Image of Year 2 PE - Invasion Games
27 Feb

Year 2 PE - Invasion Games

'Invasion Games' is one of our new PE units this term which we are loving!

Image of Year 2 Music - Doodle Boards
27 Feb

Year 2 Music - Doodle Boards

We have been having lots of fun creating doodle boards this week in music!

Image of Year 2 - PSHE - Children's Mental Health Week
12 Feb

Year 2 - PSHE - Children's Mental Health Week

Whilst wearing our silly socks for Children's Mental Health week, we discussed big and small feelings, what we can do to feel better when we feel these ways, how to take care of our brain and coloured in lots of fun pictures, as this is one strategy we learnt can help us feel better!

Image of Year 2 - Music
12 Feb

Year 2 - Music

We have had lots of fun following a conductor in Music this week!

Image of Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters
6 Feb

Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters

In Drama Club we are creating our own characters for a play, so we learnt how to paint our faces to create different weird and wonderful characters! It was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 2 Computing - Binary Trees
5 Feb

Year 2 Computing - Binary Trees

We have done lots of amazing learning this week, including understanding more about Binary Trees and using them too!

Image of Year 2 Maths - Multiplication and Division - Making Equal Groups
5 Feb

Year 2 Maths - Multiplication and Division - Making Equal Groups

We have had many great mathematicians in Year 2 this week, continuing our learning on grouping and sharing.

Image of Year 2 - English - Non Chronological Reports
5 Feb

Year 2 - English - Non Chronological Reports

We have been identifying features of a non chronological report this week, including reading reports on Facts About The Artic & The FA Cup. From highlighting and discussing features, to placing features in the correct order, it has been a fantastic week so far in English!

Image of Year 2 - PE: Team Building
5 Feb

Year 2 - PE: Team Building

This lesson was an amazing end to our Team Building unit in PE! We put all of our skills to the test in some fun team races, facing different challenges.

Image of Year 2 RE - The Ten Lepers
30 Jan

Year 2 RE - The Ten Lepers

We looked at the story of The Ten Lepers, discussed how we would feel as a leper before and after being healed and the importance of being thankful to Jesus for helping us.

Image of Year 2 PE - Team Building - Making a Plan to Be Successful
30 Jan

Year 2 PE - Team Building - Making a Plan to Be Successful

We continued to build on our team skills by taking part in activities, all of which needed the team to create plans in order to be successful.

Image of Year 2 Maths - Making Equal Groups
30 Jan

Year 2 Maths - Making Equal Groups

We have been working super hard this week in Maths! We have been making equal groups by grouping and sharing. Our team here in Year 2 have been amazing at demonstrating that practice makes progress! Well done.

Image of Year 2 - Art: Architecture
23 Jan

Year 2 - Art: Architecture

We have been drawing objects in the classroom using continuous lines and varied line types, and have then used these skills to draw the Taj Mahal and the Soloman Guggenheim Museum.

Image of Year 2 - English - Writing Our Own Stories
23 Jan

Year 2 - English - Writing Our Own Stories

We have read two books by the same author (Simon Bartram) and have been planning our own stories based on one of his books (A Right Royal Disaster). The children have enjoyed his books and have written their own stories following a similar plot!

Image of Year 2 - PE: Team Building
23 Jan

Year 2 - PE: Team Building

We are currently working on Team Building in PE. Children needed to communicate effectively, work on listening skills and talk about what it means to be a good team player.

Image of Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps
22 Jan

Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps

Over time, more and more fitness apps have been finding their way into circulation. Usually free to download – at least initially – these apps claim to offer helpful advice and assistance in routine management to those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. While these platforms can be useful, they do present several safety concerns. These issues become more significant when we consider that children and young people can use these apps to stay active – whether out of concern for their own health or for reasons of body image. Our free guide breaks down the risks of health and fitness apps and offers expert advice on how to address these concerns to safeguard younger users.

Image of Year 2 - Maths: Money and PE: Team Building
16 Jan

Year 2 - Maths: Money and PE: Team Building

We have been looking at using money in Maths, counting and calculating with pounds and pence. In PE, we have been focusing on team building and the skills we can use to create better communication in a team and a better understanding of instructions.

Image of Spring Clubs!
15 Jan

Spring Clubs!

Our spring clubs are now available to book via ParentPay. They are a great way for children to learn a new skill and to socialise with others. Please log on to your ParentPay account to book, if you need any help please contact the office.

