Image of Year 3 Science - Making Shadow Puppets
15 Oct

Year 3 Science - Making Shadow Puppets

In Year 3's science lesson we have been learning about shadows. Today they learnt how to tell a story using different shadows that they made using their hands. The children created shadows of animals, butterflies and trees.

Image of Year 5 Science - Dissolving
10 Oct

Year 5 Science - Dissolving

In Science this week, Year 5 investigated whether temperature has an effect on the time it takes to dissolve a sugar cube. We discussed variables, which ones were changed, which were measurable and which variables were the control variables and needed to remain the same each time.

Image of Year 2 Science - Long Term Study
9 Oct

Year 2 Science - Long Term Study

Year 2 having been observing and measuring the growth of caterpillars over the past few week. They have now pupated and we are waiting for them to hatch.

Image of Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects  The Size Of Shadows
7 Oct

Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects The Size Of Shadows

In science, Year 3 looked at how distance affects the size of a shadow. They used a torch to create a shadow of a cat against a whiteboard. By moving the torch away they discovered that the size of the shadow changed. The shadow got bigger the closer the torch got to the object and then smaller as it moved further away.

Image of Year 5 Science - What is a Solution?
3 Oct

Year 5 Science - What is a Solution?

Year 5 discovered how to identify a solution in Science this week. We made several mixtures, including sugar and water, flour and water and tea and water. We observed whether the mixture became clear or cloudy, and whether we could see visible particles. Only the clear mixtures were solutions.

Image of Year 4 Science
3 Oct

Year 4 Science

In science, we have been classifying animals based on their characteristics. We did this practically, using groups and keys, asking lots of useful questions to help us identify them.

Image of Year 6  DT
3 Oct

Year 6 DT

In our design technology lesson we made our own switch using foil, cardboard, spit pins and sponge and made a circuit using three wires and a battery.

Image of Year 1 Science, Hearing Investigation
2 Oct

Year 1 Science, Hearing Investigation

Year 1 investigated the effect of distance on sound. We found that as we moved away from a sound, it got quieter.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Do Shadows Change During The Day?
30 Sep

Year 3 - Science - Do Shadows Change During The Day?

In science Year 3 continued to look at light and shadows. Today they found out that shadows are the longest when the sun rises and sets. It is at its shortest at midday.

Image of Nursery - Science - Exploring Shadows
30 Sep

Nursery - Science - Exploring Shadows

This week Nursery class have accessed our sensory room to explore different shadows. The children used torches to shine light onto different objects, including their hands, balls, cars, animals and other objects from around our classroom. The children made links between the size of the shadows they saw and how far away their torch was, investigating this by moving the torches backwards and forward. The children loved this activity and have continued to develop their understanding of shadows throughout the week, during their independent learning time.

Image of Year 5 Science - Making a Water Filter
26 Sep

Year 5 Science - Making a Water Filter

Year 5 are learning about separating mixtures in Science. This week we studied filtration, and learnt about how useful it is - especially on the International Space Station! We made our own water filters, and were amazed at how much mud they filtered from the muddy water!

Image of Preschool-Understanding The World -Science-Our 5 senses/Food Tasting
25 Sep

Preschool-Understanding The World -Science-Our 5 senses/Food Tasting

Today we discussed our 5 senses and talked about what things we use our senses for, The children also enjoyed using their senses to smell,touch,look and hear bubble bath then we used our mouths to taste some porridge and talked about how the bubble bath smelt,looked,sounded and felt and we discussed if we liked the taste of the porridge.

Image of Nursery - Science - Identifying Body Parts
25 Sep

Nursery - Science - Identifying Body Parts

This week, Nursery class have been learning all about themselves and we have focused on their different body parts. The children have really enjoyed incorporating songs into their learning so we have been listening to 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' to support their understanding. The class used their listening skills and did really well, engaging with the song and listening to the different body parts that they needed to find.

Image of Year 1 - Science
25 Sep

Year 1 - Science

Year one enjoyed exploring their sense of smell during today's science lesson. They were tasked with naming the smells of some well known household goods.

Image of Year 1 Science - Food Tasting
19 Sep

Year 1 Science - Food Tasting

Year 1 tasted bitter, sweet, sour and salty foods this week in science to explore their sense of taste.

Image of Year 1
19 Sep

Year 1

Year 1 explored their sense of touch this week in Science.

Image of Year 5 Science - Sieving
19 Sep

Year 5 Science - Sieving

In Science this week, Year 5 have been learning how to separate solid mixtures using the process of sieving. We pretended to be gold prospectors and panned for gold in the soil!

Image of Year 6 Science
18 Sep

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been using movement and obstructions to learn about resistance in electrical circuits.

Image of Year 2 Science - Arrival Of The Caterpillars
17 Sep

Year 2 Science - Arrival Of The Caterpillars

Year 2 have been learning about life cycles in Science. Our caterpillars have arrived for our long term study to watch how they develop.

Image of Year 3  Science - Comparing Light Reflections
16 Sep

Year 3 Science - Comparing Light Reflections

In science today Year 3 have been comparing light reflecting on different surfaces. They used data loggers with objects including tin foil, mirrors, spoons, black paper and sunglasses to see which reflected the most light.

