Image of Preschool-Literacy-Likes And Dislikes
3 Feb

Preschool-Literacy-Likes And Dislikes

Our story in Literacy is Handa's surprise, All the children were given the opportunity to try all the different fruits from Handa's basket, The children shared their views by showing a thumbs up for likes and a thumbs down for dislikes of the fruits.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - Mark Making
30 Jan

Nursery - Literacy - Mark Making

During our Chinese new year celebrations, the children made their own red envelopes and gifted them to a friend in class. The children used various different pencil grips to hold their crayons and scribed on their paper to create marks. Some children were even able to give meanings to their marks and tell their friends what they had drawn. The children then placed their good luck pictures inside red envelopes, along with a chocolate golden coin to represent the money usually gifted in these Chinese traditions. The class enjoyed exchanging their envelopes with each other and talking about the pictures they had drawn.

Image of Reception - Phonics and Guided Reading - Workshop For The Children's Adults.
22 Jan

Reception - Phonics and Guided Reading - Workshop For The Children's Adults.

Parents and adult carers for the children were invited into our class today to attend a Phonics and Guided Reading Workshop. They watched the children learning some Phonics and doing some writing. The children then read together in Guided Reading groups. The adults could then see how they can read with their children and help them with their phonics learning.

Image of Nursery - Maths - Positional Language
21 Jan

Nursery - Maths - Positional Language

Linking with this weeks story, 'The three billy goats gruff', the children have been exploring a story set up while using selected positional language, 'on top' and 'under' to describe the position of the different characters. The children used their knowledge of the story to help them build on their understanding, they were able to place the troll under the bridge and vocalise 'under' they were also able to place the goats on top of the bridge and correctly identify their position.

Image of Nursery - Fine Motor Skills - Threading
21 Jan

Nursery - Fine Motor Skills - Threading

Our fine motor focus this week has been threading! The children were provided with wooden dowels and big beads, their task, to fill up their dowels with various different shapes. This activity has been available for the children to explore all week and they have thoroughly enjoyed filling and emptying their dowels. Some children were able to use their maths knowledge to count their beads and also describe the shape and colour of each bead they used. Well done, nursery class.