Image of Pre-School-R.E- Easter Story
27 Feb

Pre-School-R.E- Easter Story

In R.E this week the children have begun to learn the Easter story. We listened to the story from the Bible and talked about what happened on Good Friday. The children discussed how Jesus may have been feeling and why this happened to him. We talked about how we mark this day today. The children then designed their own cross with different materials.

Image of Pre-School-PSHE-Self Care
12 Feb

Pre-School-PSHE-Self Care

Pre-School have been learning how to look after themselves. We independently wash our hands for snack time and select a cup and plate for placing our snack on. The children have also been washing the babies in the wash tray, using the sponges to clean the babies and made lots of bubbles. We talked about why it is important to wash our bodies, to keep the germs away.

Image of Pre-School-Expressive Arts and Design- Valentine's Craft
12 Feb

Pre-School-Expressive Arts and Design- Valentine's Craft

The children have been busy using different materials to create Valentine items. The children have used cutting techniques to cut foil and tissue paper to make paper flowers. Making cards for the people we love, writing their names into the card and designing the front cover. We have mixed coloured glue to make different marks and watched what happened to the colours.

Image of Pre-School- PSHE- The Colour Monster
6 Feb

Pre-School- PSHE- The Colour Monster

The children have been developing their understanding of their emotions this week to support Children's Mental Health Week. We listened to The Colour Monster story and worked through all the different feelings and why we might feel this way. The children created their own monster of how they were feeling and added them to a jar.

Image of Preschool-Literacy-Likes And Dislikes
3 Feb

Preschool-Literacy-Likes And Dislikes

Our story in Literacy is Handa's surprise, All the children were given the opportunity to try all the different fruits from Handa's basket, The children shared their views by showing a thumbs up for likes and a thumbs down for dislikes of the fruits.

Image of Pre-School- Expressive Arts And Design-  Wheels On The Bus
30 Jan

Pre-School- Expressive Arts And Design- Wheels On The Bus

Out in the garden the children helped create a bus using the different materials we could find. Once the bus was ready the children climbed aboard and off we went to the zoo, park and Blackpool tower. We added some singing along the way, singing wheels on the bus as we went on our adventures.

Image of Pre-School-Physical Development-P.E-Roll And Control
27 Jan

Pre-School-Physical Development-P.E-Roll And Control

In our P.E session the children practised finding their own space, moving around safely and making sure that we don't bump into our friends.Then the children were given a ball and asked to roll and control the ball and when they heard Mrs Corbally shout" stop " the children had to pick up their ball without it rolling away.

Image of Pre-School- Maths- Match, Talk, Push and Pull
22 Jan

Pre-School- Maths- Match, Talk, Push and Pull

In maths this week we have been exploring shapes. We looked at basic 2D shapes and then some 3D shapes looking at what happens if we put them together to make a different shape or could we create a picture or object with them. Children used the 2D shapes to make houses, faces and even dinosaurs while other children used the 3D shapes to make towers or rockets.

Image of Pre-School- Physical Development- Scissor Control
22 Jan

Pre-School- Physical Development- Scissor Control

The children used their scissors to cut around the fruit for Handa's Basket. The children learnt how to hold and position their fingers to move the scissors into the paper to cut. Some children made cuts into the fruit and others cut around them to then stick them in their baskets.

Image of Pre-School- PD-Fine and Gross Motor Skills
16 Jan

Pre-School- PD-Fine and Gross Motor Skills

The children take part in Write Dance to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Moving to music with the ribbons and making up and down movements building on muscle strength. The children move their body into position to hold their crayons to make the movements on to paper. Developing the skills they have just learnt through dancing.

Image of Pre-School-Maths-Take and Give 1,2,3
16 Jan

Pre-School-Maths-Take and Give 1,2,3

In maths this week we have been filling Grandma's basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take it to her. The children selected their own fruit and vegetables and then counted them with 1:1 correspondance. We then asked the children to take one item out of each basket and as they did this they needed to count each item and then stop. We then moved to two and three items counting and stopping as we went. Children also counted in number sequence in this activity.

