For all the latest RE curriculum news, please click here.

The subject lead for Religious Education at Darwen St James is Miss Peckson.


At Darwen St James, our vision and values are at the heart of everything we do. We provide children and families with a warm and nurturing environment in which all children can grow and learn.

In RE, we follow the Questful RE Scheme, developed by The Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education and supplement this with Understanding Christianity, a resource developed by the Church of England Education Office. Our strong RE curriculum is centred around pupils' spiritual, moral, cultural, and emotional development, making a significant contribution in preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of later life. Our curriculum strengthens our understanding of Christian values, empowering pupils to make positive choices. Through the syllabus, we ensure there are  opportunities to develop children's enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection skills, deepening their understanding of the impact of religion on the world and enabling them to express personal views with consideration and confidence.


The Christian vision for the academy is ‘to treasure and love every individual, for pupils to have a thirst for learning, love for life and embrace the future with Christian hope and confidence’. Its mission statement is ‘working together, to love, to learn, to live’. These two impressive statements of intent are at the very heart of the academy’s work. Pastoral support through Christian love and care is exemplary.

SIAMS Inspection Report 2017

RE Documentation 23/24

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Pre School

In nursery this half term we have been learning about Jonah and the Whale, how he did not listen to God and got swallowed up by the whale then prayed to God to say sorry. The children pieced a whale back together again and then they were able to recall the story, characters and why it had happened. We have also been exploring the story of Daniel and the Lion and creating beautiful lions to role play our story.



Reception have been learning about special places in RE. The children enjoyed looking at a Christian place of worship - Church, and a Muslim place of worship - a mosque. 
The children have discussed their special places with each other and looking at different holy places around the world.


Year 1

In Year 1 we have been learning all about Baptism.  We have talked about our own experiences of naming ceremonies, Christenings and Baptisms and named some of the objects usually associated with this event.  One afternoon we took a baby doll to church and Rev. Kev performed a Baptism Service for us to take part in.  We chose parents and God Parents and we used the font, blessed the water and made promises to God.


Year 2

Year 2 have been thinking about the question ‘Why is the church a special place for Christians?’ We began the unit by thinking of somewhere that is special to us and what makes a place special. We then talked about how the church is special to Christians but how it is made up of the people, not just the building. The children also looked at images of Jesus praying and thought about why a mountainside would be a good place to pray. They also visited St James Church and Rev Kev talked to the children about different artefacts and their meanings.


Year 3

Year 3 has been looking at rules that we follow at home or in school. They have also discussed what the difference is between rules and laws. The children then had great fun completing a set of silly rules that the teachers had to follow. The children then looked at God’s rules-the Ten commandments and then they discussed with their talking partners which of those rules still apply or which ones need to be changed.


Year 4

In year 4 we have been looking at the question: Are all churches the same? We created presentations showing different churches from around the world, we were amazed by the beautiful and interesting places of worship that we found. We investigated how churches began which took us to the Bible with Jesus, Peter and a rock. We have compared different churches and found similarities and differences.

We have looked at our school values and compared them to the letter that St Paul told the Christians, we then made posters to illustrate the similarities. Finally we interviewed Rev Kev and asked him lots of questions!


Year 5

In year 5 we have been looking  at Loss, Death and Hope. We have examined text used in funerals and burials, and bible quotes with the intention of deciphering what this tells us about Christian beliefs about death. We looked at artists' interpretations of heaven and Christian quotes to help us to visualise our own version of heaven, which we then created using water colours. 

We have also researched rituals around death in different religions, and created posters about these which we have delivered as presentations to the class.

Click the links below to see some of our wonderful powerpoints.

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Year 6

Year 6 have been exploring ideas about God this term.  We began by looking at the stories about God in the Old Testament, such as Noah and the House of Babel, and thought about the character and personality of God in these stories.  We then looked at the words Jesus said about God, and also what we learn about God from Jesus’s behaviour.  We discovered that God has many names, and we created a graffiti wall with adjectives we chose to describe God, such as Creator and Provider.  We also learnt more about God from the words of prayers and Christian songs, and we wrote our own Celtic knot prayers to explore the idea of the Holy Trinity.