Image of Year 5 Science - Find Someone Who and Making Mixtures
11 Sep

Year 5 Science - Find Someone Who and Making Mixtures

Year 5 enjoyed 'finding someone who' knew about materials and states of matter for a starter activity in Science this week. We then learned about what a mixture is, before making our own mixtures according to the instructions given - it got a bit messy but it was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 1 Science - The Five Senses
11 Sep

Year 1 Science - The Five Senses

Year 1 thought about what they would see, hear, feel and taste in a variety of locations. They learned to name the part of the body that provides each of the five senses.

Image of Nursery - Science - Scattering Wildflower Seeds
6 Sep

Nursery - Science - Scattering Wildflower Seeds

We took some inspiration from this week's story and decided to scatter some wildflower seeds! The children loved shaking the seeds into the soil and made some predictions about what colour they thought the flowers would be once they grow. The children used gentle hands to rake the soil and have worked hard watering our seeds. We will continue to take care of them and hopefully, in spring, our wildflowers will bloom and brighten up our flower bed! We can't wait to see them grow.

Image of Year 1 - Science - Our Bodies
4 Sep

Year 1 - Science - Our Bodies

Year 1 enjoyed naming part of the human body in their Science lesson this week.

Image of Year 5 Butterflies
11 Jul

Year 5 Butterflies

For our long term study in Science the Year 5 children have been observing the life cycle of butterflies. The children have really enjoyed observing and making notes on the changes they have seen. On Tuesday it was time to release the butterflies. It was an amazing experience!

Image of Pre School- Science- Magnets
10 Jul

Pre School- Science- Magnets

The children have been developing their understanding of how the magnets work. Learning that there are two poles, one that will attract and one that will repel. The children watched as the magnets repelled and moved away from the other magnets without touching the other magnet. When they attracted the magnets stuck together and were hard to separate.

Image of Year 6 Science: Identifying Plants for Classification
27 Jun

Year 6 Science: Identifying Plants for Classification

Year 6 had fun in the sunshine this week, identifying and classifying some of the common UK wild plants in our school grounds. We discovered that a lot of the plants can be classified as flowering plants!

Image of Year 1 - Science - Sorting Objects By Material
26 Jun

Year 1 - Science - Sorting Objects By Material

Year 1 sorting images according to different criteria. Some of us sorted into fabric, plastic or wood. others sorted into waterproof or not waterproof.

Image of Year 5 Investigating Flowers!
26 Jun

Year 5 Investigating Flowers!

Today the Year 5 children walked around the school environment to look for and investigate a variety of flowers. They had to pick flowers that contained specific parts that they then went on to look more closely at in class. The sun shone, the children smiled and a great learning experience was had by all.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - Remembering Parts of A Story
25 Jun

Nursery - Literacy - Remembering Parts of A Story

In Nursery class this week we have really enjoyed reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' together. The children have been encouraged to join in at story time, helping to read the story and using our story props to support their understanding. Some of the children recalled the beginning middle and end of the story and could order our story props to represent this.

Image of Reception Class -Visit to the Beach
24 Jun

Reception Class -Visit to the Beach

Reception Class had a fantastic day at the seaside! The children took part in a beach hunt looking for different beach related objects, including shells, driftwood, a feather and seaweed. We also found a crab, a jellyfish and a dead seagull which the children were fascinated by! The children had a great time splashing in the water, exploring the sand and having an ice cream, even if one was pinched by a seagull! We received so many nice comments from the public about how well behaved the children were, and I agree, they were fantastically behaved and great ambassadors for our school!

Image of Year 3 Science - Identifying The Growth and Survival Needs of Plants
20 Jun

Year 3 Science - Identifying The Growth and Survival Needs of Plants

Today Year 3 started a new topic in science looking at plants. They looked at the growth and survival needs of plants and posed relevant questions. How does different types of air affect plants? How much water does a plant need? How do plants grow in different types of light? They then set up an experiment in class by planting four trays of seeds. The first tray had no water, the second a splash of water, the third a normal amount and the last one is being over watered. They will be checking the seeds daily and recording the results.

Image of Year 2 Science Food Chains
20 Jun

Year 2 Science Food Chains

In science we looked at different habitats and the food chains that can be found there. We then created our own food chains and wrote a description about them using scientific vocabulary.

Image of Year 1 Science - Testing Materials
19 Jun

Year 1 Science - Testing Materials

Year 1 helped teddy to find some material to make a new umbrella. They tested each material to see if it was waterproof and then told teddy the results. Year 1 found that plastic and tin foil were waterproof, but that the best material for an umbrella was plastic.

Image of Science Day - Making Things Grow
13 Jun

Science Day - Making Things Grow

During Science Day Year 3 looked at plants and what they needed to grow. They made their own cress potato heads using a potato, cotton wool and cress seeds.

Image of Year 1 Science - Everyday Materials
12 Jun

Year 1 Science - Everyday Materials

Year 1 completed the task of sorting objects according to their material, whether they are waterproof or not and whether they are transparent or opaque.

Image of Nursery - Maths - Science - Using Magnets To Create A Caterpillar
10 Jun

Nursery - Maths - Science - Using Magnets To Create A Caterpillar

The children in Nursery class have really enjoyed using the magnets to create their own caterpillars. During this activity some children noticed that their caterpillar wasn't sticking together, with perseverance and problem solving skills being used, they were able to adjust the magnets accordingly so they would link together. We also discussed the colours used, identified big and small caterpillars and some children joined in with counting the links on their caterpillars.