Image of Online Safety - TikTok
15 Jan

Online Safety - TikTok

With 22% of its billion-strong userbase being between the ages of 13 and 17, the popularity of TikTok among the younger generation is indisputable

Image of Year 2 Art and Design - Sketching Natural Objects By the Way They Feel
16 Dec

Year 2 Art and Design - Sketching Natural Objects By the Way They Feel

Today in art we collected some more natural objects and made drawings thinking about the way they feel.

Image of Year 2 PSHE - Being Kind
16 Dec

Year 2 PSHE - Being Kind

In PSHE we talked about kind and unkind behaviour. We listened to a story about Harold and how he was being unkind to his friends. We then passed the microphone around to say kind things to each other.

Image of Year 2 Computing - Magic Squares
16 Dec

Year 2 Computing - Magic Squares

In Computing today we learned how to use the totalling tool and created our own Magic Squares.

Image of Year 2  - Maths - Properties of 2D Shapes
5 Dec

Year 2 - Maths - Properties of 2D Shapes

In maths we have been developing our knowledge on 2D shapes. We have been counting the sides and the vertices. Then we made our own 2D shapes as part of an investigation.

Image of Year 2 - English - Instructions
5 Dec

Year 2 - English - Instructions

In Year 2 we have been writing our instructions for our invented playground games and started to plan our independent write on how to wash our hands.

Image of Year 2 - RE - Why Were The Shepherds Chosen?
4 Dec

Year 2 - RE - Why Were The Shepherds Chosen?

Year 2 have been thinking about how different people in the Nativity Story were told the good news by angels. Today we were thinking about why the shepherds were chosen to be told first, especially as they were not considered to be very important people at that time. We learnt that God's love is for everyone and that He values everyone regardless of their position in society.

Image of Year 2 - PE - Sports Skills
26 Nov

Year 2 - PE - Sports Skills

On Monday ten children from Year 2 took part in a Sports Skills Festival at St Bedes. It was great fun!

Image of Year 2 - English - Playground Games
26 Nov

Year 2 - English - Playground Games

In English we have been reading and analysing the instructions for playground games. We then made up our own games in small groups.

Image of Should I Keep My Child Off School?
24 Nov

Should I Keep My Child Off School?

Lots of bugs and germs are spreading, and we know you want to do what is best for your child. Please see the NHS guidance below on keeping your child off school. If you are keeping your child at home, please contact the school office as soon as you can.

Image of Year 2 - English - Reading Playground Game Instructions
19 Nov

Year 2 - English - Reading Playground Game Instructions

In English, we read some simple instructions for different playground games and had a go at playing them.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE - Fire Talk
19 Nov

Year 2 - PSHE - Fire Talk

This week we had some special visitors from the fire station who gave us a talk on fire safety at home. It was great fun!!

Image of Year 2 - PE - Using Shapes  To Create Balances
19 Nov

Year 2 - PE - Using Shapes To Create Balances

In PE we developed our Gymnastic skills by balancing with different shapes on the large apparatus.

Image of Year 2 History - What Was This School Like In The Past?
14 Nov

Year 2 History - What Was This School Like In The Past?

Year 2 two investigated what Darwen St James was like in the past. We had Mrs Ainsworth come and answer our questions all about it. Mrs Ainsworth used to come to this school when she was a little girl.

Image of Year 2  - Art - Collecting and Creating Pictures
14 Nov

Year 2 - Art - Collecting and Creating Pictures

In Art, Year 2 went outside and collected natural objects to create their own collages thinking about shape and pattern.

Image of Year 2 PE - Creating Gymnastic Shapes
14 Nov

Year 2 PE - Creating Gymnastic Shapes

In PE, Year 2 have been developing their gymnastic skills. We explored different ways of travelling and holding a shape.

Image of Year 2 Science - Investigating How Germs Are Spread
5 Nov

Year 2 Science - Investigating How Germs Are Spread

Year 2 took a look at what we do to keep our bodies clean and how germs are spread. We created our own hand washing posters to show our understanding.

Image of Year 2 - PE - Sending and Receiving
5 Nov

Year 2 - PE - Sending and Receiving

In PE we have been developing our skills in sending and receiving a ball by rolling it to a partner or a target.

Image of Year 2 Maths Subtracting 10s
31 Oct

Year 2 Maths Subtracting 10s

In maths we have been learning how to subtract multiples of ten from a two digit number using base 10.

