Image of Craft Club - Creating Pancakes!
3 Mar

Craft Club - Creating Pancakes!

This week in craft club the children created their own pancakes. They carefully cut out their toppings of choice and stuck them onto their pancake. Sone children even created a pancake face!

Image of Year 3 English - Writing A Diary Extract Using Noun Phrases
28 Feb

Year 3 English - Writing A Diary Extract Using Noun Phrases

In English, Year 3 has been reading the book, 101 Dalmatians. Today they had to write a diary extract using noun phrases as if they were Pongo.

Image of Year 3  English - Using Semantic Maps
24 Feb

Year 3 English - Using Semantic Maps

In English, Year 3 have been using semantic maps to explain the meanings of the unfamiliar words gobble, wheezes and chomp by using the context.

Image of Year 3 R.E. - People Who Have Changed Our Lives.
14 Feb

Year 3 R.E. - People Who Have Changed Our Lives.

During this term in R.E. Year 3 have been looking at people who have had their lives changed by God. Today working in small groups, they looked at how teachers, family, Jesus, God, friends and other people have changed their lives.

Image of Year 3 Life Education Visit - Meet The Brain
13 Feb

Year 3 Life Education Visit - Meet The Brain

Today we had a visit from Life Education. They came into Year 3 to talk about your brain. With the help of a magic t shirt and the interactive whiteboard the children were about to see how their brain worked with other parts of the body. The ysaw inside the lungs, what blood looked like in the body, what the brain looked like and how the heart worked. At the end they met Harold the giraffe and sang a song about friendship.

Image of Year 3 Science - Comparing the Drainage Rates of Different Soils.
11 Feb

Year 3 Science - Comparing the Drainage Rates of Different Soils.

In Science Year 3 have been comparing different soils and how well they drain. They used clay, sand, peat and chalk soils. They placed some of each soil on piece of filter paper in a sieve then poured 100ml of water through it. They learnt that sandy soil drained the best.

Image of Year 3 Maths Measuring In Centimetres And Millimetres
7 Feb

Year 3 Maths Measuring In Centimetres And Millimetres

In maths, Year 3 has been learning about measuring . Using a ruler they measured different lines and picture lengths and wrote their answers using both centimetres and millimetres.

Image of Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters
6 Feb

Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters

In Drama Club we are creating our own characters for a play, so we learnt how to paint our faces to create different weird and wonderful characters! It was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 3  Aiming High Day
6 Feb

Year 3 Aiming High Day

Today we had an Aiming High Morning in school. The children visited the hall and were able to find out about and ask questions about lots of different jobs. The Youthzone told them about Youth work and working with young people, a jockey gave them information about working and riding horses. They learnt how to sign their names with visitors from the Deaf Village and how a dentist helps you to look after your teeth.

Image of Year 3 Art - Using Hot Colours To Paint A Volcano Landscape
4 Feb

Year 3 Art - Using Hot Colours To Paint A Volcano Landscape

In Art, Year 3 have been exploring how to use hot colours such as orange, yellow and red to paint a landscape picture of a volcano. They used white and black to lighten and darken the colours as they used them to add tone to their pictures.

Image of Year 3 Science - Looking For Fossils
3 Feb

Year 3 Science - Looking For Fossils

In Science Year 3 have been looking at fossils. They watched a video about fossil hunter Mary Anning and learnt that people who look for fossils are called palaeontologists. By examining fossils we can learn about the Earth's history, creatures from different eras, what the environment was like and how living things and the climate changed over time.

Image of Year 3 English - Discussion Text
31 Jan

Year 3 English - Discussion Text

For their new topic in English, Year 3 have been looking at discussion texts. They had class debates on topics such as: whether it is good or bad to lie, whether zoos should be open and whether we should wear uniforms to school. On post it notes the children wrote what they had found out and which they thought was right or wrong and why the decided this.

Image of Year 3 P.E.  -  Creating A Dance Using Counts of 8.
29 Jan

Year 3 P.E. - Creating A Dance Using Counts of 8.

In P.E. Year 3 we created a dance using counts of 8 to stay in time with each other and the music. We also had a go at adding our own count of 8 at the end of the routine.

Image of Year 3 Computing - Learning How To Touch Type
28 Jan

Year 3 Computing - Learning How To Touch Type

In computing, Year 3 have been learning how to sit and position their fingers on the keyboard to help them with their typing. They have also learnt that different fingers work with different keys.

Image of Year 3 Maths - Division With  A Remainder
27 Jan

Year 3 Maths - Division With A Remainder

In maths Year 3 have been dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number and finding remainders. We first used lolly sticks to make triangles and squares and then we moved onto counters to make groups and see if there were any remainders.

Image of Year 3 R.E. - The Story Of Zacchaeus
24 Jan

Year 3 R.E. - The Story Of Zacchaeus

In R.E. Year 3 have been looking at the story of Zacchaeus. They have been learning to understand that people's lives can be transformed by becoming a Christian and choosing a different way of life.

