Year 4 - Evaluating Their Pizza Creations
In DT, year 4 evaluated their yummy pizzas. They thought about what was good about their pizza and how they could have improved it or made it better. They also discussed whether their pizza matched the design that they originally planned and gave suggestions for other toppings if they were to make the pizza again.
Year 5 DT - Baking Tudor Cheese Pies!
In DT we have been learning food technology. We planned and designed our cheese pies and then had great fun making and baking them! We also enjoyed eating the pies, they were very delicious.
Year 4 - Design and Technology - Pizza Making
In DT, Year 4 have been looking at how to make pizzas and in this lesson they all made their own pizzas using a readymade pizza-base. The children had a variety of toppings to choose from. First, the children spread the pizza sauce onto their pizza base and after that they decorated their pizza with a reasonable amount of toppings. Then they put cheese on top of the toppings and Mrs.Mountain helped to put the pizzas into the oven and take them out. After a little waiting, the children finally got to eat their delicious pizzas.
Year 5 DT - Investigating Food Groups
In DT we have been doing Food Technology, and part of this subject is to understand the food groups, and how to eat a healthy balanced diet. We sorted foods into the different food groups, and were surprised to find out that some food like biscuits and cakes were not part of the food groups on the eatwell plate!
Year 4 - DT - Creating Questionnaires
Year 4- DT
Year 5 D.T. Food Technology - Cheese Tasting
Year 5 enjoyed tasting different cheeses in DT this week, to choose a good cheese to put in a pie! We rated the cheeses, and created bar charts on Purple Mash to show our results.
Year 4 Design Technology
In year 4 this week, we have started to practice our sewing in preparation for making our Roman sandals. We worked hard to thread our needles, tie a knot in the end, and form the running stitch. Some of us even managed to create our initial!
Year 4 Design Technology - Roman Sandals
We further developed our Roman sandal designs this week, and tried to really understand the purpose of shoe laces and how we can incorporate them into our designs. We managed to make paper sandals which actually fit on our own feet! Next week, we will be designing our final outcomes, using evaluations from our mock ups.
Year 4 - Smoothie Bike
Year 4 took part in a smoothie making workshop. They had to choose different fruits which they thought would taste nice together before adding yoghurt and honey and pedaling the bike to mix it all together.
Year 4 DT - Making Roman Sandals
This week in year 4, as part of our History topic and DT topic, we have made some 'mock-up' Roman sandals. We had to be very innovative in our thinking and some of us had to start over when we realised we could not get our feet inside! It was great fun, and we now have a good idea of what our real ones will look like.
Reception - Smoothie Bike!
Reception took part in the smoothie bike experience this morning, and although our feet didn’t touch the pedals, we had great fun! The children discussed different types of fruits that they liked and learned how many portions of fruit and veg they should eat every day. The children tried 3 different smoothies altogether; strawberry and banana, mango and pineapple and then one with all of the fruit together.
Year 5 Design and Technology: Investigating Glove Designs!
Year 5 will be learning about sewing to create gloves in DT this term, and we began our topic with an investigation into glove designs. We looked at lots of different gloves for different criteria, including colour, fabric, stitching and decoration. We had a lot of fun!
Year 3 DT Tasting Our Broth
This term Year 3 have been learning about making a broth. They looked at the different ingredients they would need and where it came from. How to prepare the vegetables and finally they got to make and taste their own broth.
Year 3 D.T. - Preparing Vegetables
During this term in D.T. Year 3 has been learning how to make a broth. Today they have been preparing the different vegetables that they will be using. They have learnt how to safely peel potatoes and how to slice carrots, leeks, and onions.
Year 2 DT - Making Stable Structures
Year 2 designed and made their stable structures in DT.
Year 1 D.T. - Measuring Ingredients Using Non-Standard Measures.
Year 1 had great fun in D.T this week measuring dry ingredients such as cornflakes, oat flakes and flour. They used measuring spoons, cups and jars to practise their measuring.
Year 6 DT
In our design technology lesson we made our own switch using foil, cardboard, spit pins and sponge and made a circuit using three wires and a battery.
Year 6 Design and Technology
Year 6 made simple circuits to test if they would work and then added a switch. Next time we will be making our own switches.
Year 2 DT - Joining Techniques
In DT Year 2 investigated different joining techniques for their structures - hinges, tabs, flanges and elbow joints.
Year 1 - DT - Tasting Porridge
Year 1 began their D.T unit on food by tasting different flavours of porridge. They tried apple and blueberry, plain and golden syrup. Yum, yum!
DT - Tasting Vegetables
In DT this term Year 3 are making vegetable soup. Today they tasted lots of different vegetables including, peppers, onions, carrots, parsnips, cauliflowers and leeks. They then discussed how each one smelt, tasted, looked and felt.
Year 2 DT - Exploring Structures
Year 2 started their new topic on strong structures by exploring how to make sheet materials stronger by rolling, folding and layering.
Year 5 DT Moving Toys
In D+T Year 5 have been making moving toys. They designed their toy using 2 Design and Make. They then assembled their toys and attached wheels to make it move.
Year 4 DT
In DT this week we have been preparing, peeling, testing and eating seasonal vegetables in preparation to make our own soup to our own recipe. We have been researching which fruit and vegetables are in season and which are imported.
Year 1 - Design Technology - Choosing Materials
Year 1 explored different materials that would be suitable for the different parts of their garage. They explored tubes, corrugated card and different sizes of boxes.
Year 5 Skills Builder - Creating an Educational Game
In Year 5 the children have been researching, designing and making an educational board game for younger children. The children had great fun even more so when they could eventually play their games!