Image of Pre-School-UTW-Science- Exploring Seasons
8 Jan

Pre-School-UTW-Science- Exploring Seasons

The children had so much fun exploring the snow. Experiencing what Winter is all about, snow, icicles and snowflakes. We went on a hunt to find all these objects and why we know it is Winter. The children talked about wearing warm clothes, hats, scarves and gloves to play out in and shorts are for summer time. We noticed that there are no leaves on the trees and that not many animals were around because they are hibernating this season.

Image of Pre-School- PSHE-Keeping Us Safe
8 Jan

Pre-School- PSHE-Keeping Us Safe

In our lesson today we discussed people who keep us safe and how they can help us. We looked at a few pictures of people in different roles, including parents, police officers, fire fighters, doctor/ nurses and teachers. We talked about how they can help us and keep us safe. We role played different roles, being a police officer helping someone if they got lost, a doctor and using the plasters and bandages to make you better. The children then used this knowledge to draw a person and list what they can do to help us.

Image of EYFS- PSHE-Christmas Magic Show
20 Dec

EYFS- PSHE-Christmas Magic Show

We had a magical day for all the children in EYFS experiencing a Christmas Magic Show. We watched magic tricks, a puppet show and the children enjoyed joining in with all the different acts. We danced to music and then a special visitor arrived.....' SANTA'.

Image of Pre-School- PSHE-Taking Turns and Sharing
18 Dec

Pre-School- PSHE-Taking Turns and Sharing

We have been developing our taking turns and sharing skills this week. We have played a pairs game and needed to match the animals. The children had to wait their turn and watch what was happening when the other player took their turn. Children struggled at first to wait their turn and how to play the game but with some guidance we had lots of fun.

Image of Pre-School-PD-Christmas Dough
18 Dec

Pre-School-PD-Christmas Dough

The children have enjoyed taking part in our Christmas dough disco. Moving arms up in the air and low to the ground and all around. We splat, pinched and moulded our dough to make reindeers, snowmen and Christmas puddings. The children have developed their skills over the term and are building their muscles in their arms and fingers.

Image of Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance
11 Dec

Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance

Pre-school and Nursery class Nativity performance.The children worked so hard to practise learning all the songs for our nativity.

Image of Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance
11 Dec

Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance

Our Nativity Performance. The children worked really hard practicing and learning all the songs for our performance.

Image of Pre-School-UTW-Investigating Frozen Penguins
5 Dec

Pre-School-UTW-Investigating Frozen Penguins

This week we have been exploring all about penguins, we have learnt that penguins live in the south pole where it is cold and there is lots of ice around. We have then explored ice but our penguins were stuck inside and we discussed how we can get them out. We used our hands to warm up the ice and watched it melt to free the penguins.

Image of Pre-School- Maths- Exploring Patterns
5 Dec

Pre-School- Maths- Exploring Patterns

The children created different patterns with the building blocks. We worked out which colours were next in the sequence and continued to make the pattern.

Image of Pre-School- UTW-Electricity
27 Nov

Pre-School- UTW-Electricity

In Pre-School the children have been learning about Electricity. We explored where electricity comes from and how it works, what happens when it goes off and how we get it to come back on again. We found that items like torches and clocks run off batteries and the interactive board and light table need an electric source from the switches. We discussed safety and how we do not touch electric products unless we have been told it is safe to use.

Image of Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making
27 Nov

Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making

The Pre-School children have been developing their fine motor skills this week. They have used the play dough to roll, press and shape into a penguin. The children rolled the body and splatted the dough to shape eyes, a nose or used the enhancements to create wings and feet. The children have been building up muscle strength in their fingers.

Image of Should I Keep My Child Off School?
24 Nov

Should I Keep My Child Off School?

Lots of bugs and germs are spreading, and we know you want to do what is best for your child. Please see the NHS guidance below on keeping your child off school. If you are keeping your child at home, please contact the school office as soon as you can.

Image of Pre-School- Physical Development - Fun in the Snow
19 Nov

Pre-School- Physical Development - Fun in the Snow

Today in Pre-school the children have enjoyed fun in the snow. We made a mini snowman, we threw snowballs, laid in the snow to make snow angels using our arms moving them up and down and moving our legs in and out. We had lots of fun playing with our friends.

