Pre-School-Expressive Arts and Design- Valentine's Craft
The children have been busy using different materials to create Valentine items. The children have used cutting techniques to cut foil and tissue paper to make paper flowers. Making cards for the people we love, writing their names into the card and designing the front cover. We have mixed coloured glue to make different marks and watched what happened to the colours.
Year 1 - Art And Design - Making Weather Sculptures
Year 1 used their weather sculpture designs from last week to make their creations. They selected a range of materials based on their learning about materials from this unit and made some wonderful seasonal trees, suns and clouds.
Year 3 Art - Using Hot Colours To Paint A Volcano Landscape
In Art, Year 3 have been exploring how to use hot colours such as orange, yellow and red to paint a landscape picture of a volcano. They used white and black to lighten and darken the colours as they used them to add tone to their pictures.
Pre-School- Expressive Arts And Design- Wheels On The Bus
Out in the garden the children helped create a bus using the different materials we could find. Once the bus was ready the children climbed aboard and off we went to the zoo, park and Blackpool tower. We added some singing along the way, singing wheels on the bus as we went on our adventures.
Year 2 - Art: Architecture
We have been drawing objects in the classroom using continuous lines and varied line types, and have then used these skills to draw the Taj Mahal and the Soloman Guggenheim Museum.
Year 1 - Art And Design - Sculpting Using Paper
Year 1 are exploring sculptures in their Art and Design lessons. This week we experimented with joining, folding and rolling paper in different ways to create various sculptures.
Year 1 - Art and Design - 3D Making - Exploring and Joining Materials
Year 1 explored various materials that they could use in their sculptures. They experimented with paper, sugar paper, tin foil, paper clips, lolly sticks, glue and cardboard to create a variety of sculptures.
Nursery - Art And Design - Creating Eric Carle Inspired Animals
In Nursery class this week our story of interest has been 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?'. The children enjoyed exploring the different colors and animals featured in the story during our craft activity. They were tasked with using our story props to support their understanding of colour. All of the children were encouraged to vocalise the colour names, some children were able to identify the colors they could see and correctly find the colored tissue paper they would need for their chosen animal. They then created animal art work in the style of the author Eric Carle. The children produced some brilliant pieces of work, well done everyone!
Year 1 - Art And Design - Looking At Sculptors And Their Work
Year 1 looked at the creations of several sculptors and discussed their work. They interpreted each piece of work for themselves. Later, Year 1 made sketches in their books that were inspired by what they had seen.
Year 1 - Making Christmas Calendars
Year 1 enjoyed making Christmas Calendars this week. We used a photograph of ourselves in our Christmas jumpers and decorated the calendar for our adults.
Reception - Computing - Colouring Christmas Pictures
Reception Class have been using 2 Paint a Picture to create their own festive pictures. They were able to select different patterns and textures to decorate their pictures.
Reception Class - Art and Design - Painting and Decorating Christmas Trees
Reception used paint for the base of their Christmas tree. Once it had dried the children used different media, such as ribbon, glitter, pom-poms and sequins to decorate them. They used PVA glue to make sure all of their decorations were secure.q
Year 2 Art and Design - Sketching Natural Objects By the Way They Feel
Today in art we collected some more natural objects and made drawings thinking about the way they feel.
Year 1 - Art and Design - Using Water Soluble Felt Tips and Water To Enhance A Drawing.
Year 1 built on their drawings of shells from last week by using felt tips and water. They drew their shell in their books and then chose two complimentary colours. They used the felt tips to highlight dark and light on their shell and then applied water with a brush.
Reception Class -Stick Man
This week, Reception Class have been reading the story of Stick Man. The children have really enjoyed the book, joining in with repeated words and phrases. The children have been collecting and decorating sticks, making their own stick person. They have also used playough to represent the Stick Man and different characters from the story.
Year 3 Art - Drawing By Torchlight
In their art lesson Year 3 continued their work on using charcoal. Today they drew a still life of toys lit by torches, creating atmospheric drawings with a strong narrative content.
Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making
The Pre-School children have been developing their fine motor skills this week. They have used the play dough to roll, press and shape into a penguin. The children rolled the body and splatted the dough to shape eyes, a nose or used the enhancements to create wings and feet. The children have been building up muscle strength in their fingers.
Year 3 - Art - Using Charcoal
In Art, Year 3 have continued looking at the different ways they can use charcoal. They drew around their hands using light and dark lines then used their fingers to smudge the charcoal to form a shadow. After smudging the charcoal they drew a picture of an animal using the charcoal on their fingers.