Year 5 DT - Textiles
In our textiles lesson we have been investigating materials and processes in producing a Mono-Print on fabric.
Reception Class - 3D Models
Reception class have been busy creatign 3D models using the available resources. Using the skills they have been learning they have been cutting, joining, sticking an linking together different 3D materials to create rockets, ships and telescopes!
Reception - DT - Making Fruit Rockets
This afternoon the children have been making fruit rockets. The children had to follow the pattern to create their rocket, selecting melon, strawberries or marshmallows. Although the children enjoyed making them, they loved eating them even more!
Reception Class - Design and Technology - Creating Rockets
As part of our space theme the children have been using diffferent materials to create a rocket. The children used joining, linking, cutting and sticking skills to create their designs, they worked really hard to finish their creations.
Year 3 - Design and Technology - Sandwich Snacks
This term in DT we are learning about Sandwich Snacks. Today the children talked about the different types of bread that they could and tasted naan, bangles, pitta and wraps.
Year 2 - Design and Technology - Sewing
Today in DT we practised our sewing skills ready to start designing and making our own puppets.
Year 4 - DT - Light Up Box Construction
We have started to construct our light up design boxes in DT this afternoon... some good designs coming :-) stay tuned!
Year 2 - DT - Finger Puppets
DT- in DT today year 2 have made finger puppets, The children have really enjoyed making them.
Year 1 - Funky Food
This week Year 1 started their new D.T unit of Funky Food. We started this unit by doing a survey of our favourite fruits and vegetables. The photographs show the children completing a tally chart as they asked their friends questions. Then Year 1 produced pictograms of what they found.
Year 4 - DT - LED Lights
As part of our DT topic we have been investigating 'Light Up' signs and created series circuits with switches and resistors with the aim of lighting different LED lights
Year 4 DT - Light Boxes
Year 4 have been exploring light up boxes in DT this week and have also been looking into 'light up signs' and their uses.
Year 4 DT Making Bowls
We have started a new topic in DT today: 3D form. Today we have started to use simple materials to make a bowl and paint to the style of our chosen artist
Reception - Playdough Christmas Trees
This morning we have been creating some christmas trees at our playdough table. The children have moulded their playdough into tree shapes and used lots of materials to decorate them, including gems, beads, pompoms and pipe cleaners. They did a great job and have created some Fabulous trees!
Year 6 DT - Bridges
In our DT lessons we have been learning about bridges. These photos show us investigating how much weight an arch will hold, and also the amazing suspension bridges we designed and created.
Year 3 - Stocking Design
Today Year 3 began planning and designing their own Christmas stockings. They thought about what designs they would like to create, who they would be making it for and the colours they would like to use. Over the next couple of weeks they will begin to make their stockings.
Year 3 - DT - Making Christmas Stockings
Year 3 have begun to get ready for Christmas. In DT they are learning how to make Christmas Stockings. They have looked at lots of different designs and patterns that they could use and have been trying to thread their own needles as well as practicing sewing using different stitches.
Y6 - DT - Trusses
Year 6 learnt all about trusses to make bridges strong in D&T, and we created our own trusses. Here are some examples of the trusses we made!
Y1 - DT - Pivot Mechanisms
Year 1 have been learning how to make a pivot mechanism in Design Technology this week.
Year 1 DT - Making a Fruit Salad
Year One have made their own fruit salad in DT. They invited Miss Peckson to come and share them outside in the sun.
Y2 DT - Perfect Pizzas
This afternoon, we have enjoyed tasting different types of bread as part of our DT topic 'Perfect Pizzas'. The children then ranked them in order of preference. Ask your child which was their favourite.
Y1 DT - Textiles
Year One are creating their own fabric strip creations for us to weave next week. We have used glitter, fabric pens and oil pastels.
Year 5 DT - Biscuit Recipes
We have had a very busy morning in Year 5 completing our food topic in DT. This term the children have been researching, comparing and designing biscuit recipes for Willy Wonka! They have tested biscuits, compared recipes and researched fairtrade products we could use before designing our final product. Today, the children worked together to bake chocolate chip biscuits which they then decorated and devoured!
Year 3 - Design Technology
In DT year 3 have been making sandwiches. They have been looking at a variety of bread types and planning what toppings they would like to use when they made their own sandwiches.
Year 6 - DT
Year 6 have spent all day working hard to make veggie burgers and 3 different sauces (tzatziki, salsa and barbecue). Everyone has had a great day, and everyone tried the food they made! Well done Year 6!
Y5 - Making Bread
In DT today, year 5 made bread with Mellors. They made lavish bread and had a go at needing pitta bread dough before trying one with garlic butter and another with hummus!
Y2 - Pizza Making
On Wednesday, Y2 had a pizza making session with Mellors Catering. The children discussed the nutritional value of the ingredients, and chose a selection of toppings for their pizza.
Y4 - Design Technology, Circuits.
In Design and Technology, Y4 have been investigating circuits. We made some fantastic light up pictures advertising a circus!
Year 1 - DT - Structures.
Year 1 have been completing our stable structures. We have made car garages, rabbit hutches and houses for LOL dolls. All of our structures have a ramp and a door.
Year 2 - DT
Year 2 have made their own finger puppets in DT.
Year 6 Design Technology
This afternoon Year 6 are making suspension bridges in their Design and Technology lesson.
Y2 Designing and Making Fire Engines.
Year 2 have been busy making their fire engines. They have followed their design and added features including hoses and ladders.