This was the first of our World Faith Days

Each class spent the day learning about a different aspect of Sikhism and then presented their work to the whole school at the end of the day. We all had such a wonderful day and learnt so much about Sikhism.


Pre school

In nursery, we have been learning about Sikhism and the different things that they believe in. We enjoyed looking at all of the special items that they have and enjoyed meeting Harjet, the persona doll and discussing what he was wearing. We then created our own lions as Singh means lion in the Sikhism faith. We had so much fun learning the bhangra dance and we all did so well.



Reception have been learning about special times, and we have focussed on the festival of Vaisakhi.

We have learned that the Sikh symbol - khanda is used as decoration during the festival. We have made our own Vaihaki flags using paint and glitter, just like Sarjbot did. We had a story with Harjeet, the persona doll, learning all about the 5 K’s. Finally we learned a bhangra dance, a traditional dance for the Visakhi.


Year 1

Year 1 looked at the book ‘Hats of faith’, focusing on the turban.  We watched the BBC clip ‘What’s on your head?’ and practised tying our own turbans on each other.  We learned that Sikhs do not cut their hair.  We made paper turbans and in the afternoon we learned all about the Sikh naming ceremony when the baby is given honey and their name is chosen out of the Sikh holy book.


Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about the Gurdwara. They started the day on a sensory journey; walking to the Gurdwara, looking the the Nishan Sahib (flag) with the Khanda symbol. They entered the Gurdwara and  took off their shoes before listening to music, looking at a picture of Guru Nanak, listening to a Granthi reading the Guru Granth Sahib and then entered the Langar kitchen where we thought about the foods, smells and experience of eating whilst sitting on the floor. We then made our own Nishan Sahib and Golden temple (most famous Gurdwara in India) and wrote about each of them. 

We finished the day by joining Year 4 in their Langar Kitchen where they served us Dahl curry with chapati. All the children tried the food and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thank you for inviting us, Year 4!


Year 3

Year 3 learnt about the Five Ks.  The Kanga is a comb worn in the hair under the turban and means pure and clean thoughts.  The Kara a steel bangle that showed no beginning and no end and means that God is eternal. The Kirpan is a sword used by soldiers and worn to show dignity and honour. The Kesh is uncut hair that is combed twice a day, symbolising strength and willingness to obey God.  The Kachera are shorts worn under their clothes to show they are sacred and show modesty . 

We read a story about a young girl who is about  to be a part of a Amrit Ceremony of initiation, or Amrit Sanskar, which is a baptism when Sikhs become baptised Sikhs, take new names, and wear the 5 Ks.  

The children then worked independently and in small groups to write and draw what they had learnt and to match the Five Ks with their explanations.


Year 4

In year 4 we focused our learning around ‘The Langar’. We now know that the langar is a community kitchen that is always placed inside any gurdwara and it is free food for all. They take off their shoes and everyone sits on the floor to eat their food, as no one is more important than anyone else - everyone is equal. We learnt about how the first langar started and we did some interesting role play. We made our own langar and served our year 2’s with chapati and dal, which most of us thought was delicious!


Year  5

Year 5 have focused on the Guru Granth Sahib. We learned all about the special book by looking at extracts and listening to videos about its importance from different people in the Sikh community. We then researched the book and made fact file posters sharing 5 facts about it- our favourite was how Sikhs open it randomly and use the first word on the top line, on the left hand side to select their children’s name at birth! We then learnt about the Mool Matra which is the statements of beliefs Sikhs have in their Guru Granth Sahib. The statements tell Sikhs about their God and his qualities. Some of the statements were tricky to understand so we needed to use our inference skills to decipher what they might mean. Finally, we looked at how Sikhs decorate their homes with wall hangings made up of the Mool Mantra - we made our own versions using coloured card and wrote our own phrases about God.


