Year 4 Aiming High Morning
Year 4 had a fun morning learning all about different jobs at our Aiming High morning. They were able to ask questions about Youth work from members of the Youth Zone, how to make circuits and electricity from an electrician and how to sign their names from visitors from the Deaf Village.
Year 3 Aiming High Day
Today we had an Aiming High Morning in school. The children visited the hall and were able to find out about and ask questions about lots of different jobs. The Youthzone told them about Youth work and working with young people, a jockey gave them information about working and riding horses. They learnt how to sign their names with visitors from the Deaf Village and how a dentist helps you to look after your teeth.
year 1 - Aim High Morning.
On Thursday morning, Year 1 attended a wonderful fair in the hall called "Aim High". Each exciting stall was run by people from our community, ready to answer all of the questions about their booths we could possibly think of! Year 1 enjoyed learning their names in sign language, discovering how saving money benefits us in the future, brushing the giant teeth with the dentist, speaking to Rev Kev about his role as our priest and getting a chance to ride the pretend horse. The children were fully captivated by every opportunity and all came away from the experience beaming.
Year 4 - Trip to Blackburn Cathedral.
Year 4 attended the moon exhibition at Blackburn Cathedral. We met with other Cidari schools to work in groups answering God’s big questions. We had a Worship with Bishop Phillip who taught us about the creation and asked us some questions; What words would you use to describe the moon? What does the moon make you think? How does the moon make you feel? The children took part in a number of workshops including dance, cooking, planting and clay sculptures, all representing one of God’s big question. The children were so well behaved and were great ambassadors for Darwen St James,
Year 5 Tree Planting - Creating a Micro Forest!
Year 5 were very lucky this week to be invited by Lancashire Council to help create a micro forest on Winterton Road. We were all very excited to plant some trees and help to save the planet! It was very muddy, but great fun and we all learned some valuable skills about how to plant trees!
Year 6 - Prefect Roles
Year 6 received their prefect badges in Worship this morning. It was a real celebration and we were so pleased that many parents could join us. Our Y6 children have many different roles including head boy and head girl, office prefects, nursery prefects and librarians. As our oldest pupils, the children have lots of responsibility and are role models to the rest of school. We know they will be fantastic and continue to aim high!
St James Rainbows and Brownies
St James Rainbows and Brownies have spaces available. They meet each week at St James Over Darwen Church. Rainbows is for girls aged 4 - 7 and Brownies is for girls aged 7 - 9. The children earn different badges, they bake, craft, raise money and have lots of fun! Please contact Lisa on 07895023147 for more information.
Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone
Today in Church Year 3 and 4 performed our annual Easter performance in Church today, Roll Back the Stone.The children told the story of Easter through acting and song, and they did a marvellous job.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them this morning.
Breakfast Club
At breakfast club this term, we have been promoting independence. The children have been encouraged to pour their own cereal, butter their own toast and pour their own drinks. We have been on hand to help with these tasks and to support your children when developing these skills. They have all enjoyed the new routine and it has been lovely to see them all grow in confidence when accessing the breakfast table and also see the improvement in their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills. If you would like to book your child onto breakfast club please do so on parentpay. The listing goes live at 3:45 every Monday for the following week.
Reception - Train Journey
Reception class experienced a train journey today! We walked from school to Darwen Train Station and took the train to Blackburn as we were going to the cinema. The children were so excited and enjoyed talking about the different scenery they could see through the window.
Inclusion Coffee Morning
Yesterday we held a coffee morning to find out how we can represent all cultures in our Early Years. We had a fantastic turn out and we have some great ideas on how to move forward with this. Thank you to Mrs Adamson for leading this session. If you are interested in coming along to our next session, please send Miss Sears or Mrs Adamson a Dojo.
Reception Class - Our Local Area
This afternoon the children have continued to develop their geographical knowledge by exploring their homes and the local area on Google Maps. The children loved directing me to their houses and pointing out familiar landmarks.
Online Safety - Freedom of Speech
Freedom of expression is enshrined in international law. Some individuals, however, misunderstand the right to share their opinions as a license to target others with the most horrendous prejudice. So how do we balance people’s prerogative to have their voice heard against everyone’s right to live in a respectful, inclusive society? This conflict frequently unfolds in the digital world. Online posters can be falsely accused of hate speech, while actual hate is often defended as merely being ‘free speech’. To help children and young people learn to identify the boundaries and recognise genuine hate speech when they see it, our #WakeUpWednesday guide provides some helpful definitions and guidelines.