For all the latest Science curriculum news, please click here.                            


The subject lead for Science at Darwen St James is Mrs Davis.

Science Curriculum

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Year 1

In Science this term Year 1 have been completing a unit on Plants.  This half term we have been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees and spotting these in the school grounds.  They have also been measuring the height and circumference of trees.  Later, they conducted an investigation to find out if plants with long leaves also have long roots.

Year 2

In Science this term we have been learning about ‘All living things and their habitat’. We started the unit by comparing the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive and thinking about what living things need in order to survive. We have learnt about different habitats and microhabitats and explored the different plants and animals that live there. We finished the unit by learning about how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals and completed a variety of simple food chains.

Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about different types of forces. They carried out an investigation to test different surfaces to test for high friction and low friction. They also looked at different types of magnets and devised their own investigations to test the strength of those magnets.

Year 4

In Science this half term we have been learning all about electricity. We have thoroughly enjoyed constructing simple circuits using wires, cells, bulbs, switches and buzzers.We then were able to look at lots of different circuit diagrams and recognise whether a light would work or not and give reasons why. We then looked closely at switches and learnt how the switch opens and closes. We then made a simple switch using paper clips and split pins. We concluded the topic by learning about conductors and insulators and found that metals are good conductors of electricity.

Year 5

In year 5 we are learning about the Earth and Space. We have looked at the planets, learning about their names and the order. We have also being developing our working scientifically skills by taking accurate measurements of craters and recording them using tables and charts.


Year 6

Year 1 - Everyday Materials

Year 1 have been learning about materials and their properties.  We have learned that materials are made out of a variety of materials so they can be used for different purposes.  We have sorted objects by their properties and made physical diagrams of this. Year 1 have also  experimented to find the best material to make an umbrella for a teddy bear.

Year 2 - Plants

In Science this term, Year 2 have been learning about ‘Plants’. They have completed a number of investigations to help them understand how plants needs water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. They looked at daisies in the environment and thought about where they grow best. The children made their prediction first then tested their prediction by looking for evidence around the school grounds.

Year 3 - Plants

In Science Year 3 have been learning about plants. We have looked at the different parts of a plant and what their functions are. We had a fun lesson where we dissected some lillies to see if we could find all the different parts using our scientific vocabulary. Year 3 have also been learning about what a plant needs to grow and carried out  some comparitive tests over time to see the effects on a plant with no light. In another investigation we looked at how the function of the stem is to transport water to the leaves and flower.

Year 4 - States of Matter

Year 5 - Properties and changes of materials

In Year 5 we have been learning about materials and their properties by developing our scientific vocabulary. We have looked at reversible and irreversible changes with different solutions and mixtures. We investigated how to make some very mucky water clear by using sieves and filters. We also looked at dissolving salt in water to create a solution and then reversing this by separating by evaporation. As an investigation we carried out a comparitive test to see which material allowed a drink to cool down the quickest; we got to use the data loggers to measure the temperature.

Year 6 - Living things and their habitats


Pre- School

This half term the children have been learning about themselves, we have explored the life cycles of humans. How we looked as a baby and how we have changed through the years. The children identified babies, toddlers, children and adults. The children made comments and drew a picture of when they were a baby.


Year 1

Year 1 are learning all about the weather.  We talked about ways to measure and monitor the weather.  We made a rain gauge out of a plastic bottle and placed it in the playground to collect water.  We will record the rainfall on a daily basis at 1pm every day.  For our long term study we are going to observe changes in the same place in the playground during each season.  Our focus is deciduous and evergreen trees.  This time we noticed that some leaves had changed colour and that the leaves had fallen to the floor.

Year 2

In Year 2 we have been learning about plants. We started with looking at what plants need to grow - warth, light, nutrients, water and soil. We have also carried out lots of investigations to see how seeds and bulbs grow. What happens if we don't water our seeds? Do all seeds germinate in the same way?

Year 3

In Year 3 they have been looking at the topic light. Initially they looked at how light being blocked created shadows. They then went on a shadow walk to see where they could see shadows being created. After that they investigated the length and height of the shadow using torches and puppets. To further develop their understanding of shadows they created a shadow experiment. They completed some data but the typically British weather had other ideas so this will now be ongoing. But the children had so much fun!