Image of Year 1 Science Day - Our Bodies
28 May

Year 1 Science Day - Our Bodies

Year 1 investigated our bodies during Science Day. We discussed how we may all have the same body parts but that we are all different. We drew around each other and compared our outlines.

Image of Year 1 Science Day The Science Show
28 May

Year 1 Science Day The Science Show

Year 1 had lots of fun learning about pushes and pulls during the Science Show.

Image of Year 5 Science Day.
24 May

Year 5 Science Day.

Today in Year 5 the children had to make a boat from a template to float in water and then add cubes to see how many it took to sink the boat. This quickly became a friendly competition between teams and individual children. It was a pleasure to watch! The next task saw the children then make their own boats and again add cubes to see how many it took to sink. The designs the children came up with were absolutely fantastic and Tyler and Bill's boat took over 200 cubes to make it sink! Awesome! Well done to all for a fantastic morning!

Image of KS2 Science Show!
24 May

KS2 Science Show!

To continue our Science day the children watched an amazing Science show in the afternoon based on friction. The children's reactions were priceless! It was such an educational show with fun and amazement had by all including the staff! At the end of the show, he showed children safe investigations that they could complete at home. An amazing afternoon. The children want to thank Mrs Davies for an amazing, investigative, awe inspiring day!

Image of Pre School- Physical Development- Making Bubbles
22 May

Pre School- Physical Development- Making Bubbles

The children have been learning how to make their own bubbles. We used water and liquid to make the mixture and then the hoops to make the bubbles. The children loved popping the bubbles with their fingers and watching them bounce up and down in the hoops. We tried to make them blow in the wind but they popped.

Image of Year 4  Science - Will Location Change How Water Evaporates?
20 May

Year 4 Science - Will Location Change How Water Evaporates?

In Science, Year 4 have been looking at whether location changes how water evaporates. They placed bowls of water outside in the sun, in the shade by the building, inside on the window bottom and next to the bookshelf. They then predicted which bowl of water would evaporate most. Over the next 3 days they will check the bowls and measure the water.

Image of Year 4 Science - Observations Over Time
15 May

Year 4 Science - Observations Over Time

Year 4 have been observing changes of states over time this week and making predictions which materials have a reversible change and which are irreversible. We also discussed which liquids you can freeze and which liquids have a freezing temperature above or below that of water when they change state into a solid.

Image of Year 6 Science: Investigating Electrical Circuits
15 May

Year 6 Science: Investigating Electrical Circuits

Year 6 investigated what would happen to a lightbulb if they increased the number of cells in a simple electrical circuit.

Image of Year 5  Science Life Cycle of a Bird
14 May

Year 5 Science Life Cycle of a Bird

Today in our Science lesson we have been learning about the life cycle of a bird and the parts of an egg.

Image of Year 5 Science - Researching Life Cycles
8 May

Year 5 Science - Researching Life Cycles

In our science lesson we have been researching the life cycle of our chosen mammals.

Image of Year 1 - Science - Melting Materials
8 May

Year 1 - Science - Melting Materials

Year 1 have been learning about the effects of heat on different materials. We exposed ice cubes, chocolate, sugar and wax to heat and recorded our findings.

Image of Year 3 - Science- Learning how Muscles Work.
7 May

Year 3 - Science- Learning how Muscles Work.

Year 3 have been learning all about animals including humans in science. Today they have looked at how muscles work. They cut out pictures of two bones then joined them together using a split pin to make the joint move. They added an elastic band to act as the muscle and to see how it affected the joint.

Image of Year 5 Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
2 May

Year 5 Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

Today in our science lesson we looked at the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and birds. Children also discussed parts of plants. The children had to use this knowledge to put the animals and plants into their correct life cycles.

Image of Science Year 2 - Classifying Objects
2 May

Science Year 2 - Classifying Objects

Today in Science we were being scientists by classifying objects. We had to record objects we could find that were alive, once alive or never alive.

Image of Year 4 Science - Reversible Changes; States of Matter
1 May

Year 4 Science - Reversible Changes; States of Matter

This week we have been continuing our science topic in states of matter and looking at changing materials from a solid to a liquid and then changing them back again. We have also been exploring when it may be useful to change the state of matter and briefly explored materials that have irreversible changes when they are changed from one type of material to another. (like an egg!)

Image of Year 1 - Science - Classifying Objects According to Their Properties
1 May

Year 1 - Science - Classifying Objects According to Their Properties

Year 1 have been learning how to classify objects according to their properties.

Image of Reception - Understanding the World - Testing How Different Balls Bounce
30 Apr

Reception - Understanding the World - Testing How Different Balls Bounce

Reception class have continued looking at forces and today they have been exploring how different balls bounce. The children had a selection of balls to choose from, some hard, some soft, some leather and some spongy. The children had a chance to bounce their balls, swapping with a friend. They then talked about their findings to the rest of the class.

Image of Nursery Class - Understanding the world - Finding Hidden Animals in our Environment.
30 Apr

Nursery Class - Understanding the world - Finding Hidden Animals in our Environment.

Nursery class explored their outdoor environment to find some hidden animals. The children used their brilliant searching and looking skills to find all of the animals from our story and match them to our checklist. As the children found the animals they were encouraged to voice the animal sound, some children began to make movements like the animals they had found and could even remember where some of the animals would usually live.