Image of Year 2 - Art - Creating Visual Lists Of Our Outdoor Environment
31 Oct

Year 2 - Art - Creating Visual Lists Of Our Outdoor Environment

Year 2 learnt about how artists are explorers and collectors. We sketched visual lists of our environment to see where we could explore for our art inspiration.

Image of Year 2 Science - Long Term Study
9 Oct

Year 2 Science - Long Term Study

Year 2 having been observing and measuring the growth of caterpillars over the past few week. They have now pupated and we are waiting for them to hatch.

Image of Year 2 DT - Making Stable Structures
9 Oct

Year 2 DT - Making Stable Structures

Year 2 designed and made their stable structures in DT.

Image of Year 2 English - Independent Animal Research
9 Oct

Year 2 English - Independent Animal Research

Year 2 are preparing to write their own Safari Animal non-fiction text. They research their chosen animal, make notes and added them to their box ups.

Image of Fire Safety
9 Oct

Fire Safety

A Home Office study has found that approximately 350 children are injured in accidental fires every year

Image of Breakfast Club
3 Oct

Breakfast Club

In the Breakfast club we made brick towers bigger than a year 5 child and played Guess Who Games . We had lots of fun.

Image of Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts
3 Oct

Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts

Year 2 became 'talking experts' about lions. They brainstormed all their facts and added them to a non-fiction text box up ready for writing.

Image of Year 2 Geography - Physical Features
3 Oct

Year 2 Geography - Physical Features

Year 2 walked to Polyphemus Woods in our local area to look at the natural features of a woodland.

Image of Year 2 English - Safari Animal Research
30 Sep

Year 2 English - Safari Animal Research

In English we have started our non-fiction writing by researching our chosen animal. We used online books to discover the answers to our question: What are their offspring called? Where do they live? What do they eat? Then we found some interesting extra facts.

Image of Year 2 - PE - Jumping With Control
25 Sep

Year 2 - PE - Jumping With Control

This week in Pe Fundimentals, Year 2 explored different ways of jumping and how to do with control.

Image of Year 2 RE: God's Big Story
25 Sep

Year 2 RE: God's Big Story

In RE, Year 2 has been learning about the Bible. Today they learnt that although it is made up of lots of books, it makes up one big story altogether. They then chose their favourite story from the Bible. Some liked the stories of Daniel and David being brave, and others liked the stories with Jesus in.

Image of Year 2 - Geography - Oceans of the World
19 Sep

Year 2 - Geography - Oceans of the World

Year 2 recalled the seven continents of the world using our giant globe. They then used maps in an atlas to locate and leaves the five oceans of the world. We then wrote about where the oceans were in relation to the continents.

Image of Year 2 DT - Joining Techniques
17 Sep

Year 2 DT - Joining Techniques

In DT Year 2 investigated different joining techniques for their structures - hinges, tabs, flanges and elbow joints.

Image of Year 2 Science - Arrival Of The Caterpillars
17 Sep

Year 2 Science - Arrival Of The Caterpillars

Year 2 have been learning about life cycles in Science. Our caterpillars have arrived for our long term study to watch how they develop.

Image of Year 2 DT - Exploring Structures
10 Sep

Year 2 DT - Exploring Structures

Year 2 started their new topic on strong structures by exploring how to make sheet materials stronger by rolling, folding and layering.

Image of Year 2 Maths - Numbers to 100
10 Sep

Year 2 Maths - Numbers to 100

Year 2 have been developing their knowledge of the value of two digit numbers by using base ten and place value charts.

Image of Year 2 PE - Running and Ball Skills
10 Sep

Year 2 PE - Running and Ball Skills

Year 2 have been developing their running skills in the hall and their ball rolling skills through targets in the playground.

Image of Year 2 - English - Roleplay in the blizzard
10 Sep

Year 2 - English - Roleplay in the blizzard

Year 2 have been reading the story - The Way Home For Wolf. We explored how the character Wilf felt when he got lost in the blizzard.

Image of Year 2 Courageous Advocacy
3 Sep

Year 2 Courageous Advocacy

Year 2 talked about what they like about their community and what they would like to improve.

Image of Year 2 Skills Builder
18 Jul

Year 2 Skills Builder

Year 2 developed their skills in communication, creativity and problem solving by making their own mini-art exhibition in Skills Builder.

Image of Year 2 PSHE Stranger Danger
18 Jul

Year 2 PSHE Stranger Danger

Year 2 explored what is safe or unsafe when talking to strangers.