Image of Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps
22 Jan

Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps

Over time, more and more fitness apps have been finding their way into circulation. Usually free to download – at least initially – these apps claim to offer helpful advice and assistance in routine management to those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. While these platforms can be useful, they do present several safety concerns. These issues become more significant when we consider that children and young people can use these apps to stay active – whether out of concern for their own health or for reasons of body image. Our free guide breaks down the risks of health and fitness apps and offers expert advice on how to address these concerns to safeguard younger users.

Image of Year 3 Phonics - Phase 5 Words Containing tch
22 Jan

Year 3 Phonics - Phase 5 Words Containing tch

In phonics , Year 3 have been learning the trigraph tch. They said the sound , then blended it to read words such as kitchen, match and hutch. They then wrote these words in sentences.

Image of Year 3 English - Grouping Related Materials Into Paragraphs - Shared Write
22 Jan

Year 3 English - Grouping Related Materials Into Paragraphs - Shared Write

In English, Year 3 have been reading the book, The Stone Age Boy. Using what they have learnt from the story, they grouped related materials into paragraphs to complete a shared write.

Image of Year 3 - Visit To Church For The Communion Service
21 Jan

Year 3 - Visit To Church For The Communion Service

Today Year 3 went to church to take part in the Communion service. They wrote and read out their own prayers, as well as completing a reading from the bible. After the service they enjoyed having lunch with other members of the congregation who were at the service.

Image of Year 3 English - Identifying Features of A Story
16 Jan

Year 3 English - Identifying Features of A Story

In English Year 3 are enjoying reading the book, The Stone Age Boy. Using chromebooks they read the story in groups and worked together to identify the different features.

Image of Year 3 Epiphany - What Gift Would We Give Baby Jesus?
16 Jan

Year 3 Epiphany - What Gift Would We Give Baby Jesus?

Year 3 have been thinking about Epiphany and the gifts that were given to the Baby Jesus. They had to imagine that they were visiting the baby and think about what gift they would take and their reason for giving it.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Safe And Unsafe Scenarios
16 Jan

Year 3 PSHE - Safe And Unsafe Scenarios

During PSHE, Year 3 have been looking at safe and unsafe scenarios. A friend dares you to climb the tallest tree in the park. Is this safe or unsafe and why? In groups they talked about what they thought and held up a card saying safe or unsafe then explained to the rest of the class the reasons for their answer.

Image of Spring Clubs!
15 Jan

Spring Clubs!

Our spring clubs are now available to book via ParentPay. They are a great way for children to learn a new skill and to socialise with others. Please log on to your ParentPay account to book, if you need any help please contact the office.

Image of Online Safety - TikTok
15 Jan

Online Safety - TikTok

With 22% of its billion-strong userbase being between the ages of 13 and 17, the popularity of TikTok among the younger generation is indisputable

Image of Year 3 Computers - Learning How To Touch Type
14 Jan

Year 3 Computers - Learning How To Touch Type

Year 3 have been learning how to touch type in their computer lessons. They looked at how they should be sitting and then followed a coloured guide showing them which fingers they had to use on which key. Today they looked at using the home keys.

Image of Year 3 Geography - Describing The Layers Of The Earth
8 Jan

Year 3 Geography - Describing The Layers Of The Earth

Year 3 started their new topic in Geography learning about the layers of the Earth. They learnt the names of each layer and made a diagram of the layers and wrote information about them.

Image of Year 3 French - Learning Numbers From 1 To 6
7 Jan

Year 3 French - Learning Numbers From 1 To 6

Year 3 started their new topic in French learning to count numbers from 1 to 6. They played a game where they rolled a dice and counted their moves in french.

Image of Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert
18 Dec

Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert

Key Stage 2 were fantastic this morning in church for our annual Christmas Carol Concert. Everyone remembered their lines and said them so clearly, and the carols were sung beautifully by all. Well done KS2! Happy Christmas!

Image of Year 3  Christmas Dinner
18 Dec

Year 3 Christmas Dinner

After an amazing KS2 Christmas Carol Service, Year 3 all enjoyed eating their Christmas dinner in the hall with the rest of the school and singing along to the Christmas songs.

Image of Year 3 - Courageous Advocacy - All About Rubbish
17 Dec

Year 3 - Courageous Advocacy - All About Rubbish

During our Courageous Advocacy afternoon Year 3 were looking at the problems around rubbish. The children had a problem tree and a solution tree that they had to complete. They discussed what caused rubbish, the effects rubbish had on the environment and what sort of rubbish they saw around them and then wrote these onto the problem tree. Using the solution tree they came up with different ideas on how they could change things. They decided that things that would help would be workshops in schools about how rubbish affects us , volunteering in your local area litter picking and changing the packaging on some items.