Year 4

Year 4 has been learning about Living things and their Habitats. We have been discussing how we can classify and sort living animals and plants into groups and what shared characteristics they have in common.

Year 5

Year 5 have been learning about Earth and Space.We have been learning about planets, satellites, stars and orbits. We talked about the Sun and how the planets move around it. We learnt that this is why it is called a solar system.

Year 6

Year 6 have been learning about evolution and inheritance this half term.  We have thought about animal adaptation, and studied Darwin’s finches to learn about how the birds evolved different beaks according to the food in their environment.  These photos show us learning about camouflage by finding different coloured strands of wool in a wildlife area.  We could find most colours easily - but we only found one strand of green wool!  The children used this experience to express ideas about how animals have adapted to camouflage against their environment, either to hide from predators - or to be a predator!

2s Room

In the Two’s Room, we have been busy exploring the outdoor area. We have been learning about dinosaurs. We explored the outdoor area and had a dinosaur hunt. We found lots of dinosaurs and we also collected leaves and sticks to then create a big dinosaur all together. We have been exploring natural materials in the tuff tray, making marks using sticks and paint. We also made dinosaur footprints.We learnt about dirty and clean by washing the dirty dinosaurs. We also learnt about ice and watched the ice melt to reveal some small dinosaurs!


The children have explored the natural world looking at baby and adults, what they are called and what sounds they make. We then discovered what hibernation means and learnt what animals go to sleep in Winter, we went outside and collected leaves, twigs and materials to make a house for the hedgehogs to live in. 

We have learnt about owls and their life cycle, what they eat and where they live.

As we moved into Winter we looked at the changing seasons, which led to learning about the North and South pole and what happens to ice.


Reception class has been exploring sounds this half term. We went out in the storm to explore the wind and the rian, discussing what we could hear and see.

We have explored the frost during the colder days and we have been on a scavenger sort, categorising the different materials we found.

Year 1

Year 1 have been studying the unit ‘Animals Including Humans’.  We have learned about parts of our bodies and linked some body parts to our five senses.  We have also learned about different classifications of animals including mammals, amphibians, birds, fish and reptiles

Year 2

This term In Year 2 we finished our unit on Plants and started our new unit on the uses of everyday materials. We started by looking at different objects and the types of materials they are made from. We also looked at the properties of those materials - are they hard/soft, dull/shiny, transparent/opaque. We also carried out an investigation to see which material would make the best sole for a shoe to make it grippy.

Year 3

This half term the children have been looking at Rocks and Soils. They have completed different experiments involving rocks. They investigated which rocks were porous and non porous. They then researched the 3 different types of rock formations. They really enjoyed this lesson!

Year 4

This half term we have been looking at the topic ‘Sound’ and associating them with ‘vibrations’ we have investigated how sounds travel through solids, liquids and gases and how the sounds can get fainter the further away from the source they are and that they travel in straight lines called waves.

Year 5

This half term year 5 looked at the topic, Animals including humans. They learnt about the changes that happen to humans from birth to old age. They looked at weight, height and growth. Year 5 talked about what happens to the elderly. 

Year 6

This term in Science, Year 6 have begun looking at the Circulatory System, our hearts, blood and healthy living in our Animals including Humans topic.  We began by investigating how our hearts work when we are doing different forms of exercise.  Year 6 created their own investigations which had to be fair with reliable results.  They chose different exercises, and monitored each other’s heartbeats to see how much the pulse increased.

2s Room

In the Two’s room we have been busy exploring different fruits and vegetables. We felt them, smelt them and tasted them. We enjoyed playing with the different fruits and vegetables, especially the peas, carrots and sweetcorn. 

We explored light and dark, using the torches to light up the classroom. We talked about what happens at night time and how we can see the moon and stars.


Our story of Jack and the beanstalk has led us to growing something of our own in class. We decided on cress and together we planted some. We discussed what the cress will need to grow and started our journey of watching what happened next. We water them every other day and can not wait to see the results.