Image of Y4 Science
18 Apr

Y4 Science

In Science we have started to look at our new topic 'States of Matter' looking in more detail into Solids, Liquids and Gasses

Image of Reception - Comparing Cars Move Down Ramps
16 Apr

Reception - Comparing Cars Move Down Ramps

Today Reception class have been comparing how different cars and othher objects move down the ramps. The children observed that the cars went faster when the ramp was at more of an incline. The children then extended this activity by building ramps using different objects and they used boxes and blocks to create different structures to roll their cars down.

Image of Reception - Floating and Sinking
9 Apr

Reception - Floating and Sinking

In science today we have been exploring different items that float and sink. The children made their predictions about each item before we tested their theories. We definitely had some surprising discoveries! The children had some great observational comments and explained why they thought some items sank while others floated.

Image of Year 5 - Science - Changing States
25 Mar

Year 5 - Science - Changing States

In our science lesson today we have been learning about changing states of solid, liquid and gas. Year 5 acted out the changes in solid, liquid and gas. Next we looked at condensation using a tea light, tin foil, a mirror and water, watching what would happen after the water was heated up and seeing the condensation on the mirror.

Image of Two’s Room - Cars and Ramps
21 Mar

Two’s Room - Cars and Ramps

We have been exploring the cars and different ramps, to see how fast the cars will go. We had lots of fun doing this!

Image of Reception Class - Science - Exploring Space
19 Mar

Reception Class - Science - Exploring Space

This afternoon Reception has been exploring space! We took off from earth in our rocket and flew to the different planets! We visited Mercury - making our bodies small, we used telescopes to view Venus - the hottest planet in our solar system. Then we headed to Mars, we didn’t spot any Martians! Next we went to Jupiter which has a never ending giant storm. Then we visited Saturn and we pretended to be the ring around the planet. After that we went to the coldest planet in our solar system, Uranus, it was freezing! Finally we got to Neptune, the planet that is furthest away from the Sun, it also has the strongest winds. Finally we took a walk on the Moon before heading back to Earth in our rocket! What a busy afternoon!

Image of Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans
19 Mar

Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans

Today we started our new science topic 'Animals including Humans'. The children completed a carousel activity working round the different tables to see what they knew. They looked at sorting the different animals into groups, reading labels on food packages to see what they told you about the food inside, what food they should and shouldn't eat lots of and labelling the bones of a skeleton.

Image of Year 4 - DT - Light Up Box Construction
13 Mar

Year 4 - DT - Light Up Box Construction

We have started to construct our light up design boxes in DT this afternoon... some good designs coming :-) stay tuned!

Image of Year 1 - Science - Planting Seeds
12 Mar

Year 1 - Science - Planting Seeds

Year 1 had a great afternoon planting seeds and learning the names of common flowers.

Image of Year 5 - Science - Conductivity
12 Mar

Year 5 - Science - Conductivity

In our science lesson this week, we were investigating the conductivity of different materials using a basic circuit. The children created their own investigation and enjoyed working together.

Image of Year 2 -Science - Long Term Study
7 Mar

Year 2 -Science - Long Term Study

Say hi to the new members of Year 2! As part of a long term study in Science, we are observing the lifecycle of frogs. The first stage being frogspawn - watch this space!

Image of Year 2 - Science - Human Lifecycle
6 Mar

Year 2 - Science - Human Lifecycle

In Science this week we have been learning about the human lifecycle. We then created our own flow charts to show the different stages of development.

Image of Reception - Science - Solids and Liquids
5 Mar

Reception - Science - Solids and Liquids

During our Science lesson today we explored solids and liquids! The children guessed what liquid would be inside the balloons and what would happen to the contents once the balloon was popped. Some balloons were liquid and some were frozen solid! The children also described what they could see and feel during this experiment. We have challenged your little ones to find something solid in their freezer at home, please support them with this and send us a picture with what your little one has found so we can share their discoveries with the class.

Image of Two’s Room - Exploring Outside
5 Mar

Two’s Room - Exploring Outside

We had fun exploring the outdoor area and we found some wiggly worms and slugs.

Image of Year 5 - Science - Which Material is the Best Insulator?
5 Mar

Year 5 - Science - Which Material is the Best Insulator?

Today in our science lesson we were comparing everyday materials to see which was the best insulator. Year 5 were very surprised with the results! Which material would you say was the best insulator? Tonight ask your child what they thought would be the best and if you got the same answer as your child. Let's see if you are as surprised as we were. We tested: bamboo glass ceramic plastic paper

Image of Year 6 Science - Light Viewing Boxes
4 Mar

Year 6 Science - Light Viewing Boxes

Year 6 showing amazing team work skills in Science. We are making 'light' viewing boxes, to try to prove that we see things because light is reflected off them.

Image of Two’s Room - On the Farm
4 Mar

Two’s Room - On the Farm

We have had lots of fun today looking at our new story all about the farm. We enjoyed playing with the farm and the animals. We created pigs today using paper plates and pink paint.

Image of Two’s Room - Minibeasts
1 Mar

Two’s Room - Minibeasts

We have had a fantastic week in nursery this week. We have been learning all about minibeasts and creating our own bees. We had lots of fun during rhyme time with our family members. We had fun playing in the water with the ducks. We looked at the word sitting and what it means to us. We all practiced doing this and we also showed this with other objects. We enjoyed playing a colour matching game where we had to match the different colours to the different coloured objects. We have spent time exploring the outdoors and we even found some worms.