Year 4 Christmas Card Competition
We had great fun completing our cards for the Christmas Card competition this week! We showed some real creativity and there were some fabulous outcomes!
Year 1 - Art and Design - Looking Carefully and Drawing Accurately
Year 1 experienced looking very closely at objects and noticing the light and dark on images. They used pencil to draw using a continuous line and using criss cross movements to create shadow.
Year 3 Art - Discovering What I Can Do With Charcoal
In Art, Year 3 has been learning about Chiaroscuro, an Italian word meaning 'light-dark' and we looked at three pictures including Leonardo da Vinci's 'Saint John the Baptist'. They looked at how Cave people created pictures using burnt wood then created their own pictures with charcoal using light and dark marks.
Pre-School - Expressive Arts And Design- Creating Bug Houses
The children are creating bug houses for the bugs to keep warm over winter, selecting from different materials to create their own bug house.
Year 2 - Art - Collecting and Creating Pictures
In Art, Year 2 went outside and collected natural objects to create their own collages thinking about shape and pattern.
Year 1 - Art And Design - Making Sketchbooks
Year 1 made sketchbooks as part of our unit on Drawing. We collected different types of paper and made sure they were about the same size. Then we folded each piece in half and stacked them. Finally, we added a cover of card and secured them using an elastic band.
Nursery - Art And Design - Creating Hedgehogs Using Foraged Leaves
While enjoying time in our outdoor provision the children worked together to collect some different leaves to use in our craft activity. They used their foraged leaves to create some spikey hedgehogs! The children found it tricky to work on a cylindrical surface however they persevered and made some fabulous leaf hedgehogs!
Year 3 Art - Using Charcoal
In Art, Year 3 have been discovering the different things they can do with charcoal through gestural mark making.
Year 1 Art and Design - Using Chalk To Develop Our Spiral Drawings
Year 1 enjoyed developing their spiral drawings with chalk and pastels.
Reception Class - Art and Design - Firework Pictures
Reception Class have been learning all about bonfire night. Using different coloured paint and toilet roll tubes cut with patterned scissors, the children have created their own fireworks. Using a dabbing skill, the children explored mixing colours and printing on to black paper.
Year 2 - Art - Creating Visual Lists Of Our Outdoor Environment
Year 2 learnt about how artists are explorers and collectors. We sketched visual lists of our environment to see where we could explore for our art inspiration.
Pre-School-E.A.D Exploring Print with Wild Animals
The children used Wild Animal figures dipped them in paint and used them to make prints.
Year 4 Art
This week, we finished our second novel of the year - The Danger Gang! As our art unit is about drawing stories, we decided to illustrate out favourite moments from the book, and add a catchy caption. There were some excellent captions and sketches by all of the children.
Year 4 Art
This week we looked at 2 different artists - Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. We created visual notes in our sketchbooks, trying to use their sketching style. We even used biro pens to sketch like Shaun!
Reception Class - Art and Design - What Can I See? Finding Circles
In Reception we have been exploring the question 'what can I see?' We looked around our envionment, hutning for circles. Look at how many we found!
Year 5 Art - Typography Using Different Materials
Year 5 are learning how to create typography in our Art lessons this term, which is the art of lettering. We used different materials like sticks, grasses, and screws and bolts to create letters, which we then sketched.
Year 4 Drawing and Sketching
This week, year 4 have used sketching pencils in different grades to sketch everyday objects around the classroom. We looked at six different shading skills and then used these on our own sketches. We particularly liked the ink shading with a 6B pencil.
Nursery- Art-Colours
In Expressive Arts and Design this week we have been exploring colours. We watched the colours change when mixed together and gave meanings to our marks.
Year 3 DT - Making A Pop Up Book
Year 3 completed their pop up books this week. They learnt how to design the characters for their chosen nursery rhymes and how to make their pop ups work.
Year 6 Leavers Disco
Year 6 making their decorations for their leavers Disco tonight! There's paper chains and bunting all over the place and a lot of excitement in the air!
Year 2 Computing Repeating Patterns
Year 2 explored the art work of William Morris and then created their own repeating wallpaper patterns using the pattern tool on 2Paint.
Nursery - Computing - Can You Draw A Sea Animal?
The children in Nursery class have accessed the interactive board to create a picture of a sea animal. They each chose their favorite sea animal from the basket, we discussed what it was called and what characteristics we could see on the animal. The children then selected a colour or texture for their picture and began to make marks on the board to represent their sea animal. They made some fabulous masterpieces and were very proud of their work!
Year 3 Art - Making A Moving Picture Book
In today's art lesson, Year 3 began to put together their moving picture books. They designed their own cover based on their favourite nursery rhyme and completed the first step in making the pop up part inside.