Year 6

Year 6 had a fantastic day learning all about Sikh pilgrimages to the Golden Temple.  We know that a pilgrimage is a special and sacred journey that people of all religions take to a significant place linked to their faith.  The children did their own research about the Golden Temple, and why somebody would want to do a pilgrimage there.  We discovered that a Sikh pilgrim to the Golden Temple would visit there to be closer to his or her God.  We learned about the history of the Temple, the significant features of the building (that it is next to a holy lake, and there are doors on all 4 sides to welcome anyone from anywhere).  We also learned all about what happens inside the Temple, including the langar kitchen which feeds everyone for free, and is one of the largest kitchens in the world.

Lastly, we put everything we have learned into a mini play which we performed for the school, and everyone in the class contributed to writing the script!


At the end of the day, each class presented their work in an assembly.


Pre School

This half term the children have been developing their understanding of the story of Noah’s Ark, the children named animals going into the Ark and and why God sent a flood. 

We have also learnt about Moses and what happened to him when he was a baby and how God spoke to him from a burning bush.



This half term Reception has been learning about special times. The children have brought in some photographs of their special times and talked about them with their friends.

We also explored Sikhism and the festival of Vaisakhi.


Year 1

Year 1 have been learning about Creation.  We have experienced creating something and talked about how we feel about this.  We have learned about what Christians believe God created and that this story is found in the book of Genesis in the Bible.  We have also explored the Muslim and Hindu creation stories.


Year 2

In RE this term, Year 2 have been learning about Ascension and Pentecost. We started the unit by learning about Jesus ascending into heaven and the children thought about and drew their interpretation of heaven. We then looked at Pentecost and how the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. The children completed some super writing, thinking about ‘Before the Holy Spirit came’, ‘When the Holy Spirit came’ and ‘After the Holy Spirit’ came.


Year 3

In Year 3 the children have been looking at the topic, 'Rules for living'. Within this topic they have considered the importance of the 10 commandments and whether or not they are still appropriate for today. We then removed-Thous shalt not kill the discussion that led was very highlighting in what would actually happen to society. The children were quite astonished at what would actually happen. We then discussed Jesus’ new commandment and how he taught it though the story of the Good Samaritan.They then had to plan a new version of the story. Some children sequenced the story, whilst others worked in pairs to plan a new version. They worked really hard.


Year 4

In Year 4 we have been looking at the unit called ‘Prayer’ . We have learnt that prayer is a way of communicating with God and that there are so many different ways in which people pray. We have looked at different world faiths and have learnt similarities and differences around praying. We know that Christians believe that God always listens and responds to their prayers. We have enjoyed reading and looking at lots of different kinds of prayers and we have even written some of our own prayers.


Year 5

In year 5 we have been looking at significant women from the Old Testament. We have followed the stories of Abigail, Rahab, Deborah, Hannah and Esther. We looked at the actions of the women and debated if we would make the same choices. We acted out the story of Esther which was the foundation for the Jewish festival of Purim- another aspect of religion which we have studied. We pretended to be part of the festival in the synagogue and made loud noises when the villains name was said, just how the Jewish do.


Year 6

In Year 6, we have been learning about people of faith.  We looked at the difference between having faith in something or someone, and having a religious faith.  We studied how people of faith behave, and what Christians do to bring God’s Kingdom about on Earth.  We thought about what Jesus said about faith, and also thought about how Jesus’s early followers spread the word about faith in Jesus.  We made instructional posters based on Paul’s teachings in Romans, Thessalonians and Colossians. We also learnt about Terry Waite, and how his faith helped him when he was made hostage in Beirut.

2s room

In the two’s room, we have been looking at our special RE area and our children’s bible. We talked about how in our bible there are some lovely stories that we will be reading. We also talked about God and how he loves us all and created our very own love heart picture using our fingerprints. We also looked at harvest and talked about the farmers gathering the food for us to eat. We then created pictures using different fruit and vegetables.


Pre school

Pre school have been exploring the story of creation, learning that our stories for God come from the Bible. We looked at all the days and what God created on each of them. We also looked at how God created us and make as all special. We have also explored Harvest and that the farmer collects the fruit and vegetables that have been grown and we share these with people we love and what to help. The children role played being the farmer in the sand area, planting and pulling veg from the ground.



