Image of Purple Mash Club
25 Sep

Purple Mash Club

Purple Mash club have been busy tonight using 2Paint and 2Animate to create some pictures. We are going to try some coding next week!

Image of Y6 History - Vikings
25 Sep

Y6 History - Vikings

This afternoon Year 6 looked for evidence about the Vikings around the classroom, to discover all about who the Vikings really were, and if they really were as bloodthirsty and mean as we had thought!

Image of Pre School - Literacy
22 Sep

Pre School - Literacy

In literacy the children in pre-school have been exploring our story; We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We experienced warm and cold water, damp and dripping wet clothes and listened to different sounds of dripping water and splashing. We learnt new words from Grandma Fantastic's basket.

Image of Y2 Art and Design - Using Different Tools
18 Sep

Y2 Art and Design - Using Different Tools

Year 2 have been making a range of marks using different tools.

Image of Year 1 - PE Moving in Different Ways
13 Sep

Year 1 - PE Moving in Different Ways

Year 1 enjoyed their first P.E lesson in the hall today. We were focusing on moving in different ways without bumping into each other! We also played a game of sharks in the sea to practise our listening and response skills. You can see some children saluting the captain for letting them on board.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Light Experiments
13 Sep

Year 3 - Science - Light Experiments

Year 3 started their first science topic today. They have been carrying out 6 different experiments to do with light.

Image of Reception Class - Learning About Prayer
13 Sep

Reception Class - Learning About Prayer

Reception class had their first RE lesson this afternoon! We introduced the children to our 'chatterbox' which contains different items that we talk about each lesson. Inside our chatterbox today we had different items relating to communication, we spoke about how we can talk to God and discussed what a prayer was. The children gave some great answers!

Image of Year 1 DT - Making a Fruit Salad
7 Jul

Year 1 DT - Making a Fruit Salad

Year One have made their own fruit salad in DT. They invited Miss Peckson to come and share them outside in the sun.

Image of Year 6 Geography - Ordnance Survey Maps
30 Jun

Year 6 Geography - Ordnance Survey Maps

On Friday afternoon, Year 6 began learning how to read Ordnance Survey maps. We are looking at 4-digit and 6-digit grid references, and the symbols used on the maps.

Image of Year 2 Firefighter Visit
29 Jun

Year 2 Firefighter Visit

Sean and Mark from Darwen Fire Service visited Year 2 last week to talk about how to stay safe in a fire and their role in the community. They taught the children to 'stop, drop and roll', which Dolly did a fabulous job at demonstrating. They also taught us the importance of having a fire alarm and set the children 2 challenges. I 1, to check they have a fire alarm that works in their home. 2, learn their home address in case they ever need to call 999. If you do not have a fire alarm then please call the Fire Service on 01254 702288 and they will fit an alarm, free of charge. The children also had the opportunity to role play a scenario. The family were sleeping when a fire alarm woke them up. They tested the 'door' to make sure it wasn't too hot then dropped to the floor before crawling to wake the rest of the family. They all left the building and called 999. Fire Fighter Bailey and Fire Fighter Delilah entered and put the fire out and rescued the dog. Miss Kausar also demonstrated the fire fighter uniform. She said it was very hot and heavy. Mark told us they also have an extra 20 kilo on their back too.

Image of Year 5 Art - Textiles
24 May

Year 5 Art - Textiles

This morning year 5 have completed their Textiles topic in Art. We have worked hard to look at different techniques for tie-dying before completing their own bandanna for Miss Peckson’s dog! As you can see they’ve completed some beautiful work, even if it has been a bit messy!

Image of Y5 Science - Day and Night
23 May

Y5 Science - Day and Night

In Science today we were creating models that show how we have day and night. We then wrote our own scientific explanations to explore this further.