Image of Year 3 Maths  -  Solving Subtraction And Addition Problems to 100
11 Dec

Year 3 Maths - Solving Subtraction And Addition Problems to 100

During maths , Year 3 have been looking at solving maths problems for numbers up to 100, using subtraction and addition. Using a highlighter they read through each question highlighting words and numbers to help them find the answers.

Image of Year 3  R.E. - Asking Important Questions About Religion and Beliefs
5 Dec

Year 3 R.E. - Asking Important Questions About Religion and Beliefs

We looked at the image of the Vicar who had just been ordained by the Bishop. We discussed what it means to be ordained and the role that the Vicar has within the Church community. We then compared this with the role of a Rabbi in Judaism and the Imam in Islam.

Image of Year 3 Art - Drawing By Torchlight
3 Dec

Year 3 Art - Drawing By Torchlight

In their art lesson Year 3 continued their work on using charcoal. Today they drew a still life of toys lit by torches, creating atmospheric drawings with a strong narrative content.

Image of Year 3 - Art - Using Charcoal
26 Nov

Year 3 - Art - Using Charcoal

In Art, Year 3 have continued looking at the different ways they can use charcoal. They drew around their hands using light and dark lines then used their fingers to smudge the charcoal to form a shadow. After smudging the charcoal they drew a picture of an animal using the charcoal on their fingers.

Image of Should I Keep My Child Off School?
24 Nov

Should I Keep My Child Off School?

Lots of bugs and germs are spreading, and we know you want to do what is best for your child. Please see the NHS guidance below on keeping your child off school. If you are keeping your child at home, please contact the school office as soon as you can.

Image of Lunch time
21 Nov

Lunch time

At Lunchtime  today, the children didn't let the cold bother them! We all had lots of fun, there were snowmen of all different shapes and sizes! Children made snow angels and had a really enjoyable time running around in the snow. Then we all  had to get  a snowball and try and hit Mrs Meagher with it. 

Image of Year 3 R.E. - Discussing And Interpreting Bible Stories
20 Nov

Year 3 R.E. - Discussing And Interpreting Bible Stories

In R.E. Year 3 have been discussing different bible stories. Today they looked at different artists pictures of 'Jonah and the Whale ' and talked about the story and identified that Christians should believe in God even when it's not clear.

Image of Year 3  Art - Discovering What I Can Do With Charcoal
19 Nov

Year 3 Art - Discovering What I Can Do With Charcoal

In Art, Year 3 has been learning about Chiaroscuro, an Italian word meaning 'light-dark' and we looked at three pictures including Leonardo da Vinci's 'Saint John the Baptist'. They looked at how Cave people created pictures using burnt wood then created their own pictures with charcoal using light and dark marks.

Image of Year 3 History - Identifying  Artifacts From The Stone Age.
18 Nov

Year 3 History - Identifying Artifacts From The Stone Age.

In this week's History lesson Year 3 became archaeologists. They looked at pictures of different artifacts that were found buried in a Stone Age grave and gathered information answering the questions, What is it? What is it made from? What was it used for?

Image of Year 3 Science - How Our Muscles Work
18 Nov

Year 3 Science - How Our Muscles Work

In Science Year 3 have been learning about the different muscles in our bodies. They looked at whether the heart, stomach, small intestines and biceps moved voluntarily or involuntarily. They made a model of an arm to show how the muscles contract and relax.

Image of Year 3 Computing - Making Our Own Computer Program
14 Nov

Year 3 Computing - Making Our Own Computer Program

In computing Year 3 have been using 2code to make their own computer program. We realised we could use the repeat button rather than writing the same code multiple times. We managed to make the turtle draw a square when the button was pressed.

Image of Year 3 Music - Keeping To The Beat Of Four
12 Nov

Year 3 Music - Keeping To The Beat Of Four

In music Year 3 have been learning to keep to the beat of four. The children worked in a circle passing a cup on the first beat and then clapping three more beats to make four, repeating the pattern and keeping in time with each other.

Image of Year 3 Science - Recognising The Bones In Our Bodies
11 Nov

Year 3 Science - Recognising The Bones In Our Bodies

In today's Science lesson Year 3 have been learning how to recognise the main bones in their body. They also collected data by measuring each bone and ordering them from shortest to longest.

Image of Year 3 Art - Using Charcoal
5 Nov

Year 3 Art - Using Charcoal

In Art, Year 3 have been discovering the different things they can do with charcoal through gestural mark making.

Image of Year 3 History - Recognising The Chronology And Significance Of Prehistory
1 Nov

Year 3 History - Recognising The Chronology And Significance Of Prehistory

Year 3 have been looking at ordering events from history on a timeline. They worked in groups to lay out a timeline and then discussed between themselves what events they knew had happened and placed them on the line using post it notes. They thought of events such as the Coronation of King Charles, World War 1 and 2, The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale.