Image of Year 4 - DT - LED Lights
29 Feb

Year 4 - DT - LED Lights

As part of our DT topic we have been investigating 'Light Up' signs and created series circuits with switches and resistors with the aim of lighting different LED lights

Image of Two’s Room - Dear Zoo
5 Feb

Two’s Room - Dear Zoo

We have had a good week so far in nursery. We have been looking at our story, Dear Zoo. We dressed up like the different animals and moved our bodies and made noises like the animals. We made animal footprints using the different coloured paints. We also made elephants which have long trunks and big ears! In our physical development room we have been practising our crawling and climbing skills. More fun to come!

Image of Year 4 - Science - The Digestive System
5 Feb

Year 4 - Science - The Digestive System

In Science today we have been learning about the different organs, their functions and re-constructing the human digestive system.

Image of Reception Class - Bug Hunt
5 Feb

Reception Class - Bug Hunt

This afternoon, Reception class went on a bug hunt around the school grounds. We found an array of bugs including slugs, worms and a millipede. We observed the environment and explored under stones and equipment to find dark warm places that the bugs might like to live in. The children really thought about where the bugs might be and gave some great observational comments about what they discovered.

Image of Two’s Room - Exploring Outside
5 Feb

Two’s Room - Exploring Outside

We had fun exploring the outdoor area and we found some wiggly worms and slugs.

30 Jan

Year 3 - Science - Magnets and Forces

Year 3's new science topic is all about Forces and Magnets. They worked their way around the tables trying to answer the three different questions - 1) Hold an object and a magnet towards each other. What could they feel? 2) Examine the different materials, on the table. Can you say which are magnetic or non-magnetic? 3) Look at the picture cards. Can they say which force is being used, a push or a pull.

Image of 2’s Room - Exploring light and dark
25 Jan

2’s Room - Exploring light and dark

We have had lots of fun this week, taking part in lots of different activities. We had fun exploring light and dark. We switched all the lights off in our classroom and used a torch to look around. We talked about what happens at night time and the stars and the moon shine in the sky.

Image of Year 3 Science - Comparing Soil
16 Jan

Year 3 Science - Comparing Soil

In today's science lesson year 3 have been looking into the different types of soil. They compared clay soil, chalk soil, chalk loam and sandy soil in a blind test making notes of their different properties and then tried to identify them correctly.

Image of Year 1 Science - Body Parts
9 Jan

Year 1 Science - Body Parts

During Science today, Year 1 learned all about parts of the body. We discussed bones and skeletons, internal organs such as lungs and hearts and the five senses. Year 1 made Anatomy pictures using pasta and craft materials.

Image of Pre School - North and South Pole
8 Dec

Pre School - North and South Pole

This week in Understanding the world, we learnt about the North and South pole and what we would find there. We discovered lots of ice and different animals to what we would see in Darwen. We put the polar bears and reindeer in the North pole and whales and penguins in the south pole. The children then explored ice and what happens to the ice when it starts to get warm.

Image of Reception - Scavenger Sort
30 Nov

Reception - Scavenger Sort

Yesterday we went on a scavenger hunt around the school grounds to see what we could find in nature! The children found an array of items including leaves, berries and ice. The children sorted all of the objects into groups before we took a look at our haul! We spoke about why the leaves were on the ground instead of in the trees. What animals may need the berries as a food source. How the ice was formed. Why it is important to put our rubbish in the bin. Reception class did a great job working scientifically and they had lots of ideas and comments about what we had found.

Image of Year 4 Science - Sounds and Vibrations
24 Nov

Year 4 Science - Sounds and Vibrations

In science this afternoon we have been exploring how sounds are made and associating them with vibrations.

Image of 2’s Room - Exploring Ice
22 Nov

2’s Room - Exploring Ice

We have had a great day exploring ice today and what happens when we put it into warm water. We were excited to find out that when the ice melted, some dinosaurs appeared! We counted the dinosaurs that we found and also talked about what colour they were.

Image of Year 4 Science
17 Nov

Year 4 Science

In science this afternoon we have been recognising that sounds get fainter as the distance from the source increases.

Image of Pre School - Hibernation
16 Nov

Pre School - Hibernation

The children enjoyed learning all about Hibernation yesterday. We explored which animals hibernate and how they store their food for winter. We went out and collected leaves, twigs and food that the animals might need. The children then made houses for the hedgehogs to sleep in for winter.

Image of 2’s Room - Exploring Outside
15 Nov

2’s Room - Exploring Outside

We had lots of fun exploring the outdoors today! We made leaf soup in the mud kitchen and enjoyed climbing on the climbing frame. We love exploring in Autumn time with all the leaves crunching under our feet. We made sure to wrap up warm today and had so much fun!

Image of Year 5 Science - Humans
10 Nov

Year 5 Science - Humans

In our science lesson this afternoon, we have been learning about the life cycle of a human and the gestation of animals.

Image of The BBC micro:bits Have Landed!
10 Nov

The BBC micro:bits Have Landed!

We received some new tech in school today, a set of 30 BBC micro:bits. The BBC micro:bit is packed with inputs, outputs, sensors and radio communication features. You can find put more here We can’t wait to get started with these!

Image of Y3 Science - Rocks and Soils
9 Nov

Y3 Science - Rocks and Soils

Today Year 3 have started their new science topic learning about rocks and soils. During the lesson the children moved around the class investigating and answering questions about soils, rocks and fossils

Image of Y3 -Science - Shadows
12 Oct

Y3 -Science - Shadows

Year 3 conducted their first outside science experiment today. They were trying to find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change, using poles and string. Throughout the afternoon they checked their experiment and recorded the change in the shadows.

