The Netball team played their absolute hearts out tonight at the Darwen Schools final. They won 1 out of the 3 matches against St Edwards, St Paul’s and Sudell. Well done girls! We are all very proud of your efforts!
Wake Up Wednesday - Twitch
If your child knows gaming, they’ll probably know Twitch. It’s a livestreaming community for dedicated gamers – but in among the helpful tips, some #OnlineSafety risks are lurking. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide investigates.
Y6 Church Visit - Eucharist Service
Year 6 had a great time in church this morning learning all about the Eucharist service with Rev Kev. We helped to set up the church, tried the unblessed wafers to see what they taste like, and then stayed for the service - Rev Kev even asked us to help out with a Bible reading! Well done Mark and Amy! And very well done to all the children, your behaviour was wonderful and so respectful, and I was very proud
Wake Up Wednesday - Virtual Reality
Virtually harmless … or a risk in reality? VR is growing fast as a medium for gaming and education, but it’s still far from free of #OnlineSafety threats. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide gives trusted adults the heads up on virtual reality.
Wake Up Wednesday - Cross Platform Sharing
‘Going viral’ isn’t always something to celebrate. This #WakeUpWednesday, we look at how inappropriate content becomes an #OnlineSafety risk by crossing between platforms – and ways to prevent your child seeing anything they shouldn’t.
Worship - Wednesday 18/5/22
We had our first Worship with Rev Kev today. He showed us the story of Jesus in the tomb through Minecraft. He taught us about how Christian’s have changed the world through their faith. We are looking forward to more of his teachings in Worship!
Year 3 - Science.
In Science this afternoon, we have been testing to see which shoes have the best grip. We planned and set up our own fair tests.
Year 3 - Art - Sean Scully.
Painting day in Year 3 today, we are starting with investing which colours we can make using primary and secondary colours. We then painted pictures in the style of Sean Scully.
Nursery - 2's Room and Pre School, Collaborative Art.
The 2's room and Pre-School have had lots of fun today creating a collaborative piece of artwork together.
Year 5 - Science Experiement Which sugar dissolves the fastest?
Year 5 observing different types of sugar using the digital microscopes. Which might take the longest to dissolve? Which sugar dissolves the fastest? Year 5 has devised their own fair tests.
Year 5 Science
Year 5 have been finding out which materials are conductors or insulators of electricity.
Y2 and 3 Fire Service Visit
Y2 and 3 had a visit from Darwen Fire and Rescue Service this week. They learned all about keeping safe around fires and what the fire service do to help us.