Nursery - Art - Colour Mixing
Nursery class have been working on colour recognition and also exploring color mixing with paint. The children used the three prime colours, red, blue and yellow, to create their pictures and were encouraged to talk about the colours they could see in their work.
Year 1 Skills Builder - Art Gallery
Year 1 enjoyed developing their creative skills on Skills Builder Day. They looked for inspiration from famous artworks of the seaside, cityscapes, the countryside and abstract art. They then created their own mini gallery.
Reception Class - A Visit from Rev Kev!
As part of our Courageous Advocacy Day, Rev Kev came in to visit the Reception to talk about the work he does in the community. He talked about the food bank and helping those around us. The children also enjoyed drawing pictures of Rev Kev doing his work!
Reception Class -Maths - Complex Patterns
In Maths, Reception Class has been learning about patterns as part of our topic on shapes. Today the children brightened up the houses of Darwen by drawing complex patterns on their houses!
Reception Class - Jonah and the Whale
As part of our Courageous Advocacy Day, the children in Reception learnt about justice and speaking up for doing the right thing. They learnt this through acting out the story of Jonah and The Whale and they enjoyed creating whale pictures and sentences about how God wants them to be.
Year 3 Art - Printing Collograph Blocks
In Art today, Year 3 used the collograph blocks they designed last week to print onto fabric squares using rollers and coloured ink.
Pre-School- UTW- Art- Colour Mixing
The children have been exploring colours, we used the three primary colours and watched what happens when the colours got mixed together. The children then went on to mix paint colours on their hands to watch the effects change in front of them.
Year 4 Art - Victor Vasarely
We have been looking at the work of Victor Vasarely. We have been comparing and contrasting and recreating some art in his style of work.
Year 1 - Art and Design - Knotting and Winding
In Textiles, Year 1 have been experimenting with knotting and wrapping techniques. They practised knotting wool to a stick and then winding it around until the whole stick was covered.
Pre-school- Art-Space pictures
Space Art The children have been exploring space. We have been very creative using different materials that are 3D, hard, soft and shiny to add texture to our pictures. The children used stars, glitter and foil to make their amazing Space art.
Year 3 Art - Exploring Different Patterns From Other Cultures
In art year 3 have been exploring patterns from different cultures.
Year 2 Art - Exploring Colours
Year 2 explored primary and complementary colours in art this week using different materials to create six collages.
Year 4 Art - Complimentary Colours - Paul Klee
Year 4 have been continuing their work on referencing the art of Paul Klee using complementary colours.
Year 3 Art Dip Dying
Year 3 in their art lesson this week have been trying dip dying. They dipped their piece of material into four different colours of ink and created a tie dye pattern.
Year 2 Art inspired by Henri Matisse
Year 2 created their own spiral pictures inspired by Henri Matisse.
Year 1 - Textiles
Year 1 are learning about weaving in our Art unit of Textiles. In these photographs, the children are embellishing strips of fabric with pom poms, glitter and sticky shapes. In our next lesson, they will use these to weave a whole class piece of work.
Year 4 - Art - Paul Klee
Today in Art we have been looking at the work of Paul Klee and his use of complementary colours.
Easter Competition Winners
A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.
Easter Egg Competition
This year our competition theme was the Paris Olympics and we have had some eggstrodinary entries! Well done ot every family that entered this years competiton, the judges have had an eggstremely dificult decision this year! The winners will be announced in our special Easter Worship tomorrow, you are all welcome to join us.
Pre School - Making Easter Bunnies
The children have had so much fun making Easter bunnies at the workshop table. The children used different materials and techniques to create their own bunny.
Reception Class - Easter Crown Craft
Reception class have been busy working on their Easter crowns for our competition. They have been selecting different shapes and sticking them on to their Easter crowns.
Reception Class - Design and Technology - Creating Rockets
As part of our space theme the children have been using diffferent materials to create a rocket. The children used joining, linking, cutting and sticking skills to create their designs, they worked really hard to finish their creations.
Two’s Room - Art and Design - Creating Flowers
We had lots of fun making our own flower pictures today, just like in our story.
Pre School - Collage Creations
Today in funky fingers we used the scissors to cut the different wild animal prints to make a collage picture. Very impressed with our cutting skills.
Pre - School - Van Gogh - 3D Flowers
The children have been exploring the Artist Van Gogh and this week the children have created 3D flowers to stand out of the picture. This also links to our Literacy story Katie and the sunflowers. The children learnt new skills, rolling up the tissue paper in different ways to get a different effect.
