 5 RE

The children researched significant females from the Bible and then fed their research back to the class.

Image of Year 6 Chip Party!
13 Jun

Year 6 Chip Party!

Year 6 joined a Zoom call yesterday in preparation for our Leavers Service at Blackburn Cathedral on July 2nd. Chip Kendall, who will be hosting the event, taught us some songs for the service and then we had some chips!

Image of Year 1 R.E. - Creation
12 Jun

Year 1 R.E. - Creation

Year 1 experienced creating new things during their first lesson on our unit of Creation.

Image of Year 4 Holy Communion
12 Jun

Year 4 Holy Communion

This week Year 4 have been to church to celebrate Holy Communion. The class were an asset to the school showing respect and prayer. We had some great readers and prayer intentions.

Image of Year 1 Courageous Advocacy - Marcus Rashford
23 May

Year 1 Courageous Advocacy - Marcus Rashford

Year 1 talked about being brave and how to be brave to 'stick up' for someone else. They learned about the famous footballer Marcus Rashford. Marcus was a courageous advocate for children who do not have enough to eat. He wrote to the Prime Minister on behalf of all the children in the country to ask if they could have free school meals.

Image of Year 2 Courageous Advocacy
23 May

Year 2 Courageous Advocacy

Year 2 took part in Courageous Advocacy Day and learned all about justice. Year 2 found out how Jonah helped the people of Nineveh to live fairly by God's rules Then how David showed courage when facing his fears.  We then learned all about Rosa Parks.

Image of Reception Class - A Visit from Rev Kev!
22 May

Reception Class - A Visit from Rev Kev!

As part of our Courageous Advocacy Day, Rev Kev came in to visit the Reception to talk about the work he does in the community. He talked about the food bank and helping those around us.  The children also enjoyed drawing pictures of Rev Kev doing his work!

Image of Reception Class -David and Goliath - Exploring Courage
22 May

Reception Class -David and Goliath - Exploring Courage

As part of our Courageous Advocacy Day, Reception talked about what it takes to be brave and courageous. We learnt that we do not have to be big in order to be brave. By acting out the story of David and Goliath, we learnt that when God is on our side we do not need to be afraid. A little person can make a big difference!

Image of Reception Class - Jonah and the Whale
22 May

Reception Class - Jonah and the Whale

As part of our Courageous Advocacy Day, the children in Reception learnt about justice and speaking up for doing the right thing. They learnt this through acting out the story of Jonah and The Whale and they enjoyed creating whale pictures and sentences about how God wants them to be.

Image of Year 6 RE: What Do We Learn About God From the Words and Actions of Jesus?
15 May

Year 6 RE: What Do We Learn About God From the Words and Actions of Jesus?

We discussed the question "What do we learn about God from the words and actions of Jesus?" and then wrote an answer to the question. The children used pictures of Jesus' actions and the words from the sermon on the mount as prompts to help with their writing.

Image of Reception RE Lesson learning about The Mosque.
15 May

Reception RE Lesson learning about The Mosque.

In Reception, we have continued our RE topic on Special Places. This week we were learning about The Mosque. Ms Dalal, Mrs Patel and Sohail from Year 6 answered many questions and showed us how they pray using a special counter. We were impressed that many children, including Sohail, go to The Mosque every day to learn the Quran. We were told that the boys and girls go in separate rooms and everyone takes off their shoes to show respect.

Image of A Visit to our Church for our RE Unit on Special Places.
8 May

A Visit to our Church for our RE Unit on Special Places.

As part of our RE unit on Special Places, Reception visited our local church. Rev Kev was there to show us around and the children enjoyed spotting all the crosses in the church. They could also see the font that is used to baptise babies, all the silver cups for communion and a beautiful stained glass window with a picture of Jesus .

Image of Year 3 - Church Visit - Communion
7 May

Year 3 - Church Visit - Communion

Today, Year 3 went to church to take part in the communion service. They read aloud their own prayers and also a reading to the congregation. After the service they stayed to have their lunch.

Image of Reception RE: Talking about our Special Places.
1 May

Reception RE: Talking about our Special Places.

In Reception class we have been talking about places that are special to us and also where people go to pray and learn about their faith.

Image of Year 2 Religious Education - Church
24 Apr

Year 2 Religious Education - Church

Year 2 RE - Year 2 went to visit Church to look at the special features it had. We found things like the altar, font and stained glass windows.