Image of Reception -UtW - Humans
25 Sep

Reception -UtW - Humans

We will be learning all about humans in Science this term. Reception class explored their faces this week, the children took it in turns to look into our mirror and describe what they could see. The children were able to name some of their features, eyes, nose mouth etc. They looked very carefully and started to notice their differences, some children have brown eyes, some have blue. Some children have freckles while others don't. Some of our friends have long hair and some have short hair. The children really enjoyed looking at themselves and each other, noticing new things about their faces.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Light Experiments
13 Sep

Year 3 - Science - Light Experiments

Year 3 started their first science topic today. They have been carrying out 6 different experiments to do with light.

Image of Y5 Science - Day and Night
23 May

Y5 Science - Day and Night

In Science today we were creating models that show how we have day and night. We then wrote our own scientific explanations to explore this further.

Image of Y2 - Science - Minibeasts
22 May

Y2 - Science - Minibeasts

In Science this week we went on a minibeast hunt. We then thought about how easy it is to see the minibeasts in their microhabitat and gave them a star rating out of 5 for how camouflaged they were.

Image of Y3 - Science - Testing Magnets
16 May

Y3 - Science - Testing Magnets

In Science today we set up and carried out a comparative test. We were finding out which magnet is the strongest.

Image of Reception - Working Scientifically- Incy Wincy Spider
5 May

Reception - Working Scientifically- Incy Wincy Spider

This morning a group of children took part in an experiment! We needed to select a good material to make a roof so that Incy-Wincy spider would stay dry and cosy in this wet and soggy weather. Firstly we inspected each material, the children had a very good look and they also felt the materials before making their predictions. They all had a good knowledge and some good ideas as to why certain materials would or would not keep Incy-Wincy dry. Then we put out predictions to the test! We worked as a team to hold the different materials tight and steady, then took turns to pour the water on top. The children really enjoyed seeing how the water moved and settled on the different materials. We found some very good materials that would definitely keep Incy-Wincy spider nice and dry!

26 Mar

Pre School - Spring and Mini Beasts!

This week the children have been exploring Spring and mini beasts. Today we have been planting seeds to watch them grow. The children added soil and seeds into their pots and then we discussed what the seeds will need to grow. The children were aware that they needed the sun and water to help them. We are excited to watch them grow over the next few weeks. We will keep you updated.

Image of Y2 Science Living/Non Living Things
24 Mar

Y2 Science Living/Non Living Things

This week in Science, Y2 have been sorting images under the headings alive, once alive and never alive. The children placed the images where they thought then we had a really interesting discussion about different objects. For example how the bunch of flowers were once alive but aren't once they are picked and how the ball of wool was once alive on a sheep. The children then re-looked at their images and sorted them in their groups again.

Image of Harold the Giraffe Visit
24 Feb

Harold the Giraffe Visit

This morning, Reception class has had two very special visitors. Steven and Harold from 'life education' came to teach us all about our bodies, our emotions and self care. The children loved learning about a few of their internal organs and what they do to keep our bodies functioning and healthy. We also discussed who we would talk to if we felt sad or unwell and how we could improve our mood by doing different activities. The children also looked after Harold by brushing his hair and brushing his teeth, making sure that he is ready for the day! Harold ended our session by singing a wonderful song all about emotions. I'm sure your little ones will have lots to tell you about Harold and what they have learnt when they get home!

Image of Y6 Science - Light
24 Feb

Y6 Science - Light

This afternoon Year 6 have had fun proving that light travels in a straight line in Science!

Image of Year 3 - Soil and Water Investigation
25 Jan

Year 3 - Soil and Water Investigation

Today in Science, we investigated which type of soil absorbed the most water. We used our measuring skills using syringes, beakers and cylinders.

Image of Year 6 - Science - Designing Experiments
19 Jan

Year 6 - Science - Designing Experiments

Today in Science, Year 6 have been designing experiments to predict if their heart rates will go up when they do still exercises. It's been a fun afternoon!

Image of Y5 - Emperor Penguins
13 Jan

Y5 - Emperor Penguins

Y5 had an exciting afternoon on Friday. We explored how Emperor Penguins have blubber which keeps them warm - the children experimented by putting an uncovered hand into ice and then put their hand into a bag which had been lined with butter (blubber). The children were mesmerised by the difference and now have a great understanding of one of the many survival skills a penguin uses!

Image of Year 3 - Science -Rocks
12 Jan

Year 3 - Science -Rocks

Today in Science, Year 3 tested the hardness of different rocks with a rub test. They ordered the rocks in groups and then recorded what they found out. We finally reported back to Miss Peckson our conclusion.

Image of Y2 - Science - Animals Including Humans.
10 Jan

Y2 - Science - Animals Including Humans.

Y2 started our new topic 'Animals including humans' in Science by sequencing the life cycle of different animals - a chick, butterfly, frog and newt.

Image of Y2 Science - Everyday Materials
9 Dec

Y2 Science - Everyday Materials

We completed our final Science investigation for our topic 'Everyday Materials' last week. We tested glass, plastic, foil, wood and paper to see which was the best at letting light through. We found that glass let lots of light through, plastic and paper let some light through and foil and wood didn't let any light through. We sent our findings to a scientist to let him know that glass is the best material for his new windscreen in his racing car as it let the most light through.