Image of Year 3  PSHE - Planning A Healthy Meal
1 Nov

Year 3 PSHE - Planning A Healthy Meal

In PSHE, Year 3 received an email from Derek the Penguin. He wanted their advice about making healthy food for his friend's birthday party. In groups the children talked about the different food groups and then designed their own healthy menus.

Image of Year 3 P.E. - Gymnastic Shapes
31 Oct

Year 3 P.E. - Gymnastic Shapes

Year 3 have been practicing different shapes in gymnastics and worked with a partner to create a short 'point' and 'patch' balance routine.

Image of Year 3  English - Aesop's Fables - Asking Questions
31 Oct

Year 3 English - Aesop's Fables - Asking Questions

This week Year 3 have started their new topic in English all about Aesop's Fables. Today's fable was The Tortoise and the Hare. They took turns to hot seat at the front of the class as one of the characters whilst the rest of the class asked them questions.

Image of Year 3 DT  Tasting Our Broth
29 Oct

Year 3 DT Tasting Our Broth

This term Year 3 have been learning about making a broth. They looked at the different ingredients they would need and where it came from. How to prepare the vegetables and finally they got to make and taste their own broth.

Image of Year 3  English - An Independent Write About Antarctica
17 Oct

Year 3 English - An Independent Write About Antarctica

Year 3 have been learning how to write a leaflet in their English lessons. They used their knowledge about Antarctica from their Geography lessons to create an independent leaflet.

Image of Year 3 Science - Making Shadow Puppets
15 Oct

Year 3 Science - Making Shadow Puppets

In Year 3's science lesson we have been learning about shadows. Today they learnt how to tell a story using different shadows that they made using their hands. The children created shadows of animals, butterflies and trees.

Image of Year 3  D.T. - Preparing Vegetables
14 Oct

Year 3 D.T. - Preparing Vegetables

During this term in D.T. Year 3 has been learning how to make a broth. Today they have been preparing the different vegetables that they will be using. They have learnt how to safely peel potatoes and how to slice carrots, leeks, and onions.

Image of Fire Safety
9 Oct

Fire Safety

A Home Office study has found that approximately 350 children are injured in accidental fires every year

Image of Year 3 - P.E  Team Building And Spatial Awareness
9 Oct

Year 3 - P.E Team Building And Spatial Awareness

During our P.E. lesson Year 3 have been playing Capture the Flag. This helps to build team work as well as spatial awareness.

Image of Year 3 - R.E.  The Festival of Sukkot
9 Oct

Year 3 - R.E. The Festival of Sukkot

In their R.E. lesson, Year 3 has been learning about the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Some of the class collected sticks and leaves to build their own Sukkah. This is a special shelter built for the week-long festival, that will be used for sleeping in, praying in and for sharing special meals and stories with their family.

Image of Year 3 - DT  Researching Where Fruit And Vegetables Are Grown.
8 Oct

Year 3 - DT Researching Where Fruit And Vegetables Are Grown.

This week in DT, Year 3 have been using the chromebooks to research where fruits and vegetables are grown around the world. Some of the things they discovered where that coffee comes from South America, oranges from Europe and mangoes from Asia.

Image of Year 3 Library
8 Oct

Year 3 Library

Every Tuesday lunchtime Year 3 have the chance to visit the library to change their own Home Reading books. They enjoy looking at the different books as well as reading them to each other.

Image of Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects  The Size Of Shadows
7 Oct

Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects The Size Of Shadows

In science, Year 3 looked at how distance affects the size of a shadow. They used a torch to create a shadow of a cat against a whiteboard. By moving the torch away they discovered that the size of the shadow changed. The shadow got bigger the closer the torch got to the object and then smaller as it moved further away.

Image of Breakfast Club
3 Oct

Breakfast Club

In the Breakfast club we made brick towers bigger than a year 5 child and played Guess Who Games . We had lots of fun.

Image of Year 3 - Maths - Adding And Subtracting 1s
30 Sep

Year 3 - Maths - Adding And Subtracting 1s

In maths, Year 3 have been learning to add and subtract 1 from a 3 digit number using the base 10 equipment.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Do Shadows Change During The Day?
30 Sep

Year 3 - Science - Do Shadows Change During The Day?

In science Year 3 continued to look at light and shadows. Today they found out that shadows are the longest when the sun rises and sets. It is at its shortest at midday.

Image of Year 3 - French - Learning About Feelings
24 Sep

Year 3 - French - Learning About Feelings

This week, Year 3 have learnt how to talk about feelings in French. They played the game 'Hello Mary' using french phrases to say how they were feeling and answering with C'est and their name.

Image of Year 3 French - Greeting
17 Sep

Year 3 French - Greeting

Bonjour from Year 3. Today in French we have been learning different greetings for different times of the day. We greeted visitors into Year 3 with Bonjour and Au revoir when they left.