Reception class went on a bug hunt around the school grounds. We found an array of bugs including slugs, worms and a millipede. We observed the environment and explored under stones and equipment to find dark warm places that the bugs might like to live in. The children really thought about where the bugs might be and gave some great observational comments about what they discovered.

Year 1

In Science, Year 1 have been studying the unit Animals Including Humans. They have learned that humans are part of the animal kingdom and talked about the characteristics of human beings. Year 1 have learned a lot about the human body, including body parts, internal organs and the functions of the five senses.  The photographs show the children’s pasta people which detail some bones of the body, names of body parts  and some internal organs.

Year 2

In science we have been looking at the properties of different materials. We spent some of our lessons outside looking at why different materials had been used for different objects such as wood and metal for benches and conducting experiments. We made predictions before conducting experiments and now understand that this means having a ‘sensible guess’. We tried to plug the hole in the bottom of a cup using different materials and were surprised to find that the sticky label worked best. We also squirted water from different bottles to test their flexibility. We measured how far the water had travelled using our footsteps and recorded our results in a table.

Year 3

In Year 3 we have been looking at different types of rocks. We have completed a variety of investigations including which rock was the most wearing. We then looked at how fossils are formed and created our own models using plasticine and plaster of paris. Finally, we looked at what different types of soils are made of using our observation skills. Then we tested these soils to see how much water different soils absorb.

Year 4

We have been exploring Living things including humans this half term and have studied the effects of different foods and substances on our teeth as well as recreating a human digestive system. 

Year 5





2s Room


In Pre school the children have been busy learning about minibeasts and going on a bug hunt. We found lots of different bugs and used our bug frames to match up what we had found. We looked at what makes a bug and made them a house to live in. We have also looked at farm animals and together learned about the life cycle of a chick, then making our own little chicks.


Reception has been exploring liquids and solids this half term with the help of balloons and water! They had lots of fun with this and remembered lots of new vocabulary.

They have also been predicting which liquid would stop apples from turning brown in their thinking scientifically experiment.

Year 1

Year 1 have been learning all about plants.  We went on a plant hunt around school to see what plants we could find.  We found daffodils, grass and trees.  The photographs show our lesson on roots.  Year 1 learned how the roots of a plant help it to survive.  They enjoyed the messy job of pulling the roots away from the soil to have a closer look.

Year 2

In Year 2 we have been learning about animals including humans. First we looked at how animals have offspring and welcomed our frogspawn into class. We looked at the lifecycle of a frog to support our learning. Next we looked at human life cycles and learned what different animals outside school need to survive. We have discovered lots of new words such as spriacles!

Year 3

This term in Year 3 we have been looking at the topic, Forces and Magnets. We started the unit looking at a variety of questions and answering them using our previous subject knowledge. We then added these to the board so that we could find the answers out as we went through the topic. We then investigated a variety of magnets. From horseshoe magnets to bar magnets. Next we investigated which magnet would be the strongest to attract paper clips in water and sand. There was some debate within this lesson. After that we looked at forces using someone’s shoe and a ramp with a variety of surfaces. The children really enjoyed this lesson. Our last investigation was to see what happens when the same two poles are placed together. The children were fantastic at using their new subject knowledge and vocabulary to explain that the same two poles repel. There were a lot of wide eyes in this lesson. Well done Year 3 a super term's work.

Year 4

This half term we have been exploring the topic of electricity and the benefits and dangers of this valuable resource. We have researched different conductors and insulators and which materials are best suited to conduct electricity. We then constructed our own torches complete with switches.

Year 5

Year 6

This term Year 6 have been learning about how light works.  We began the unit with an exploration of different light investigations, including creating shadows in the dark tent, finding reflective and non reflective materials and looking through periscopes.  We then investigated how light travels, using card with holes in and shining light from a torch to try to shine it to the other side - discovering that light has to travel in a straight line!  We also made dark boxes to shine a light into so that we could see the objects inside.  This taught us that we need light reflecting off an object to see it.  We then looked at reflected light in more detail, using mirrors and torches to hit a target - which was a fun activity!