Image of Y2 Science - Testing Materials
10 Nov

Y2 Science - Testing Materials

This week in Science, the children investigated the best material to make an umbrella. They tested cling film, tissue, tin foil, a plastic bag and kitchen roll. They found 3 of the materials were waterproof but decided the plastic bag would make the best umbrella as it’s also stronger.

Image of Y2 Science - Identifying and Comparing Materials
19 Oct

Y2 Science - Identifying and Comparing Materials

After listening to the song 'There's a hole in my bucket' we received a text message from Henry asking for our help. He wanted us to find something to fill the hole in his bucket. We thought about different materials we could investigate and found that blue-tack didn't let any water through, whereas playdough let 59 drops of water through in 30 seconds. The children then wrote a text message back to Henry with their advice.

Image of Y3 - Science - Shadows
13 Oct

Y3 - Science - Shadows

Today Year 3 have been investigating that happens to our shadows through the day. Thank goodness the sun came out today!

Image of Pre School - Exploring Autumn
13 Oct

Pre School - Exploring Autumn

We have had lots of fun this week learning all about Autumn and the wonderful things that happen during this time. We have talked about what animals hibernate and then we have painted these. We have been on a leaf hunt and collected lots of leaves to then make pictures with.

Image of Year 1 Science - Signs of Autumn
12 Oct

Year 1 Science - Signs of Autumn

In Science today Year 1 went into the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. We found trees that were changing colour and leaves that had fallen to the ground.

Image of Year 6 - Science - Testing Bird Feet
6 Oct

Year 6 - Science - Testing Bird Feet

Year 6 have had a “splashing” time testing which bird foot is best for swimming in science this afternoon!

Image of Year 6 - Science - Fossils
4 Oct

Year 6 - Science - Fossils

Year 6 enjoyed our science lesson about fossils. We explored a number of different fossils, and then learnt about why fossils are so important for the understanding of evolution. We all agreed that we wished we could learn about fossils every day!

Image of Year 4 - An Action Packed Week.
30 Sep

Year 4 - An Action Packed Week.

Year 4 have had another busy and action packed week. Some of our highlights this week include: identifying and finding plants, spending our tokens in our first ever visit at the school's shop, being a human boat in a storm (!) and finding historical evidence to decide whether Theseus and the Minotaur really did happen.

Image of Y1 Science - Rain Gauge
28 Sep

Y1 Science - Rain Gauge

In Science in year one we have been looking at all types of weather, The children all worked in teams to make a Rain Gauge, which will help us measure how much rain falls over a period of time.

Image of Y3 Science - Investigating Shadows
21 Sep

Y3 Science - Investigating Shadows

Year 3 have been investigating which objects make light or dark shadows.

Image of Y2 - Trip to Bowland Wild Boar Park
13 Jul

Y2 - Trip to Bowland Wild Boar Park

Year 2 had a fantastic time at Bowland Wild Boar Park.

Image of Y4 - Science
5 Jul

Y4 - Science

Today Y4 were scientists investigating which type of chocolate melts the fastest!

Image of Y2 - Science; Plants and Trees
5 Jul

Y2 - Science; Plants and Trees

The children had a wonderful time on our walk around Bold Venture park this morning. We looked at different plants and trees and thought about which were wild plants and which had been planted. We also thought about how seeds are dispersed.

Image of Two’s Room - Planting Seeds
5 Jul

Two’s Room - Planting Seeds

Last week in the two’s room afternoon group, we planted some cress seeds. We talked about what the seeds needed in order for them to grow and we used a watering can to water our own seeds. We have been watching them grow and when we checked on them today, they had grown so much!

Image of Reception - Science Experiment
4 Jul

Reception - Science Experiment

Yesterday the children participated in a science experiment. We had to choose some materials that would keep Incy Wincy dry. We used water to check if the material was waterproof and discussed the different properties of each item.

Image of Y2 - Little Zoo
22 Jun

Y2 - Little Zoo

Last week, Gemma from Little Zoo to you visited school with a selection of animals and spoke to the children about their habitats. The children had a wonderful time and learned lots of different facts!

Image of Year 3 - Science.
18 May

Year 3 - Science.

In Science this afternoon, we have been testing to see which shoes have the best grip. We planned and set up our own fair tests.

Image of Year 5 - Science Experiement Which sugar dissolves the fastest?
16 May

Year 5 - Science Experiement Which sugar dissolves the fastest?

Year 5 observing different types of sugar using the digital microscopes. Which might take the longest to dissolve? Which sugar dissolves the fastest? Year 5 has devised their own fair tests.

Image of Year 5 Science
9 May

Year 5 Science

Year 5 have been finding out which materials are conductors or insulators of electricity.

Image of Y1 - Science.
4 May

Y1 - Science.

Today year 1 tested different materials for transparency in Science.

Image of Y4 - Design Technology, Circuits.
27 Apr

Y4 - Design Technology, Circuits.

In Design and Technology, Y4 have been investigating circuits. We made some fantastic light up pictures advertising a circus!

Image of Y6 - Electrical Circuits
31 Mar

Y6 - Electrical Circuits

Year 6 science investigation to discover whether adding more bulbs into an electrical circuit will affect the brightness of the bulb.