Image of What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety

At times, growing up can be a stressful experience. It’s not unheard of for young people to fret about things that could potentially go wrong in their lives – and what implications this would have for their life. In some situations, this can go beyond feeling uneasy about the future and become full-blown anxiety, which affects their mental, emotional and even physical wellbeing. While worry and anxiety can originate from many different places, it's immensely important for parents and educators to understand the effect this can have on youngsters – and how best to support them if they’re going through a difficult time. This guide provides insight into the ramifications of worry and anxiety, and how you can help children manage – and hopefully overcome – these challenges.

Image of Year 2 Computing Repeating Patterns
10 Jul

Year 2 Computing Repeating Patterns

Year 2 explored the art work of William Morris and then created their own repeating wallpaper patterns using the pattern tool on 2Paint.

Image of Year 2 English Spelling Practice
10 Jul

Year 2 English Spelling Practice

Year 2 practiced this week's spellings on Edshed.

Image of Year 2 Holy Communion
3 Jul

Year 2 Holy Communion

On Tuesday we went up to St James' Church to experience Holy Communion with the local congregation and Rev Kev.

Image of Year 2 English Noun Phrases
2 Jul

Year 2 English Noun Phrases

In English we pretended we were flying on the magic carpet like Aladdin and Jasmine. We then had a brainstorming session creating interesting noun phrases about what the characters saw as they flew in the sky.

Image of Year 2 Geography - Observing The Natural Coastline
24 Jun

Year 2 Geography - Observing The Natural Coastline

Year 2 had their visit to Lytham St Annes. We used our compasses to find north, south, east and west to record the Coastline features we could see in each direction.

Image of Year 2 Science Food Chains
20 Jun

Year 2 Science Food Chains

In science we looked at different habitats and the food chains that can be found there. We then created our own food chains and wrote a description about them using scientific vocabulary.

Image of Year 2 Computing Creating Fact Files
20 Jun

Year 2 Computing Creating Fact Files

In computing we have been looking at ways of presenting information. We had a go at creating fact files on the United Kingdom. We also developed our skills in inserting images and inserting capital letters on the keyboard.

Image of Year 2 RE Investigating Mosques
14 Jun

Year 2 RE Investigating Mosques

In Year 2, we looked at the features of a Mosque using religious vocabulary. We then created our own Islamic pattern designs.

Image of Year 2 PE Orienteering
13 Jun

Year 2 PE Orienteering

Year 2 started their new unit on Orienteering. We tested our skills in position and direction by completing obstacle courses, sometimes blindfolded and listening to instructions from a partner.

Image of Year 2 Music Glockenspiels
13 Jun

Year 2 Music Glockenspiels

Year 2 created the pentatonic scale on their glockenspiels.

Image of Year 2 Skills Builder
23 May

Year 2 Skills Builder

Year 2 learned all about going green in skills builder today. We developed our listening, speaking and problem solving skills. We have fun making our own badges.

Image of Year 2 Courageous Advocacy
23 May

Year 2 Courageous Advocacy

Year 2 took part in Courageous Advocacy Day and learned all about justice. Year 2 found out how Jonah helped the people of Nineveh to live fairly by God's rules Then how David showed courage when facing his fears.  We then learned all about Rosa Parks.

Image of St James Rainbows and Brownies
16 May

St James Rainbows and Brownies

St James Rainbows and Brownies have spaces available. They meet each week at St James Over Darwen Church. Rainbows is for girls aged 4 - 7 and Brownies is for girls aged 7 - 9. The children earn different badges, they bake, craft, raise money and have lots of fun! Please contact Lisa on 07895023147 for more information.

Image of Year 2 What is Identity?
16 May

Year 2 What is Identity?

In picture news today we learned about identity and shared with each other what is special about them. What things are the same or different about each other?

Image of Year 2 - Fire Safety Visit
15 May

Year 2 - Fire Safety Visit

Today we had a visit from Darwen Fire Brigade. They taught us all about how to stay safe around fires and how it's important to have a get out plan at home.

Image of Year 2 Fire Plan Reenactment
15 May

Year 2 Fire Plan Reenactment

Year 2 acted out what they had learned about a fire plan at home.

Image of Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet
14 May

Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet

Today the children have been programming their Micro:bit to create a digitial pet. There were lots of variables needed and lots of code to debug! The children showed gret perseverence and were proud of their finished program.