Image of UTW- Celebration of Eid
17 Apr

UTW- Celebration of Eid

Celebration of Eid The children today learnt about Eid. How it is celebrated and what happens before and on this special day. We had children from Year 6 that came down to nursery to talk about Ramadan and how they fasted for 30 days and did not eat in the day time. After this time the children talked about Eid and how they celebrated with family and friends, they went to the Mosque and received gifts. We then sat together to enjoy some food.

Image of Year 6 RE- Who is Jesus?
17 Apr

Year 6 RE- Who is Jesus?

Year 6 are learning about who is Jesus, and are hard at work thinking about what other people have said about Jesus - including famous people such as Elvis Presley and Albert Einstein, and also what is said in the lyrics of some worship songs, including Waymaker.

Image of Year 1 - R.E - Baptism
16 Apr

Year 1 - R.E - Baptism

Year 1 are learning about Baptism in R.E. In this lesson we were exploring different forms of Baptism ceremonies from around the world. We talked about the images and wrote down our thoughts and questions.

Image of Year 5 - Holy Communion
16 Apr

Year 5 - Holy Communion

Year 5 enjoyed Holy Communion and then had dinner with Rev Kevin and the congregation at St James' parish.

Image of Reception- RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders
10 Apr

Reception- RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders

Yesterday in R.E we looked at the story of the wise and foolish builders. After reading the story together we decided to create this scenario ourselves. The children built two lego houses, one of them stood on a solid foundation and the other stood on the sand. We used lots of water to mimic a flood, one house stood strong and the other fell down! The moral of the story being, if we listen to the words of God we will be wise and stand strong just like the builder who built his house on the rocks.

Image of Easter Competition Winners
28 Mar

Easter Competition Winners

A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.

Image of Pre School - Making Easter Bunnies
26 Mar

Pre School - Making Easter Bunnies

The children have had so much fun making Easter bunnies at the workshop table. The children used different materials and techniques to create their own bunny.

Image of Reception Class - Easter Crown Craft
26 Mar

Reception Class - Easter Crown Craft

Reception class have been busy working on their Easter crowns for our competition. They have been selecting different shapes and sticking them on to their Easter crowns.

Image of Reception - RE - The Last Supper
6 Mar

Reception - RE - The Last Supper

In RE yesterday the children were learning about the last supper. They washed their feet, just like Jesus and his disciples would have done. They then re-enacted the story together.

Image of Year 3 RE The Easter Story
29 Feb

Year 3 RE The Easter Story

In today's R.E. lesson year 3 have been thinking about the Easter Story. They have looked at and talked about different artists pictures then ordered them to follow the story. They used post it notes to write a key word for each picture and to draw a happy or sad face to say how it made them feel.

Image of Reception RE - The Walls of Jericho
24 Jan

Reception RE - The Walls of Jericho

In RE, Reception used their amazing acting skills to learn the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. Some children built the city of Jericho and then others followed Joshua with their trumpets and walked around the city 7 times. The walls came down with a lot of noise!

Image of Pre School RE Epiphany
16 Jan

Pre School RE Epiphany

We have had a great first week in nursery and today we have had our R.E session. We have explored the meaning of Epiphany. The children played with the three kings and went to meet Baby Jesus in the stable. We had to think about what we would give baby Jesus if we went to see him.

Image of Reception - RE - Diwali
6 Dec

Reception - RE - Diwali

In R.E this week we have been looking at Diwali, the Hindu festival of light! We spoke about the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Even the smallest light cannot be dimmed by the darkness. We used glow sticks and torches to test this theory, the result was beautiful and the children thoroughly enjoyed our own mini festival of light.

Image of Year 1 - RE
10 Nov

Year 1 - RE

In R.E. Year 1 have been learning about the differences between the world Jesus grew up in and the world they are growing up in. This week we talked about clothing and footwear. The children make some sandals from construction card that people would have worn in Jesus' day.

Image of Reception Class - Learning About Prayer
13 Sep

Reception Class - Learning About Prayer

Reception class had their first RE lesson this afternoon! We introduced the children to our 'chatterbox' which contains different items that we talk about each lesson. Inside our chatterbox today we had different items relating to communication, we spoke about how we can talk to God and discussed what a prayer was. The children gave some great answers!