Image of Y4 Science, The Digestive System
30 Mar

Y4 Science, The Digestive System

Today we continued to learn about the digestive system in Science. We worked in groups to make posters of the different parts of the digestive system, drawing and explaining and what each part does. Ask us all about it!

Image of Y4 - Working Scientifically
18 Mar

Y4 - Working Scientifically

Year 4 have been learning about teeth in our science lessons so we wanted to investigate the affect different liquids have on teeth. We used hard boiled eggs to represent teeth. We put each egg into a plastic cup and covered it with a different liquid. We used coco-cola, orange juice, milk, a sports drink, vinegar and water. We predicted what will happen to each egg but we will wait one week to find out!

Image of 2's Room - Minibeasts.
11 Mar

2's Room - Minibeasts.

The Two's Room have been busy exploring Mini Beasts this week. Creating caterpillars with the play dough and using Mini Mash to create a garden centre adding flowers and bugs to go.

Image of Pre School - Minibeasts
11 Mar

Pre School - Minibeasts

This week Pre-School have been exploring mini beasts and have created houses for the bugs to live in. They have discussed where they live and what they like to eat and created snails, spiders and caterpillars at the workshop table.

Image of Reception Class - Browning Apples
9 Mar

Reception Class - Browning Apples

Reception Class have been exploring change over time. They have added different liquids to apples; lemon juice, vinegar, milk, water and some apples with no liquid. The children had to predict which liquid they thought would turn the apple brown first and explain their thoughts. The children checked the apples and different liquids at regular intervals throughout the day, discussing the changes they had witnessed.

Image of Year 3 -Science
23 Feb

Year 3 -Science

Year 3 have been investigating what happens to the size of a shadow when the angle of the light source changes

Image of Y4 - Science, Learning about Teeth.
4 Feb

Y4 - Science, Learning about Teeth.

In our Science lessons Y4 have been learning about teeth! We have learnt about the different types of teeth, what they are called and what they are used for. We then tried to make a model of our own teeth! Here are some of our teeth models!

Image of Y5 - Science, Collecting Data.
31 Jan

Y5 - Science, Collecting Data.

Year 5 have been measuring meteor craters and creating charts with the data.

Image of Pre-School - Planting and Growing.
31 Jan

Pre-School - Planting and Growing.

This week we are continuing with our story of Jasper’s Beanstalk. The children have planting cress today to explore how it grows and what it needs to grow. The children are so excited to see what happens next.

Image of Y3 - Science, Exploring Light.
26 Jan

Y3 - Science, Exploring Light.

This afternoon year 3 have started their new Science topic called Light. We have been investigating how we need light in order to see and the absence of light is dark.

Image of Year 6 - Science
16 Jan

Year 6 - Science

Year 6 are studying Light in science, and created investigations to prove that light travels in a straight line. Can you see the torchlight shining through all the holes in the cards? We discovered that the holes have to be lined up for this to occur - light doesn’t travel around corners!

Image of Year 3  - Science
12 Jan

Year 3 - Science

In Science today we have been comparing different types of soil to see how much water they absorb for a farmer. The clay loam was the best at absorbing water. We used our measuring skills to work out the volume in millilitres.

Image of Year 6 Science
9 Dec

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been carrying out a scientific investigation to test their predictions that the heart rate will rise even if you are doing a stationary exercise like the plank or a yoga balance pose.

Image of Year 4 Science
8 Dec

Year 4 Science

Today we looked at sound waves in science. We can demonstrate a sound wave by acting it out. What happened when Alfred banged the drum?

Image of Y3 - Making Fossils
1 Dec

Y3 - Making Fossils

Year 3 have been making their own fossils during science.

Image of Y2 Light Investigation
21 Oct

Y2 Light Investigation

We completed a light investigation in science this week. We received an email from a scientist explaining his methods and his results, however we found he had made a few mistakes. We then explored the resources and completed the test ourselves before writing an e-mail back to him with some ideas to help in complete a fair test in the future.

Image of Y4 - Creating Board Games
20 Oct

Y4 - Creating Board Games

Year 4 are busy making their earthquakes and volcanoes board games.

Image of Nursery - Exploring Autumn
19 Oct

Nursery - Exploring Autumn

Nursery have had lots of fun exploring Autumn this half term. There has been lots of outdoor learning.

Image of Y2 Science
6 Oct

Y2 Science

Another week, another Science investigation for Y2. This week the children looked at different plastic bottles to see which was the most flexible. They found that the ketchup bottle was easier to squeeze and the water from the ketchup bottle travelled the furthest. It travelled 440cm in total whereas the water in a water bottle only travelled 110cm. They other bottles they tested were a fruit shoot bottle, fairy liquid bottle and a shampoo bottle.

Image of Y1 Science
30 Sep

Y1 Science

In Year 1 we have been exploring rain and making rain gauges in Science.

Image of Science in Y2
28 Sep

Science in Y2

In Y2, we did a Science investigation after receiving a message from Henry saying he had a hole in his bucket and needed help to stop it leaking. We tested different materials and found that glue was the best, as no water leaked through, whereas playdough let 84ml water through!

Image of Y3 Science
22 Sep

Y3 Science

Year 3 have been learning about the functions of skeletons in humans and animals. Here are some of the skeletons they assembled.

Image of Y4 Classifying Animals
13 Sep

Y4 Classifying Animals

Some great work in year 4, classifying animals. They sorted them into vertebrates and invertebrates, and then into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds.