Reception - Class Worship - The Good Samaritan
This week in Class Worship, the children learned about kindess and dignity through the story of The Good Samaritan. The children spoke about the things they would do to show kindness to others.
Year 4 - Trip to Blackburn Cathedral.
Year 4 attended the moon exhibition at Blackburn Cathedral. We met with other Cidari schools to work in groups answering God’s big questions. We had a Worship with Bishop Phillip who taught us about the creation and asked us some questions; What words would you use to describe the moon? What does the moon make you think? How does the moon make you feel? The children took part in a number of workshops including dance, cooking, planting and clay sculptures, all representing one of God’s big question. The children were so well behaved and were great ambassadors for Darwen St James,
Year 4 Holy Communion
On Tuesday this week, Year 4 joined Rev Kev and some of the local community in church for a communion service. We enjoyed singing the beautiful hymn chosen, and listened and thought reflectively about the words spoken in the service. We had written our own hymns and some of us read them out, while others read part of a Bible reading.
Preschool-Worship-The Creation Story
In Worship with jack this week we have Looked at The Creation Story and discussed what we are Thankful for.
Year 2 Courageous Advocacy
Year 2 talked about what they like about their community and what they would like to improve.
Year 6 Class Worship: Perseverance
Year 6 are using our Class Worship time today to learn about the parable of the widow who persevered. We thought about a time in our own lives when we had to persevere at something difficult and eventually succeeded. A lot of examples were from our visit to PGL! We then wrote about our perseverance experiences.
Year 6 Chip Party!
Year 6 joined a Zoom call yesterday in preparation for our Leavers Service at Blackburn Cathedral on July 2nd. Chip Kendall, who will be hosting the event, taught us some songs for the service and then we had some chips!
Year 5 Picture News
In picture news Year 5 discussed the question, 'what is your identity?' The children gave some fantastic answers. One child said his identity was his personality, another mentioned their DNA!
Year 6 Picture News
In Year 6 this morning we had a special Picture News based on a poem about the SATs tests and how they don't test our real worth. The children had some amazing thoughts about what else the SATs don't test, like our love for our families and living a good life!
Year 2 What is Identity?
In picture news today we learned about identity and shared with each other what is special about them. What things are the same or different about each other?
Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone
Today in Church Year 3 and 4 performed our annual Easter performance in Church today, Roll Back the Stone.The children told the story of Easter through acting and song, and they did a marvellous job.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them this morning.
Green Jumper Winners - 17/11/23
A huge well done to this week’s green jumper winners! You have all worked extremely hard this week and these jumpers are well deserved.
Weekly Winners - 17/11/23
Well done to our weekly winners!
Remembrance Day - 2 Minute Silence
Today we carried out a 2 minute silence to honour the lives of those killed in the war.
Worship - Wednesday 18/5/22
We had our first Worship with Rev Kev today. He showed us the story of Jesus in the tomb through Minecraft. He taught us about how Christian’s have changed the world through their faith. We are looking forward to more of his teachings in Worship!
Wednesday Worship - Achieving our Goals.
Our Worship this morning was lead by Rev Rebecca. She showed us that it is easier to reach our goals if we have help. This help may come from God, our family, our teachers or our friends.
Welcome Back Worship.
It was a wonderful sight to see all of the children back together in the hall today for Worship.