Image of Pre-School-P.S.H.E- What Do Our Bodies Need?-Making Fruit Kebabs
19 Nov

Pre-School-P.S.H.E- What Do Our Bodies Need?-Making Fruit Kebabs

Today Pre-school In P.S.H.E discussed what our bodies need to be healthy. The children told me that we need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink only milk and water to keep our bodies healthy because pop and sweets have too much sugar in them. The children told me they need to exercise like running, jumping and doing our P.E lessons with Mrs Corbally.

Image of Pre-school - Communication And Language.
14 Nov

Pre-school - Communication And Language.

The children Listened to our story We're Going On a Bear Hunt, acting out movements throughout the story representing under, over and through movements.

Image of Pre-School - Expressive Arts And Design- Creating Bug Houses
14 Nov

Pre-School - Expressive Arts And Design- Creating Bug Houses

The children are creating bug houses for the bugs to keep warm over winter, selecting from different materials to create their own bug house.

Image of Pre- School- P.E - To Move Safely Into A Space
6 Nov

Pre- School- P.E - To Move Safely Into A Space

In our P.E lesson we have used our imagination to be wizards, creating a magic wand and broom stick. The children moved around the room using the skills we have been learning over the last few weeks. We moved our bodies fast and slow to different movements, crawling, hopping, walking and running making sure to move around the room without bumping into our friends. The children learnt to stop on the spot when the wizard said freeze. We created a magic potion and the children threw in frogs and worms (hoops) to make the potion bubble, bubble, bubble POP!

Image of Pre-School- Fine Motor Skills- Write Dance
6 Nov

Pre-School- Fine Motor Skills- Write Dance

Pre-School have been using their fine motor skills through the Write Dance program, using Ribbons and Chalk to make over and under arch movements.

Image of Pre-School-Maths-Joining In With Repeats
31 Oct

Pre-School-Maths-Joining In With Repeats

In Maths this week the children have been joining in with an arrangement of repeats such as singing nursery rhymes, If you're happy and you know it and five cheeky monkeys. The children also joined in with repeats of body percussion clap, jumps and a body movement of the children's choice.

Image of Pre-School-U.T.W-Exploring The Environment
30 Oct

Pre-School-U.T.W-Exploring The Environment

Today the children have enjoyed exploring our environment in Pre-School. The children have been developing their skills including gross and fine motor movements with our pumpkin picking. Using the tweezers to pull out the bugs and leaves in the water tray and creating bug houses in the Small World Area.

Image of PreSchool-U.T.W-Science-Exploring Our 5 Senses.
17 Oct

PreSchool-U.T.W-Science-Exploring Our 5 Senses.

Preschool have been exploring their 5 senses. Using Mr Potato we discussed each of our senses as the children dressed Mr Potato's face/head with the senses. The children explained what we use our senses for, eyes for looking, ears for listening, mouth for tasting, nose for smelling and our hands to feel.

Image of Fire Safety
9 Oct

Fire Safety

A Home Office study has found that approximately 350 children are injured in accidental fires every year

Image of Preschool-Literacy- The story Hug- Who Hugs Me? How does it feel?
9 Oct

Preschool-Literacy- The story Hug- Who Hugs Me? How does it feel?

In Literacy this week we have listened to our story Hug and discussed Who hugs me? How it makes us feel and How others might be feeling and responding according to their understanding of the other person’s needs and wants.

Image of Pre-School-E.A.D Exploring Print with Wild Animals
8 Oct

Pre-School-E.A.D Exploring Print with Wild Animals

The children used Wild Animal figures dipped them in paint and used them to make prints.

Image of PreSchool-P.S.H.E-I Am Special
3 Oct

PreSchool-P.S.H.E-I Am Special

Today the children Had to secretly look inside the box and not tell their friends what they saw until the last child had looked inside, the children then discussed what they saw which was themselves in a mirror, We then talked about Why we are special and unique and what makes us special and what makes our families special.

Image of Preschool-Worship-The Creation Story
2 Oct

Preschool-Worship-The Creation Story

In Worship with jack this week we have Looked at The Creation Story and discussed what we are Thankful for.

