Thank you for choosing Darwen St James’ C.E Primary Academy for your child.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to an induction meeting on Wednesday
15th June at 2:00pm. This meeting will take place in the school hall and you will have the
opportunity to meet Miss Peckson, Headteacher, Miss Sears, Reception class teacher,
Miss Lawson our SENDcO and Assistant Headteacher and our Pupil Wellbeing Lead.
During the meeting your child will go into the Reception class to become familiar with their
new classroom environment and have the chance to play.
At the meeting you will be updated on the induction process and provided with information
regarding your child’s first days in their new school; including the structure of the school
day, uniform requirements and much more. You will also be given information about
transition days to help your child become familiar with our school. There will be the
opportunity to see sample school dinners and menus, meet outside agencies that we work
closely with including the school nurse team and after school care.
Please feel free to ask all the questions that you may have as we know that this is both an
exciting yet anxious time for yourself and your child. We will do our very best to ensure that
you and your child leave happy, comfortable and ready to start at Darwen St James’.
I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know you and your child.
If you are unable to attend this meeting please contact school on 01254 703260 so we can
arrange an alternative.