Image of Year 3  Science - Comparing Light Reflections
16 Sep

Year 3 Science - Comparing Light Reflections

In science today Year 3 have been comparing light reflecting on different surfaces. They used data loggers with objects including tin foil, mirrors, spoons, black paper and sunglasses to see which reflected the most light.

Image of Year 3  P.E.  - Fundamentals
11 Sep

Year 3 P.E. - Fundamentals

In P.E. Year 3 have been practicing moving at different speeds with control.

Image of DT - Tasting Vegetables
10 Sep

DT - Tasting Vegetables

In DT this term Year 3 are making vegetable soup. Today they tasted lots of different vegetables including, peppers, onions, carrots, parsnips, cauliflowers and leeks. They then discussed how each one smelt, tasted, looked and felt.

Image of Year 3 - English - Paddington Bear and Marmalade Sandwiches
4 Sep

Year 3 - English - Paddington Bear and Marmalade Sandwiches

Year 3 started their new English topic all about Paddington Bear. They started by looking for clues to identify the story they would be reading ,then made delicious marmalade sandwiches.

Image of What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety

At times, growing up can be a stressful experience. It’s not unheard of for young people to fret about things that could potentially go wrong in their lives – and what implications this would have for their life. In some situations, this can go beyond feeling uneasy about the future and become full-blown anxiety, which affects their mental, emotional and even physical wellbeing. While worry and anxiety can originate from many different places, it's immensely important for parents and educators to understand the effect this can have on youngsters – and how best to support them if they’re going through a difficult time. This guide provides insight into the ramifications of worry and anxiety, and how you can help children manage – and hopefully overcome – these challenges.

Image of Year 3 French
15 Jul

Year 3 French

In French, Year 3 have been learning how to describe shapes using their French vocab knowledge of shape, colour and size. Today they made pictures in the style of the French artist, Henri Matisse, who also used coloured shapes. They brilliantly labeled their work in French.

Image of Year 3 English - Researching Dogs For Their Own Stories
11 Jul

Year 3 English - Researching Dogs For Their Own Stories

During English Year 3 have been reading 101 Dalmatians. Today they have been using the Chromebooks to research different breeds of dog. They will use this information to create a new character for their story.

Image of Year 3 DT - Making A Pop Up Book
11 Jul

Year 3 DT - Making A Pop Up Book

Year 3 completed their pop up books this week. They learnt how to design the characters for their chosen nursery rhymes and how to make their pop ups work.

Image of Witton Park Athletics
8 Jul

Witton Park Athletics

Tonight our children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 took part in Witton Park Athletics. The children participated in relay races, throwing, jumping and sprinting. They all did a wonderful job, behaved impeccably and showed great sportsmanship, a huge well done to them all! They did Darwen St James proud!

Image of Year 3 Music - Pentatonic Haiku
4 Jul

Year 3 Music - Pentatonic Haiku

During music, Year 3 listened to a poem and had to write and play a melody to go with it.

Image of Year 3 English - Features of a Villain
4 Jul

Year 3 English - Features of a Villain

Working in small groups year 3 looked at various fictional villains including Captain Hook, Lord Voldemort, The White Witch and Cruella De Vil. They gathered information including physical appearance, negative noun phrases and how they made other characters feel.

Image of Year 3 Art - Making A Moving Picture Book
27 Jun

Year 3 Art - Making A Moving Picture Book

In today's art lesson, Year 3 began to put together their moving picture books. They designed their own cover based on their favourite nursery rhyme and completed the first step in making the pop up part inside.

Image of Year 3 English - Developing A Character From A Narrative
27 Jun

Year 3 English - Developing A Character From A Narrative

Year 3 have been reading the story of 101 Dalmatians during their English lessons. Today they looked at Cruella De Vil and using noun phrases wrote about her character thinking about what she looked like, how she behaved and the effect she had on other characters.

Image of Year 3 Science - Identifying The Growth and Survival Needs of Plants
20 Jun

Year 3 Science - Identifying The Growth and Survival Needs of Plants

Today Year 3 started a new topic in science looking at plants. They looked at the growth and survival needs of plants and posed relevant questions. How does different types of air affect plants? How much water does a plant need? How do plants grow in different types of light? They then set up an experiment in class by planting four trays of seeds. The first tray had no water, the second a splash of water, the third a normal amount and the last one is being over watered. They will be checking the seeds daily and recording the results.

Image of Year 3 Writing - Using Dictionaries
20 Jun

Year 3 Writing - Using Dictionaries

Year 3 are enjoying reading the story 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' for their English topic. Today they used chromebooks to look up and write the definitions of words from the story

Image of Year 3 Maths - Solving Problems Using Time
20 Jun

Year 3 Maths - Solving Problems Using Time

In maths year 3 has been learning about the hours in a day. They were using base 10 to find out how many hours there would be in multiple days and to solve time problems.