Image of Preschool-Understanding The World -Science-Our 5 senses/Food Tasting
25 Sep

Preschool-Understanding The World -Science-Our 5 senses/Food Tasting

Today we discussed our 5 senses and talked about what things we use our senses for, The children also enjoyed using their senses to smell,touch,look and hear bubble bath then we used our mouths to taste some porridge and talked about how the bubble bath smelt,looked,sounded and felt and we discussed if we liked the taste of the porridge.

Image of PreSchool-PSHE-Visitor-Toothbrushing
25 Sep


Today we had James The Dentist Visit us in Preschool and Reception class, James taught us the importance of brushing our teeth. James also showed the children how much sugar can be found in sweets and sugary drinks and discussed what a healthy snack should be.

Image of Preschool- R.E-Creation with Jack The Bear
18 Sep

Preschool- R.E-Creation with Jack The Bear

In R.E this week Jack the bear has taught Preschool all about God's Creation story, We looked at each day and what God created on that day.

Image of Nursery And PreSchool - P.E - Gross Motor Skills
13 Sep

Nursery And PreSchool - P.E - Gross Motor Skills

In PE this week Nursery and PreSchool have been working on their gross motor skills, exploring different ways to move their bodies! The children walked, ran, slithered, crawled and jumped around the hall. They also used their listening skills to stop and freeze when asked. We also worked on some colour recognition as the children were tasked to find specific coloured hoops between the different movements.

Image of Preschool- Literacy- All About Me- Drawing Self Portraits and Hand Preference.
11 Sep

Preschool- Literacy- All About Me- Drawing Self Portraits and Hand Preference.

Our story this week is Marvellous Me - the children have been drawing/painting self portraits and showing their hand preferences and grip.

Image of Maths-counting and Recognising numbers 1 to 5- PreSchool
11 Sep

Maths-counting and Recognising numbers 1 to 5- PreSchool

This week in Maths we have been counting and trying to recognise some  numerals 1 to 5, counting objects and match numbers and playing counting games on the interactive board. 

Image of Pre School-PSHE-All About Me
4 Sep

Pre School-PSHE-All About Me

The children have been getting to know each other this week and have talked about their likes and dislikes. The children then created pic collage adding materials and pictures to show what we had talked about. The children explored the classroom and showed their interests throughout the week.

Image of Pre School-Phyiscal Development-Outdoor Fun
4 Sep

Pre School-Phyiscal Development-Outdoor Fun

The children have been exploring the outdoor provision and enjoyed playing with the water, making mud pies and drawing with the large chalks making gross motor movements.

Image of What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety

At times, growing up can be a stressful experience. It’s not unheard of for young people to fret about things that could potentially go wrong in their lives – and what implications this would have for their life. In some situations, this can go beyond feeling uneasy about the future and become full-blown anxiety, which affects their mental, emotional and even physical wellbeing. While worry and anxiety can originate from many different places, it's immensely important for parents and educators to understand the effect this can have on youngsters – and how best to support them if they’re going through a difficult time. This guide provides insight into the ramifications of worry and anxiety, and how you can help children manage – and hopefully overcome – these challenges.

Image of Pre School- Graduation 2024
17 Jul

Pre School- Graduation 2024

The children have celebrated their Graduation this week. The children's parents came into nursery to celebrate this special occasion, remembering all the special experiences and progress they have made over the last few years. The children are ready for their new adventure to big school.

Image of Pre School- UTW- Celebrations
17 Jul

Pre School- UTW- Celebrations

We have had lots of fun at our Pre School party. We played party games, popping bubbles and catching balloons with our friends. The children enjoyed being together and sharing the experience of doing different activities for the day.

Image of Pre School- Science- Magnets
10 Jul

Pre School- Science- Magnets

The children have been developing their understanding of how the magnets work. Learning that there are two poles, one that will attract and one that will repel. The children watched as the magnets repelled and moved away from the other magnets without touching the other magnet. When they attracted the magnets stuck together and were hard to separate.