This half term we have been learning all about prayer. The children have talked about how we communicate with one another and that prayer is talking and listening to God. They had fun learning the story of Daniel and the Lion’s den by acting it out. They have also been learning about prayer in other religions. For Muslims there are very clear actions and ways to prepare for prayer which they enjoyed learning, as well as using the chatterbox of prayer items to explore different ways to pray.


Year 1

This half term, Year 1 have been learning about Harvest.  They have looked at food packaging and decided where in the world the food has come from.  They have learned about the meaning of the word Harvest and looked at different pieces of art work depicting people gathering food throughout history in different ways.  Year 1 also learned about the work of Christian Aid and how they help people around the world who do not have enough food.  For their World Faith Unit, Year 1 learned about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and made decorations for their own Sukkah.


Year 2

In Year 2 we have been learning about the Bible. We started by sharing books that are special to us, we brought some in from home to share with everyone. We also looked at how the Bible originated from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Rev Kev also visited us to talk about his experiences of the Bible and he showed us lots of different types, including a Minecraft one!


Year 3

Year 3 has been learning about Harvest. They began by thinking about 'What is harvest' and thought of some questions they would like to find out the answers to. They investigated the times Harvest is mentioned in the Bible and thought about why communities celebrate harvest. Then thinking deeper, the children explored the meaning of Harvest and what it means to Christians.


Year 4

We have been looking at the topic of ‘David and the Psalms’ and have enjoyed researching and recounting biblical stories featuring David such as ‘David and Goliath’ and how ‘David serves Saul’ exploring the deeper messages of the qualities of Kingship and Friendship and what values we consider to be important.


Year 5

This half term Year 5 have been learning all about the Bible. We looked understanding that it is a holy text, we later linked that to other religions and their holy texts. We looked at the Bible and Christianity and how a Bible is important to Christians. We also discussed why there are so many versions of the Bible.


Year 6

Year 6 have been studying the idea about Life as a Journey this half term.  We have thought about journeys we have taken in the past, created a personal timeline called ‘the journey of my life’, thought about what we would need to pack in a suitcase for our journeys for life; and then considered how the life journey of a Christian might be different to the life journey of a non-Christian.

Pre school

The children learnt about Harvest time in Britain. The celebrations on this day usually include singing hymns, praying, and decorating churches with baskets of fruit and food in the festival known as Harvest Festival. In pre school we learnt about how the farmer collects all the fruit and vegetables grown, and shares this with family and friends and people in need. We celebrated in church and made Harvest baskets to share with others.



Reception Class have been learning about the Lammas Festival. Lammas marks the beginning of the harvest season, when food is abundant and the light begins to wane. We went out on a harvest walk, collecting different items such as leaves, berries, fruits and vegetables.


Year 1

Year 1 learned all about the American festival of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving, a U.S. holiday on the fourth Thursday of November, originated in the fall of 1621, when Pilgrims celebrated their successful wheat crop and overflowing store cupboards with a three-day feast. Year 1 listened to the difficulties that the Pilgrim Fathers had when they arrived in America and how grateful they were for the first harvest.  Year 1 learned that Americans say something they are thankful for on Thanksgiving while they are eating their turkey, mash and pumpkin pie.


Year 2

Year 2 learned about the Jewish festival of Sukkott.  This is were people celebrate the gathering of the crops, and remember the time in the past when small shelters were made by the Jews when they were in the wilderness and had no homes. Wands of willow, myrtle, and palm, together with a citron (a kind of lemon), are shaken every day in all directions to honour the gifts from the land.


Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about the Italian festival of Olivagando. This is a two day celebration that celebrates the Olive harvest and olive oil. While olive oil tasting is a central part of the festival, there are also a wide variety of other Italian foods showcased such as wine, cheese, cured meats, truffles, and newly harvested walnuts and chestnuts.


Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about Chanthaburi Fruit Fair, Chanthaburi, Thailand. It is known for gemstones—and for its profusion of beautiful native fruits, as colourful as jewels. During the summer harvest, the annual Fruit Fair exhibits exotic durians, rambutans, longans, and mangosteens in vibrant arrangements as elaborate as Buddhist mandalas. There are produce competitions and art displays, and the opening-day parade features floats made from thousands of tropical fruits and vegetables.