Image of Science Day - Making Things Grow
13 Jun

Science Day - Making Things Grow

During Science Day Year 3 looked at plants and what they needed to grow. They made their own cress potato heads using a potato, cotton wool and cress seeds.

Image of Year 3 - Geography - Rivers
13 Jun

Year 3 - Geography - Rivers

Year 3 have been learning about the importance of water and rivers. They learnt about the water cycle and labelled the features of a river such as mudflats, waterfalls, tributaries, ports and towns.

Image of Year 3  French - Describing Animal Actions.
20 May

Year 3 French - Describing Animal Actions.

In today's French lesson Year 3 have been learning how to describe the actions of different animals.

Image of Year 3 Maths Group - Analogue time, o'clock and Half Past
20 May

Year 3 Maths Group - Analogue time, o'clock and Half Past

In maths today the boys have been looking at o'clock and half past. They had to say the time on the analogue clocks and then match it to the written time.

Image of Year 3 Art - Printing Collograph Blocks
17 May

Year 3 Art - Printing Collograph Blocks

In Art today, Year 3 used the collograph blocks they designed last week to print onto fabric squares using rollers and coloured ink.

Image of Year 3 P.E. - Throwing skills
17 May

Year 3 P.E. - Throwing skills

In P.E. Year 3 have been learning to throw different pieces of equipment. They threw balls and javelins overarm to see how far they would go, and bean bags underarm into hoops.

Image of Year 3 Maths - Digital Time
17 May

Year 3 Maths - Digital Time

Year 3 has been learning how to tell the time. Today they were looking at reading minutes on a digital clock.

Image of St James Rainbows and Brownies
16 May

St James Rainbows and Brownies

St James Rainbows and Brownies have spaces available. They meet each week at St James Over Darwen Church. Rainbows is for girls aged 4 - 7 and Brownies is for girls aged 7 - 9. The children earn different badges, they bake, craft, raise money and have lots of fun! Please contact Lisa on 07895023147 for more information.

Image of Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.
15 May

Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.

During their topic on the Ancient Egyptians Year 3 have been learning about the process of Mummification and how the Egyptians were prepared for the afterlife.

Image of Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet
14 May

Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet

Today the children have been programming their Micro:bit to create a digitial pet. There were lots of variables needed and lots of code to debug! The children showed gret perseverence and were proud of their finished program.

Image of Year 3 - Computing - Adding an Attachment to an Email.
13 May

Year 3 - Computing - Adding an Attachment to an Email.

In our computer lesson today Year 3 have been learning how to add an attachment to an email. They had to reply to an email from the King then attach the safety quiz that they had made last lesson.

Image of Year 3 - Music - Ordering a Sequence of Notes
13 May

Year 3 - Music - Ordering a Sequence of Notes

In music today year 3 have been using their listening skills to order a sequence of notes and to play music using graphic notation.

Image of Year 3 English - Identifying a Key Idea in a Paragraph
13 May

Year 3 English - Identifying a Key Idea in a Paragraph

Today in English, Year 3 have been identifying key ideas in paragraphs about the Ancient Egyptians. Each group were given packs containing paragraphs and subheadings. They had to read each paragraph and match it with the correct subheading. Taking it in turns the children then moved around the room to see if the paragraphs had been sorted correctly.

Image of Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay
12 May

Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay

We have listened to your feedback regarding wanting to know what your child eats in school and we have now activated ParentPay meal ordering so that you can order what your child will eat in school (please note thaat this will be compulsory form September). Please familiarise yourself with this by logging on to your ParentPay account and selecting your child's meals with them at home. Dinners need to be ordered before 9am. Please message Miss Greenwood if you have any problems logging on, thank you.

Image of A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!
12 May

A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Woods Fruit & VEG for supplying our fruit over the past few months, whilst we were in receipt of a food grant for our Key Stage 2 pupils. The fruit was lovely and fresh and the children really enjoyed it. We are missing your tangerines already!

Image of Year 3 English - IdentifyingKey Words in Paragraphs
10 May

Year 3 English - IdentifyingKey Words in Paragraphs

In English today, Year 3 worked in small groups to research facts about Tutankhamun and the Pharaohs. They then shared their facts with rest of the class.

Image of Year 3 - History - Being an Archaeologist
8 May

Year 3 - History - Being an Archaeologist

Year 3 have been following in the steps of Harold Carter, an archaeologist that discovered the tomb of Tutankhamon. They investigated a tomb looking out for various artefacts.

Image of Year 3 - Science- Learning how Muscles Work.
7 May

Year 3 - Science- Learning how Muscles Work.

Year 3 have been learning all about animals including humans in science. Today they have looked at how muscles work. They cut out pictures of two bones then joined them together using a split pin to make the joint move. They added an elastic band to act as the muscle and to see how it affected the joint.