Image of Pre School- Computing and Maths- Recognise Numbers
10 Jul

Pre School- Computing and Maths- Recognise Numbers

The children have had lots of fun this week developing their knowledge of numbers and counting 1 to 1 correspondence. The children added legs to the octopus and used different colours to add spots as they counted, recognising numbers as they go.

Image of Pre School-PSHE-Taking Turns
3 Jul

Pre School-PSHE-Taking Turns

The children have been developing their sharing and taking turn skills playing the game, Pizza, Pizza. Working in groups to collect the correct pieces to add to their board, but some pizza toppings had bugs on and they needed to go in the rubbish meaning that the children's boards did not get filled. We all supported each other until we all had a complete board of pizza.

Image of Pre School- P.E- Balancing
3 Jul

Pre School- P.E- Balancing

P.E- Balancing In Pre School we have been making great progress with our balancing skills. Climbing onto jumps and walking, crawling and balancing with no support along the beams. Some children balanced bean bags on their heads as they moved across the beams.

Image of Pre School- Physical Development- Fine Motor Skills
26 Jun

Pre School- Physical Development- Fine Motor Skills

This week the children have been busy developing their finger muscles, using the water bottles to spray coloured water on to the floor and paper in the garden. We have used the clear film to create patterns with fine and thick paint brushes and watch the colours mix. The children enjoyed using the sticks to hook the fish out of the water and count how many fish are in the rock pool.

Image of Pre School- Literacy- Mark Making
26 Jun

Pre School- Literacy- Mark Making

Pre-School have been practicing their drawing skills, copying different marks and then using what they have learnt to draw an object and talk about what they have created. We had spiders, caterpillars, worms and faces, and the children were very pleased with their work.

Image of Pre School- Computing-Making the Robot Move
19 Jun

Pre School- Computing-Making the Robot Move

The children have been shown how to use the robot truck. Using the buttons to move it forward, backwards and side to side. We used the cards to plan and give instructions to the robot and watched it move.

Image of Pre School- Maths-Number Hunt
12 Jun

Pre School- Maths-Number Hunt

The children had a fantastic time searching the classroom for treasure maps with different numbers on. The number was written down on the board and the children went around the room finding them. At each number map the children had a number task to complete, jump 5 times, 7 hops and so on. The children then created their own map adding their own numbers on.

Image of Pre School- Physical Development- Making Bubbles
22 May

Pre School- Physical Development- Making Bubbles

The children have been learning how to make their own bubbles. We used water and liquid to make the mixture and then the hoops to make the bubbles. The children loved popping the bubbles with their fingers and watching them bounce up and down in the hoops. We tried to make them blow in the wind but they popped.

Image of Pre School- Music- Rhyme Time
22 May

Pre School- Music- Rhyme Time

Today the children have enjoyed using the musical instruments to create loud and quiet sounds and singing different nursery rhymes to match the sounds they are making with the musical instruments. The children began by tapping quietly and then changing the sound when we move the instruments faster and louder.

Image of Pre-School- UTW- Art- Colour Mixing
16 May

Pre-School- UTW- Art- Colour Mixing

The children have been exploring colours, we used the three primary colours and watched what happens when the colours got mixed together. The children then went on to mix paint colours on their hands to watch the effects change in front of them.

Image of Pre-School- Physical- Exploring The Outdoors
15 May

Pre-School- Physical- Exploring The Outdoors

The children have been interested in finding different bugs in the garden. Together we created a digging area to see what we could find. Using different tools the children found beetles, snails, worms and slugs. The children created an area with the blocks to look at the creatures closer using the magnifying glass.

Image of Pre-School- Literacy and Maths- Calendar
8 May

Pre-School- Literacy and Maths- Calendar

Everyday Pre- school children take part in Calendar time. In this short activity we learn the day, date, month and what letter sound they start with. The children learn to recognise their own name card and letter sound. We then count how many children are in our class and put them into groups, recognising which group has more or less.

Image of Pre-School- Maths-Rocket Shapes
8 May

Pre-School- Maths-Rocket Shapes

The children have used different materials and shapes to create Rockets. The children recognised squares, rectangles and triangles and we counted how many sides each shape had.