Two’s Room - Messy Fun!
We enjoyed having some messy fun, using the tractors to create marks with paint.
Two’s Room - On the Farm
We have had lots of fun today looking at our new story all about the farm. We enjoyed playing with the farm and the animals. We created pigs today using paper plates and pink paint.
Pre School - Katie’s Sunflowers
In literacy this week we have started a new story called Katie and the sunflowers. Katie goes to a gallery and sees a beautiful picture of some sunflowers. We discussed what we would see in a gallery and learnt some new words from Grandma Fantastic. We decided to create our very own sunflowers.
Reception - Playdough Christmas Trees
This morning we have been creating some christmas trees at our playdough table. The children have moulded their playdough into tree shapes and used lots of materials to decorate them, including gems, beads, pompoms and pipe cleaners. They did a great job and have created some Fabulous trees!
2’s Room - Dinosaur Art
We have been very creative today making big dinosaurs together, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We used natural materials to create our dinosaurs.
2’s Room - Finger Painting
The children have been using their fingers and paint to make marks on the dinosaur picture.
Reception Class - Anti Bullying Posters
Today the children have been talking about how we can be a kind friend. We discussed what bullying means and what we can do if somebody is unkind to us. W then made some posters to put up in our classroom and around school.
Y3 Art and Design - Drawing
Year three have been looking at Drawing in art. Today they listened to the poem 'The Hippocrump' and then drew their own imaginary Hippocrump and then used oil pastels to colour them.
Year 2 Art
Today in Year 2 art, we listened to a variety of different types of music whilst making marks with a variety of mediums - chalk, charcoal, pencils and pastels.
Y2 Art and Design - Using Different Tools
Year 2 have been making a range of marks using different tools.
Year 5 Art - Textiles
This morning year 5 have completed their Textiles topic in Art. We have worked hard to look at different techniques for tie-dying before completing their own bandanna for Miss Peckson’s dog! As you can see they’ve completed some beautiful work, even if it has been a bit messy!
Year 6 Easter Craft
Year 6 had a lovely Easter craft day on Monday. In the morning they were making Easter gardens and in the afternoon they painted rocks with words to show how even the rocks sang out praise to Jesus.
Y1 - Collaborative Art - Fireworks
In art and design year one have been creating a collaborative picture of the night sky on bonfire night. They used chalk, crayon and oil pastels to create the effect.
Reception Class - Creating Rockets
Reception Class have been creating rockets by cutting out 2D shapes and sticking them together.
Reception Class - Pompom Spiders
We have made some pompom spiders this afternoon! The children did a great job at following the instructions. Once we had finished the children decided where they wanted to hang their spiders.
Y5 - Art, Enlarging Images
In Art this afternoon, Y5 have been enlarging images they created last week through our study of Hundertwasser. The children focused on the shapes, lines and bold colours he used. They then enlarged their work to A4 size and chose a method of colouring- watercolour, chalk, pastel or graphite. Their work is beautiful!
Reception - Self Portraits
Today Reception have been creating self portraits, looking at our features in the mirror and drawing what we could see.
Reception Class - Painting Day
Today the children have been exploring and mixing primary colours to see what other colours they could make.
Year 3 - Art - Sean Scully.
Painting day in Year 3 today, we are starting with investing which colours we can make using primary and secondary colours. We then painted pictures in the style of Sean Scully.
Nursery - 2's Room and Pre School, Collaborative Art.
The 2's room and Pre-School have had lots of fun today creating a collaborative piece of artwork together.
Easter Competition.
Our classes have been extremely busy creating their Easter entries for our competition, and what a fabulous job they have done! Miss Earp and Mrs Gettins have had the difficult job of judging the entries and choosing a first, second and third place for each class. The lucky winners will be announced in our Easter Worship tomorrow afternoon.
Y1 - Printing
Year 1 have been using a range of different media to create their own print pictures.
Year 5 Art and Design.
Year 5 have been learning how to create African prints. This afternoon we are transferring our prints to blocks ready to use rollers to print our designs into our sketch books! It’s very tricky but the children are applying their growth mindset and persevering.
Year 3 Art and Design.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their Art lesson today. They had to create positive and negative prints.
Y2 Art
In Art, we listened to the story of 'The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark' then created our own owl painting. We experimented using different tools to try and get the texture of the feathers.
Y3 Art and Design
In Art and Design the children in Year 3 have explored Islamic patterns and then selected a pattern for them to develop. They really enjoyed the lesson, some superstar artists!
Y4 Art - Kandinsky
In art today, Year 4 have started working in the style of Kandinsky.