For all the latest Art and Design curriculum news, please click here.


The subject lead for Art and Design at Darwen St James is Mrs Gonzalez.

Reception Class have been developing their painting and stamping skills to create caterpillars for our display.

The children also used paint and a folding skill to create symmetrical butterflies.

In Year 1 we have been exploring textiles. We learned how to weave using different materials on giant frames - it was fun! The we created our own fabric designs using a wax resist technique and made hanging structures using natural materials and wool.

In Year 2 we have been learning about collage. We have looked at the work of several artists including Henri Matisse, Bridget Riley and Kurt Schwitters and produced our own pieces of work in their style.

In Year 3 we have been looking at how to use textiles to show different prints. We first looked at how to dip dye fabrics, which the children really enjoyed. Then we moved onto looking at patterns in nature that the children then recreated. After that the children made a collagraph block that they then rolled with paint to create a piece of printed fabric with various patterns.

In Year 4 we have been learning about collage. We have looked at the work of Matisse, Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol. We have recreated some of their collage work, using various different techniques and effects.

Year 5 have been completing a textiles unit this half term. We have explored different layering techniques and examined the work of Michael Brennand-Wood. We have also created our own mini version of his work! 

Finally, we have practised our dip-dying and tie-dying techniques using the wrapping, twisting and knotting work of Wood. We are excited to create our own bandanas for Miss Peckson’s dog to wear! 

Year 6 have designed jaguar masks to link our art topic to our History topic about the Mayas.  We learnt about how the Maya people used to worship the jaguar, and that wearing a jaguar mask was how they showed power and strength.



Reception have been painting self portraits as part of their all about me topic. They have explored the different coloured paints and used mirrors to identify our features, painting them onto paper.

Year 1

Year 1 have explored how to make a different surface for drawing and painting during this terms ‘Drawing’ unit.   They have used a variety of materials to create these surfaces.  Later we experienced drawing and painting on these alternative surfaces.

Year 2

Year 2 have been developing their drawing skills using different mediums such as pencils, paint, charcoal and pastels. We have looked at different ways of making marks to create effect and developed our observational drawing skills.

Year 3

Year 3 has been exploring different drawing techniques. Firstly they looked at the types of brush strokes used by Vincent Van Gogh to then create their own. They moved on to listening to a story about the scary Hippocrump. The children then had to draw from the story what they thought the Hippocrump looked like.


Year 4

This term we have been looking at shading and how we can use different shading techniques such as stippling, hatching, cross hatching, smoothing, blending and scumbling. We have also looked at inspiration from our class artist; Kandinsky.

Year 5

Year 5 have been using and developing their drawing skills this half term. They have also been using a range of media to create their art work including pencil, graphite and also a rubber to create negative drawings.

Year 6

In our drawing lessons this term, Year 6 have been firstly using sketching techniques to explore different drawing mediums and shading.  We moved on to using these techniques when sketching shells.  After this, we used black and white portraits of people to explore light, medium and dark tones, which we drew out from the photos using three different colour sharpie pens onto clear plastic which was covering the photos.

Two’s Room

We have been very busy creating lots of different artwork. We have made lots of different farm animals using different materials. We have explored colours and mixing the colours. We have been making marks using different mark making tools.

Pre School


Reception has been creating natural collages from the objects they have collected from our nature walks. They have also been making paper bouquets for Mother’s Day, developing their cutting skills.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Art and Design Curriculum

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