Image of Y4 RE - Places of Worship Around the World
16 May

Y4 RE - Places of Worship Around the World

Today in R.E, we have been looking at different places of worship around the world. We have made a presentation showing the different ones we found.

Image of Rev Kev Visits Y2 - The Last Supper
3 Apr

Rev Kev Visits Y2 - The Last Supper

Rev Kev visited school on Monday to talk to the children about the Last Supper and linked this to The Eucharist. The children had the opportunity to taste some (unblessed) bread. They also asked and answered questions in detail showing him just how hard we have worked on our Easter unit.

Image of Y2 RE The Easter Story
16 Mar

Y2 RE The Easter Story

In RE this week Y2 have been looking at the Easter story and as a class they put the different events, from Palm Sunday to Easter Monday, in order.

Image of Reception RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders
22 Feb

Reception RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders

This afternoon, some of Reception class have been exploring the story of 'The wise and foolish builders'. The children worked together to build two houses, one on the sand and one on solid ground. Once they had finished building I told the children that we were going to pour lots of water on top to mimic the storm in our bible story. They were very excited about this! But first we made our predictions on what we thought would happen to each house. They all thought the house on solid ground would be the strongest and the house on the sand would fall! So we put their predictions to the test! And sure enough the house on the sand did fall down, it wasn't strong at all. Meanwhile the house on solid ground didn't budge!

Image of Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip
1 Nov

Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip

What an exciting first day back at school year 4 have had today, visiting two places of worship, Blackburn Cathedral and Jaame Masjid (Central Mosque). We have learnt so many interesting facts and have definitely been “wowed” by lots of things. Well done year 4, you have made us very proud today.

Image of Y2 RE - The Bible
23 Sep

Y2 RE - The Bible

In RE this term Y2 are learning about the Bible. Rev Kev visited class yesterday and showed the children a selection of different types of Bibles and allowed the children to explore them. He taught them a lot of interesting Bible facts and read different stories for them to enjoy.

Image of Y1 - RE - Harvest
12 Sep

Y1 - RE - Harvest

Year one have enjoyed talking about Harvest in our R.E lesson today, and where all different types of food come from. Year one all tried 3 different types of apple and we loved the Pink Lady apples, they are lovely and sweet.

Image of Y6 Church Visit - Eucharist Service
14 Jun

Y6 Church Visit - Eucharist Service

Year 6 had a great time in church this morning learning all about the Eucharist service with Rev Kev. We helped to set up the church, tried the unblessed wafers to see what they taste like, and then stayed for the service - Rev Kev even asked us to help out with a Bible reading! Well done Mark and Amy! And very well done to all the children, your behaviour was wonderful and so respectful, and I was very proud

Image of Easter Competition.
5 Apr

Easter Competition.

Our classes have been extremely busy creating their Easter entries for our competition, and what a fabulous job they have done! Miss Earp and Mrs Gettins have had the difficult job of judging the entries and choosing a first, second and third place for each class. The lucky winners will be announced in our Easter Worship tomorrow afternoon.

Image of Y1 - RE - Palm Sunday
22 Mar

Y1 - RE - Palm Sunday

Year 1 learned all about Palm Sunday. We talked about Jesus riding on a donkey and the crowd waving palm leaves. We all made palm leaves and acted out the events from that day long ago.

Image of Y5 -  RE, The Easter Story
17 Mar

Y5 - RE, The Easter Story

In RE today the children have been looking at versions of the Easter Story and the similarities and differences within them. We looked at Easter Angels, The garden, the cross and the curtain, and a YouTube adapted cartoon. We then discussed if the adaptations showed Easter as a time of victory. The children had some great ideas and worked brilliantly together, demonstrating their teamwork skills from Skills Builder too.

Image of Year 2 RE
26 Feb

Year 2 RE

In RE this week we have been learning about The Last Supper and how Jesus shared bread and wine with his 12 disciples and washed their feet before he died.

Image of Reception Class - RE.
2 Feb

Reception Class - RE.

This half term in RE Reception Class have been learning about stories Jesus heard. This week the story ws Noah's Ark. The children created their own loypop stick Arks and colourful rainbows.

Image of Making Shoes - Y1
3 Nov

Making Shoes - Y1

Year 1 had a great afternoon making shoes that could have been worn in Jesus’ time.