Y1 - Comparing Numbers
Year 1 have been comparing numbers, looking at more and fewer. We have also been looking at the vocabulary more than, less than and equals to. We spent some time today re-capping this vocabulary and used the cubes to help us.
2’s Room - Birthdays
We have had lots of fun this week in the 2’s room learning about birthdays and how we celebrate them. We enjoyed looking at photos of when we were babies and how much we have grown! We have enjoyed making cakes using the playdough and inserting candles into the dough and counting them. We have had another week playing with the flour, making cakes and making marks using our fingers. We have all explored the classroom and we even created a birthday cake using the interactive board. What a fun week we have had!
Pre School - Bear Hunt
In literacy this week we have continued exploring our story of We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We have now reached the dark forest and explored the different sounds we would hear in the forest, selecting pictures of the animals we would find. We used the sensory box to find hidden bugs and twigs. We created forest pictures, painting with twigs and leaves. We then went outside to make a bear cave, collecting twigs, leaves and recalling the story as we worked together to make the cave. I think the bear would be very happy.
Y1 English - Experience Day
For our Experience Day today, the children explored a busy and beautiful forest. In small groups they thought about the birds movements and actions and created a list of verbs including pecking, flying, twirling, gliding... The children then moved like the birds.
Handwriting in Reception
Reception Class have been busy practicing their handwriting this afternoon. We are working on following a simple pattern on our boards, moving from left to right and holding our pen correctly.
Year 1 - Mastering Number
During our Mastering Number sessions this week Y1 have been looking at the numbers 6-10 and learning about how these numbers are made up of '5 and a bit'. The children have used the dice frames and rekenreks to demonstrate these numbers then completed the sentence stems ___ is the whole, 5 is a part and ___ is a part or 5 needs ___ to make ___ For example 7 is the whole, 5 is a part and 2 is a part. Or 5 needs 2 to make 7. The children have gained a really good understanding of these numbers and have worked hard. Keep up the good work Year 1!
Pre School - Birthdays
This week in Pre school we have explored birthdays and how we have celebrated birthdays before. We talked about how many candles we had on our cake, if we received birthday cards and presents and if we had birthday parties. We listened to the story of Kipper's Birthday and explored our objects on the carpet. The children then got to create their own present and wrapping paper on our workshop table.
Year 6 - Maths
Year 6 have used cubes to make arrays in maths this morning. The arrays helped us to understand factors!
Year 3 - Maths - Representing Numbers to 1000
In maths this week some of year 3 have been learning different ways to represent numbers to 1000.
Y3 Art and Design - Drawing
Year three have been looking at Drawing in art. Today they listened to the poem 'The Hippocrump' and then drew their own imaginary Hippocrump and then used oil pastels to colour them.
Year 2 Art
Today in Year 2 art, we listened to a variety of different types of music whilst making marks with a variety of mediums - chalk, charcoal, pencils and pastels.
Reception -UtW - Humans
We will be learning all about humans in Science this term. Reception class explored their faces this week, the children took it in turns to look into our mirror and describe what they could see. The children were able to name some of their features, eyes, nose mouth etc. They looked very carefully and started to notice their differences, some children have brown eyes, some have blue. Some children have freckles while others don't. Some of our friends have long hair and some have short hair. The children really enjoyed looking at themselves and each other, noticing new things about their faces.