Year 5 

Year 5 learned about Vendimia in Argentina. On the final Sunday of February, the Archbishop of Mendoza sprinkles the season’s first grapes with holy water and offers the new vintage to God, setting off a month of celebrations in Argentina's Mendoza region. Crowds line the streets to watch a parade of competing beauty queens atop their regional floats, and the festival culminates with a spectacular show at the amphitheatre—musicians, entertainers, and dancers take to the stage before a Harvest Queen is chosen amid a backdrop of spectacular fireworks.


Year 6

Year 6 focused on the harvest festival Incwala in Swaziland. In late December, Swiss men journey to the sea to gather water so Incwala can begin. Branches from the sacred lusekwane tree are woven into a bower for the king, and only when he eats the first fruit can his people partake of the harvest.

Two's room

We have been learning all about Christmas and the true meaning of why we celebrate this.  We all took part in our Christmas Nativity and enjoyed playing the different roles. 


Pre School

We started this half term learning about the Good Samaritan and talked about how we could help a person in need and created some pictures to show this. When we revisited this activity the children could recall parts of the story using the pictures from the Bible.

Our second story was about the Christmas story, we had our own Nativity and learnt about the characters and the importance of Baby Jesus. The children created the characters they played the Nativity in our big book.



We have been learning about the Christmas story and how the church celebrates the special birthday of Jesus. Also this term we have enjoyed learning about the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali. The highlight was a special Diwali light party when the children enjoyed using glow sticks and torches to explore how light overcomes darkness.


Year 1

Year 1 have been learning about Our World and Jesus’ World.  We have talked about how our homes, clothes, transport, food and holidays are all different to those from Jesus’ time.  As part of this topic we designed our own shoes from Jesus' time. We also learned Bible stories that illustrate the differences such as The Feeding of The Five Thousand and The Man Lowered Down From The Roof.


Year 2

This half term in Year 2, we have been looking at why the birth of Jesus was such good news. We looked at what happens when we have good news and how it feels. Year 2 also learned about the story of Zechariah and how Mary received the good news about her baby. Finally,  we will be looking at the messengers of God - the angels.


Year 3

This half term the children have been looking at people who have been called by God. They first looked at prophets from the past like Abrahan, Jonah and Moses. The children read about how each one was called by God and the task that God had asked them to do. This fascinated the children and they thoroughly enjoyed learning about each one. They then looked at more recent people like Eric Liddell who himself dedicated his life to God. They then thought about what they would do if they were called by God.


Year 4

This half term in addition to looking deeper into the Christmas story and that Jesus is the ‘light of the world’ we have also been looking into other religious festivals particularly the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Here we looked at the Maccabean victory and the oil found in the temple, thought to be only enough to burn for one day, was able to burn and give light for 8 days! We looked at the Jewish tradition of lighting one candle a day of the Menorah (a 9 arm candle stick representing the 8 days of Hanukkah plus the 9th arm candle called the ‘shamash’ used to light the other 8 - one for each day.


Year 5

This half term Year 5 finished off their Bible unit by looking at other faiths' sacred texts. We looked at the Jewish, Islamic and Hindu faiths. We then moved on to looking at Christmas. Year 5 were very good at linking the story to Easter and also seeing where the story fitted into God's big story.


Year 6

This half term, Year 6 have been learning about Advent.  We created our own advent wreaths in collage, and then looked at the meaning behind each candle in turn: The Prophets, where we discovered that the arrival of Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament by prophets such as Isiaih and thought about the ways that He fulfilled the prophecies; John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus and asked people to repent of their sins - we thought about what John the Baptist might ask us to repent; Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was she and what might her text messages look like if she lived today; and finally God’s people, who are preparing for the return of Jesus, which is the focus of Advent for Christians.

For our World Faith Day this term, we looked at the Islam Faith. Each year group focused on a different aspect of the Islam religion and then presented their work to the whole school at the end of the day. The children had a wonderful day.