Image of Year 3 - Church Visit - Communion
7 May

Year 3 - Church Visit - Communion

Today, Year 3 went to church to take part in the communion service. They read aloud their own prayers and also a reading to the congregation. After the service they stayed to have their lunch.

Image of Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians
3 May

Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians

As part of their new English topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Year 3 have been exploring and identifying the main and subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Image of Year 3 P.E. - Practicing the Relay
3 May

Year 3 P.E. - Practicing the Relay

In P.E. today year 3 practiced running the relay. They were put into teams and learned how to hold the baton and then how to run and pass it to the next person in their team.

Image of Year 3 - English  Mummies and Their Sarcophagus'
2 May

Year 3 - English Mummies and Their Sarcophagus'

Year 3 started their new topic in English writing a non-chronological report about the Ancient Egyptians. As an introduction to the topic today they made their own Sarcophagus and turned a peg into a mummy.

Image of Year 3 Art - Exploring Different Patterns From Other Cultures
26 Apr

Year 3 Art - Exploring Different Patterns From Other Cultures

In art year 3 have been exploring patterns from different cultures.

Image of Year 3 - History - Ancient Egyptians
25 Apr

Year 3 - History - Ancient Egyptians

Year 3 have been testing their knowledge on the Ancient Egyptians. They completed a quiz answering different questions hidden around the classroom and working together in pairs they sorted objects in a picture into modern day and ancient objects.

Image of Year 3 music - Park Soundscape
22 Apr

Year 3 music - Park Soundscape

The children in year 3 listened to a song called 'Park' in music, where they identified the different park equipment. They then created a soundscape where they used symbols to represent the sounds.

Image of Friends of DSJ
22 Apr

Friends of DSJ

We are looking for new members of our Friends at Darwen St James group. The group was created to help raise funds for school by thinking of ideas and planning fundraisers throughout the year. Past events include; *Film night *Bingo night *Family evening *Summer Fair *Christmas Fair All the money we raise is used in school - we have developed the nurture room and we are currently renovating the library areas around school. If you would like to find our more or if you would like to volunteer, please speak to Miss Sears.

Image of Year 3 Art Dip Dying
19 Apr

Year 3 Art Dip Dying

Year 3 in their art lesson this week have been trying dip dying. They dipped their piece of material into four different colours of ink and created a tie dye pattern.

Image of Year 3 Maths - Division
18 Apr

Year 3 Maths - Division

We were dividing 2 digits by 1 digit finding remainders.

Image of Free School Meals - Extended!
8 Apr

Free School Meals - Extended!

As you all are aware, we received funding last year and we were fortunate to be able to offer free school meals to all of our children. We thought that this would be run until the end of March, however we are thrilled to announce we are able to extend this to the 26th April. From 29th April children who are not on free school meals will have to pay for their lunch and there will be a slight increase in cost and the new charge will be £2.50 per day. Now is a good opportunity to look into seeing if your child will be eligible for free school meals if you haven't yet applied by visiting Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councils website here

Image of Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township
3 Apr

Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township

Potentially addictive online games are nothing new, but the specifics of this kind of media can vary enormously – and, as a consequence, the risks in each individual game are just as diverse. The city-builder Township is no exception: providing its legions of devotees with accessible, satisfying fun … but exposing them to potential hazards at the same time. However, any safeguarding issues that the game might have can (with a little knowhow) be neutralised – allowing young players to have some engrossing fun without adults needing to worry about children’s data, their money or their mental wellbeing. Our guide outlines how to help young gamers enjoy Township safely and responsibly.

Image of Easter closure information
28 Mar

Easter closure information

Easter closure information

Image of Easter Competition Winners
28 Mar

Easter Competition Winners

A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.

Image of Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait

While scrolling online, you’ll almost inevitably have come across posts or links with headlines like “You Won’t Believe These 10 Crazy Facts about …”. Such lurid language – and the often-dubious nature of the content it promotes – has become something of a running joke on the internet. Yet while these articles are often laughed at by communities online, they can have an insidious side. Clickbait, as it’s known, can frequently function as part of a trap: intended to draw users in for the sake of advertising revenue or, in worse cases, masking an attempting to collect their personal information. This #WakeUpWednesday guide explores the various risks of clickbait and offers some top tips for evading the pitfalls of this controversial marketing technique.

Image of Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone
27 Mar

Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone

Today in Church Year 3 and 4 performed our annual Easter performance in Church today,  Roll Back the Stone.The children told the story of Easter through acting and song, and they did a marvellous job.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them this morning.

Image of Easter Egg Competition
27 Mar

Easter Egg Competition

This year our competition theme was the Paris Olympics and we have had some eggstrodinary entries! Well done ot every family that entered this years competiton, the judges have had an eggstremely dificult decision this year! The winners will be announced in our special Easter Worship tomorrow, you are all welcome to join us.