Image of Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay
12 May

Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay

We have listened to your feedback regarding wanting to know what your child eats in school and we have now activated ParentPay meal ordering so that you can order what your child will eat in school (please note thaat this will be compulsory form September). Please familiarise yourself with this by logging on to your ParentPay account and selecting your child's meals with them at home. Dinners need to be ordered before 9am. Please message Miss Greenwood if you have any problems logging on, thank you.

Image of Introducing Recount Letters - Year 2
8 May

Introducing Recount Letters - Year 2

Year 2 have started their English topic on recount letters. We have read a variety of letters developing our reading fluency. Today we investigated different unknown words from the letters we read.

Image of Science Year 2 - Classifying Objects
2 May

Science Year 2 - Classifying Objects

Today in Science we were being scientists by classifying objects. We had to record objects we could find that were alive, once alive or never alive.

Image of Year 2 PE Athletic Games
1 May

Year 2 PE Athletic Games

This week some year 6 pupils set up some fun athletic games for us to try out.

Image of Year 2 Computing - Creating Buttons
1 May

Year 2 Computing - Creating Buttons

In computing this week we were developing our coding skills by learning how to add a button to our code.

Image of Music in Year 2
24 Apr

Music in Year 2

Year 2 have been exploring making simple tunes using the glockenspiel.

Image of Year 2 Art - Exploring Colours
24 Apr

Year 2 Art - Exploring Colours

Year 2 explored primary and complementary colours in art this week using different materials to create six collages.

Image of Year 2 Religious Education - Church
24 Apr

Year 2 Religious Education - Church

Year 2 RE - Year 2 went to visit Church to look at the special features it had. We found things like the altar, font and stained glass windows.

Image of Friends of DSJ
22 Apr

Friends of DSJ

We are looking for new members of our Friends at Darwen St James group. The group was created to help raise funds for school by thinking of ideas and planning fundraisers throughout the year. Past events include; *Film night *Bingo night *Family evening *Summer Fair *Christmas Fair All the money we raise is used in school - we have developed the nurture room and we are currently renovating the library areas around school. If you would like to find our more or if you would like to volunteer, please speak to Miss Sears.

Image of Year 2 Art inspired by Henri Matisse
18 Apr

Year 2 Art inspired by Henri Matisse

Year 2 created their own spiral pictures inspired by Henri Matisse.

Image of Year 2 Sprinting - PE
18 Apr

Year 2 Sprinting - PE

Year 2 were developing their spriting skills by observing each other to improve their technique.

Image of Free School Meals - Extended!
8 Apr

Free School Meals - Extended!

As you all are aware, we received funding last year and we were fortunate to be able to offer free school meals to all of our children. We thought that this would be run until the end of March, however we are thrilled to announce we are able to extend this to the 26th April. From 29th April children who are not on free school meals will have to pay for their lunch and there will be a slight increase in cost and the new charge will be £2.50 per day. Now is a good opportunity to look into seeing if your child will be eligible for free school meals if you haven't yet applied by visiting Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councils website here

Image of Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township
3 Apr

Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township

Potentially addictive online games are nothing new, but the specifics of this kind of media can vary enormously – and, as a consequence, the risks in each individual game are just as diverse. The city-builder Township is no exception: providing its legions of devotees with accessible, satisfying fun … but exposing them to potential hazards at the same time. However, any safeguarding issues that the game might have can (with a little knowhow) be neutralised – allowing young players to have some engrossing fun without adults needing to worry about children’s data, their money or their mental wellbeing. Our guide outlines how to help young gamers enjoy Township safely and responsibly.

Image of Easter closure information
28 Mar

Easter closure information

Easter closure information

Image of Easter Competition Winners
28 Mar

Easter Competition Winners

A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.

Image of Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait

While scrolling online, you’ll almost inevitably have come across posts or links with headlines like “You Won’t Believe These 10 Crazy Facts about …”. Such lurid language – and the often-dubious nature of the content it promotes – has become something of a running joke on the internet. Yet while these articles are often laughed at by communities online, they can have an insidious side. Clickbait, as it’s known, can frequently function as part of a trap: intended to draw users in for the sake of advertising revenue or, in worse cases, masking an attempting to collect their personal information. This #WakeUpWednesday guide explores the various risks of clickbait and offers some top tips for evading the pitfalls of this controversial marketing technique.

Image of Easter Egg Competition
27 Mar

Easter Egg Competition

This year our competition theme was the Paris Olympics and we have had some eggstrodinary entries! Well done ot every family that entered this years competiton, the judges have had an eggstremely dificult decision this year! The winners will be announced in our special Easter Worship tomorrow, you are all welcome to join us.