Two’s Room

In the Two’s Room, we have been looking at a special place of worship called a Mosque. We talked about how they have to take their shoes and socks off and wash their feet before they are allowed to pray. They pray on a prayer mat all facing the same way. We then created a shadow picture of a Mosque using power paint and glue. We also enjoyed meeting the Persona doll called Rameena too. 


Pre School

In Pre School, we have been looking at a special place of worship called a Mosque. We explored what a Mosque looks like on the outside and the inside by looking at some pictures and watching a video. The Mosques look so beautiful. We looked at the different shapes that make a Mosque and we created our own Mosque using the blocks. We learnt that they have to wash their feet before they pray in the Mosque and always take their shoes and socks off before they walk into the praying area of the Mosque. We enjoyed meeting the Persona doll called Rameena and learning all about her. We also coloured pictures of Mosques using lots of different colours.



Reception Class have been looking at a Muslim special place of Worship - a Mosque. We met Rameena the personna doll who told the children all about the Mosque and how it is a special place for prayer and community. The children explored a prayer mat and the story of In my Mosque. The children have made 3D models of a Mosque using different pictures for reference. Some of the children drew pictures of a Mosque, created lego representations and used Purple Mash to create a Mosque. The children had a great time exploring Mosques and came up with some really good links - such as saying the towers on the Mosque looked like Darwen Tower.


Year 1

Year 1 have been learning how Muslims believe in one God, who is unique. We have been thinking about what God is like and created a mind map identifying some key vocabulary that describes the characteristics of God. The children said God is… kind, amazing, great, special, lovely. We also learnt about the 99 names of Allah before looking at and creating Islamic patterns. We thought about how patterns are important to Muslims as they believe that everything in life is interconnected and believe they represent the infinity of God. We also looked at Mendhi patterns and created our own.


Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about the Quran. We learned that it is a special book for Muslims. It is written in Arabic and it has the last words of Allah. Allah gave the words to the Prophet Mohammad. We also found out that the Quran teaches Muslins how to behave and live a good life.


Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about the Life of Muhammad.  We talked about where he was born and died and about his family life.  We listened to the story of ‘The Crying Camel’ and made our own camels.
We looked at the similarities between Islam and Christianity and learned how to say the different Arabic words - Allah/God,  Jibree/Gabriel, Prophet Isa/Jesus.


Year 4

During our RE day, Year 4 looked at ‘5 pillars of Islam’; ‘Profession of Faith (shahada), Prayer (salat), Alms (zakat), Fasting (sawm) and Pilgrimage (hajj) while looking at their importance to the Muslim faith.


Year 5

Year 5 has been learning about the Quran and the Hadith. We learned that the Quran is the holy book for muslims and the word of God delivered to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) through angel Gabriel. The hadith, on the other hand, is a record of the Prophet’s words and actions and they serve as a guide on how to be a good person. We also created eye-catching Islamic bookmarks decorated with mosques and lanterns. Year 5 has really enjoyed learning all about Islam.


Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed learning about Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.  Our RE unit ‘Life As A Journey’ last term already taught us about pilgrimages, so we understood that Hajj is a religious journey that people undertake to worship and become closer to God.  We began by answering some key questions about Hajj, and then created our own glossaries of key words associated with Hajj.

2s room

Two’s room have been thinking about what is their favourite thing to play with. We talked about gifts for baby Jesus and then took a photo of what we would give to baby Jesus as a present.


Pre School

Pre school have been exploring Epiphany this half term, role playing with our nativity scene adding the kings to bring gifts to Baby Jesus. The children then thought about what gifts they would give Baby Jesus and create their gift in a present. The children also painted the three kings and to link to our three kings.



Reception have been learning about the different stories that Jesus would have heard. The stories from the Old testament of the Bible have taught the children a lot about how God is powerful and yet cares for everyone. A highlight from the term was when they acted out the story of Joshua. The walls of Jericho which came tumbling down when the children marched seven times around the city. They loved making and playing their trumpets like the Israelites!


