Nursery - Literacy - 'We're Going on A Leaf Hunt'
The story Nursery class have been enjoying this week has been 'We're going on a leaf hunt'. We used the scenes from the story and a bit of imagination to go on our very own leaf hunt. The children were observant of their surroundings and found areas in the nursery garden that had similarities to our story. The children were encouraged to copy sound effects and positional language used in the story as they made different movements with their bodies. The children climbed to the top of a big hill, walked through the dark dark forest, rowed across the cold cold lake, found a house to hide from the skunk and with a bit of help from Miss Cooney, the children experienced a waterfall!
Nursery - Literacy - Creating Marks And Following Patterns
Making links with Diwali celebrations, Nursery class have been making marks and following patterns in glitter. The children selected their mark making tools and used their fine motor skills to draw in the glitter, noticing the black void that their movements had made. The children were encouraged to copy the shapes made by their teachers, mimicking small and big movements. Some children were also able to slowly trace the patterns drawn under the glitter to reveal the lines.
Preschool-Literacy- The story Hug- Who Hugs Me? How does it feel?
In Literacy this week we have listened to our story Hug and discussed Who hugs me? How it makes us feel and How others might be feeling and responding according to their understanding of the other person’s needs and wants.
Nursery - Computing - Can You Design A Cake?
The children in Nursery class have been working on their computing skills this week. They have learnt how to navigate software on purple mash to design a birthday cake. Using their fingers, hands and even noses, the children have been able to select different cake toppings and make marks of their choice on the screen, watching their creations develop as they drew.
Preschool- Literacy- All About Me- Drawing Self Portraits and Hand Preference.
Our story this week is Marvellous Me - the children have been drawing/painting self portraits and showing their hand preferences and grip.