Image of Measles Guidance
26 Mar

Measles Guidance

Please see the latest guidance for measles.

Image of BwD Family Hub Website
24 Mar

BwD Family Hub Website

Fantastic news! Our website is live! The Start for Life Family Hub Website is the gateway to information of where services are, it details everything a family will need in those 1001 critical days and beyond. Our Family Hubs and Children Centres are our Single point of access to those start for life, wider services and family help. The Hubs and Children Centres are the physical places where a family can visit and speak to a trained staff member, face to face, who will provide them with straightforward information or advice on a wide range of family issues spanning the 0-19 (25 with SEND) age range and connect them appropriately to further services across that age range if they need more targeted or specialist support.

Image of Year 3 - Computing - Simulation
21 Mar

Year 3 - Computing - Simulation

In computers year 3 have been looking at simulation. They have learnt how it can represent real and imaginary situations. The children gave examples of how simulations are used for fun and work. VR headsets are used for gaming and simulators are used by pilots to learn to fly.

Image of Year 3 and Year 4 Guided Reading Group
21 Mar

Year 3 and Year 4 Guided Reading Group

This week the year 3 reading group has been reading The Queen's Plan. They have enjoyed reading and talking about the characters and story as well as adding expression. They have been breaking down new words and identifying the sounds ai, ee, igh, oa.

Image of 10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home
20 Mar

10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home

Cultural and technological changes have made the experiences of today’s children vastly different to our own childhoods; it can be challenging to engage youngsters in open, honest conversation – especially about more sensitive topics. This, combined with many children’s instinct to avoid “rocking the boat”, can make it difficult to stay up to date with the goings on in their lives. However, it’s hugely important that trusted adults still offer an empathetic ear and feel able to encourage young people to open up about their day-to-day activities. This #WakeUpWednesday guide provides ten top tips for promoting open conversations with children – helping to make sure there’s someone they know they can turn to in times of need.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans
19 Mar

Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans

Today we started our new science topic 'Animals including Humans'. The children completed a carousel activity working round the different tables to see what they knew. They looked at sorting the different animals into groups, reading labels on food packages to see what they told you about the food inside, what food they should and shouldn't eat lots of and labelling the bones of a skeleton.

Image of Year 3 - Design and Technology - Sandwich Snacks
17 Mar

Year 3 - Design and Technology - Sandwich Snacks

This term in DT we are learning about Sandwich Snacks. Today the children talked about the different types of bread that they could and tasted naan, bangles, pitta and wraps.

Image of Year 3 - Music - Sound Actions
15 Mar

Year 3 - Music - Sound Actions

In music this week the children have been looking at sound actions. Miss Lawson bounced a ball and the children used instruments to imitate the action.

Image of Year 3 - PE - Rounders
12 Mar

Year 3 - PE - Rounders

This week in P.E. year 3 have been learning to play rounders. They have learnt how to hold the bat, how to ball and field. They played three games during the lesson and played brilliantly and showed great team spirit.

Image of Year 3 Geography - Counties that make up England.
8 Mar

Year 3 Geography - Counties that make up England.

Today in Geography, year 3 have been learning about the counties that make up England. In particular they looked at Lancashire. They used google maps and an atlas to identify local towns. Taking this information they marked the towns, Blackpool, Preston, Darwen Blackburn and Burnley on a blank map.

Image of Year 3 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 3 - World Book Day

Today for World Book Day Year 3 read Handa's Chicken and learned about Africa. They looked at its different countries and also the different flags. They also enjoyed a visit to nursery, to listen to the story of The Gruffalo read by Miss Lawson.

Image of Year 3 RE The Easter Story
29 Feb

Year 3 RE The Easter Story

In today's R.E. lesson year 3 have been thinking about the Easter Story. They have looked at and talked about different artists pictures then ordered them to follow the story. They used post it notes to write a key word for each picture and to draw a happy or sad face to say how it made them feel.

Image of Year 3 - Computing - Graphs
29 Feb

Year 3 - Computing - Graphs

Today in computing year 3 have been looking at graphs. They collected information on the children's favourite colours, then using 2 graph on Purple Mash made their graphs to show their results.

Image of Online Safety - Self Regulation
21 Feb

Online Safety - Self Regulation

As infants, we all rely completely on adults to help us resolve situations that are causing us to become upset or stressed. This is known as co-regulation. The next phase, once autonomy has begun to develop, is called self-regulation: this is when children start to become capable of exercising more control over their impulses and behaviour, and managing their own emotions. This vital developmental milestone, however, isn’t reached spontaneously. Learning to self-regulate requires sensitive guidance from trusted adults – simply talking with children about their thoughts and feelings, for instance, can ease the route to self-regulation. This #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert tips for supporting children to reach this goal.

Image of Remembrance Day
11 Nov

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day poppies at Darwen St James'