Image of Measles Guidance
26 Mar

Measles Guidance

Please see the latest guidance for measles.

Image of BwD Family Hub Website
24 Mar

BwD Family Hub Website

Fantastic news! Our website is live! The Start for Life Family Hub Website is the gateway to information of where services are, it details everything a family will need in those 1001 critical days and beyond. Our Family Hubs and Children Centres are our Single point of access to those start for life, wider services and family help. The Hubs and Children Centres are the physical places where a family can visit and speak to a trained staff member, face to face, who will provide them with straightforward information or advice on a wide range of family issues spanning the 0-19 (25 with SEND) age range and connect them appropriately to further services across that age range if they need more targeted or specialist support.

Image of 10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home
20 Mar

10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home

Cultural and technological changes have made the experiences of today’s children vastly different to our own childhoods; it can be challenging to engage youngsters in open, honest conversation – especially about more sensitive topics. This, combined with many children’s instinct to avoid “rocking the boat”, can make it difficult to stay up to date with the goings on in their lives. However, it’s hugely important that trusted adults still offer an empathetic ear and feel able to encourage young people to open up about their day-to-day activities. This #WakeUpWednesday guide provides ten top tips for promoting open conversations with children – helping to make sure there’s someone they know they can turn to in times of need.

Image of Year 2 - Design and Technology - Sewing
15 Mar

Year 2 - Design and Technology - Sewing

Today in DT we practised our sewing skills ready to start designing and making our own puppets.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE - Online Safety
11 Mar

Year 2 - PSHE - Online Safety

In PSHE today, we had a discussion about what the internet is and how we can stay safe online. We focussed on staying safe when playing games and only playing with people we know. If we don't feel safe we TAG it - tell a grown up!

Image of Year 2 -Science - Long Term Study
7 Mar

Year 2 -Science - Long Term Study

Say hi to the new members of Year 2! As part of a long term study in Science, we are observing the lifecycle of frogs. The first stage being frogspawn - watch this space!

Image of Year 2 - Geography - Hong Kong
7 Mar

Year 2 - Geography - Hong Kong

In Geography this week, we have been discovering the location of Hong Kong. We have written descriptions of Hong Kong using geographical vocabulary.

Image of Year 2 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 2 - World Book Day

Year 2 has had a fantastic World Book Day! They shared stories with Year 6, talked about their teddies and explored the story or Mula and the Unsure Elephant.

Image of Year 2 - DT - Finger Puppets
7 Mar

Year 2 - DT - Finger Puppets

DT- in DT today year 2 have made finger puppets, The children have really enjoyed making them.

Image of Year 2 - Music - Articulation
7 Mar

Year 2 - Music - Articulation

Year 2 have been learning about articulation in music. In order to understand articulation they learnt to use gentle, sneering and angry voices as well as selecting appropriate instruments to accompany their singing. They are very excited to hopefully perform the song; 'I'll sing this song' next week. Watch this post !

Image of Year 2 - Science - Human Lifecycle
6 Mar

Year 2 - Science - Human Lifecycle

In Science this week we have been learning about the human lifecycle. We then created our own flow charts to show the different stages of development.

Image of Year 2 Maths - Odd and Even Numbers
4 Mar

Year 2 Maths - Odd and Even Numbers

Today in year 2 our learning objective is To know odd and even numbers. The children have been using a tens frame and counters to find odds and evens.

Image of Year 2 - Maths - Halving and Doubling Numbers
29 Feb

Year 2 - Maths - Halving and Doubling Numbers

Maths- Today's learning objective is: to learn to half a number or double a number. Our unit in Maths this term is multiplication and division.

Image of Year 2 - Computing - Binary
29 Feb

Year 2 - Computing - Binary

Computing- In computing this term we have been using 2 questions (a binary tree) to answer questions . A little like the Guess who game.

Image of Online Safety - Self Regulation
21 Feb

Online Safety - Self Regulation

As infants, we all rely completely on adults to help us resolve situations that are causing us to become upset or stressed. This is known as co-regulation. The next phase, once autonomy has begun to develop, is called self-regulation: this is when children start to become capable of exercising more control over their impulses and behaviour, and managing their own emotions. This vital developmental milestone, however, isn’t reached spontaneously. Learning to self-regulate requires sensitive guidance from trusted adults – simply talking with children about their thoughts and feelings, for instance, can ease the route to self-regulation. This #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert tips for supporting children to reach this goal.