Year 1

Year 1 have completed the unit on Gifts and Gift Bringers during which they learned all about the Christmas story.  After the Christmas holiday, Year 1 learned about the journey of the Three Wise Men and some of the photographs show how the nativity scene changed with their arrival.  We have now begun a unit on Joseph.  We have heard the story of Joseph, his dreams and his experiences whilst being in prison.  Other photographs show the children’s drawings of Joseph when he was thrown in the well by his brothers or in prison.


Year 2

In spring 1, Year 2 completed the unit on Jesus and learned about some of the miracles which he performed. We discussed how the miracles make Jesus special, how these miracles prove he is the Son of God and why people wanted to follow him.


Year 3

In Year 3 the children have been learning all about Jesus and the wonderful things he did. They have read a variety of stories where Jesus saved many people. One of their favourite stories was about a tax collector called Zacchaeus.


Year 4

We have been looking at where Jesus’ power and authority comes from and why Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God. We have also been looking at why Jewish people believe that the Sabbath/Shabbat is so important.


Year 5

Year 5 have been thinking about how Jesus taught people how to live our lives. The children have studied many of the parables that Jesus told; stories to teach an important moral lesson. They have also been considering how the values that Jesus taught can be seen in our school and British values. They have been thinking about what God’s kingdom is like and how we can learn from his teaching today on how to be loving and caring with everyone around us.


Year 6

In RE this term, we have been looking at the Eucharist service, and how it is connected to Passover and the Last Supper.  We began by thinking about the Eucharist service we attended last term at church, and remembered all the parts of the service.  We then looked at a picture of the Last Supper, and connected the idea of Eucharist celebrating the blood and body of Jesus as they did during the Last Supper.  We also looked at the words of the service, and investigated some of these words more thoroughly: remembrance, holy, sacrifice, mercy, salvation and faith; and we related what these words mean to us.

2s Room

We have been busy exploring Easter. We have talked about eggs meaning new life and all the wonderful things that God has created for us.


Pre school

In Pre school we have been learning about the story of David and Goliath and with God love and power David beat the giant. The children enjoyed the story from the Bible and then we created Goliath and David and made bags with 5 stones in that helped David.



Reception have been learning about the message of God’s love through the Easter story. The children have thought about what love means to them and how Jesus showed his love to his friends and us. They acted out the last supper by washing feet and praying in the garden of Gethsemane. Finally, they have been thinking about how Jesus has shown his love for us by dying on the cross.


Year 1

Year 1 have been learning all about the Easter story.  We have been thinking about the new life that appears all around us in Spring and how this is like when Jesus was buried in the tomb and rose again.


Year 2

In Year 2 we have been learning about Easter. We have looked at the different symbols for Easter such as the cross and Easter eggs. We also looked at the Easter story and what happened with each major part. This week we are going to look at Easter food and hopefully make our own Easter biscuits.


Year 3

In Year 3 the children have been looking at the Easter Story. The unit started but the children watched clips that portrayed sadness and joy. The children had to decide on which emotion each one was showing. This was a wonderfully respectful lesson and the children really enjoyed it. After that we looked at a variety of artwork that showed different events within the Easter story. The children worked in groups  to place the pieces of artwork in the correct order. There was a lot of discussion within this lesson with children sharing their ideas whether they agreed or not. After that the children wrote an acrostic poem about Palm Sunday.


Year 4

We have been learning all about the stories of trust and betrayal in our RE this half term. We have played particular attention to the stories of St Peter (The Rock) and Judas looking closely at both their betrayals and discussing the differences and motivations of each.


Year 5

Year 5 have been thinking about what true victory is. We have been considering how victory does not always mean winning but can instead be choosing to love and put others first. In this way we have been thinking about how the message of Easter and Jesus’ death is actually a victory message for Christians because He died that we might live forever.


Year 6

Year 6 are thinking about who was, or is, Jesus this half term in RE.  We have brainstormed our own ideas about who Jesus was, and then looked in the Bible to see what scripture says about who Jesus was.  We have moved on to reading about who Jesus himself said he was, and considered the meaning of his metaphors.