Image of Year 4  writing Information Booklets of Darwen
13 Feb

Year 4 writing Information Booklets of Darwen

In English, year 4 have been researching facts about Darwen so that they could write their fantastic information booklets. On Monday, they researched Darwen Tower and Darwen Library Theatre and they had great fun learning about interesting facts, such as The Beatles playing in Darwen in 1963 and Mahatma Gandhi visiting the mills. All of the children wrote their wonderful information booklets, trying to persuade people to come and see their town.

Image of Year 4 - Evaluating Their Pizza Creations
13 Feb

Year 4 - Evaluating Their Pizza Creations

In DT, year 4 evaluated their yummy pizzas. They thought about what was good about their pizza and how they could have improved it or made it better. They also discussed whether their pizza matched the design that they originally planned and gave suggestions for other toppings if they were to make the pizza again.

Image of Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters
6 Feb

Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters

In Drama Club we are creating our own characters for a play, so we learnt how to paint our faces to create different weird and wonderful characters! It was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 4   Aiming High Morning
6 Feb

Year 4 Aiming High Morning

Year 4 had a fun morning learning all about different jobs at our Aiming High morning. They were able to ask questions about Youth work from members of the Youth Zone, how to make circuits and electricity from an electrician and how to sign their names from visitors from the Deaf Village.

Image of Year 4 - Design and Technology - Pizza Making
6 Feb

Year 4 - Design and Technology - Pizza Making

In DT, Year 4 have been looking at how to make pizzas and in this lesson they all made their own pizzas using a readymade pizza-base. The children had a variety of toppings to choose from. First, the children spread the pizza sauce onto their pizza base and after that they decorated their pizza with a reasonable amount of toppings. Then they put cheese on top of the toppings and Mrs.Mountain helped to put the pizzas into the oven and take them out. After a little waiting, the children finally got to eat their delicious pizzas.

Image of Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps
22 Jan

Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps

Over time, more and more fitness apps have been finding their way into circulation. Usually free to download – at least initially – these apps claim to offer helpful advice and assistance in routine management to those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. While these platforms can be useful, they do present several safety concerns. These issues become more significant when we consider that children and young people can use these apps to stay active – whether out of concern for their own health or for reasons of body image. Our free guide breaks down the risks of health and fitness apps and offers expert advice on how to address these concerns to safeguard younger users.

Image of Year 4 - PE - Dance
22 Jan

Year 4 - PE - Dance

During PE this week, Year 4 have enjoyed creating movements mimicking a spy! This will all be put together to create a dance at the end of the unit. Well done Year 4!

Image of Year 4 - Maths - Multiplying 2 Digit Numbers
16 Jan

Year 4 - Maths - Multiplying 2 Digit Numbers

This week in Maths, Year 4 have been looking at informal methods to help us multiply two digit numbers. To help us, we have also been using base ten. 

Image of Spring Clubs!
15 Jan

Spring Clubs!

Our spring clubs are now available to book via ParentPay. They are a great way for children to learn a new skill and to socialise with others. Please log on to your ParentPay account to book, if you need any help please contact the office.

Image of Online Safety - TikTok
15 Jan

Online Safety - TikTok

With 22% of its billion-strong userbase being between the ages of 13 and 17, the popularity of TikTok among the younger generation is indisputable

Image of Computing - Year 4 - Artificial Intelligence
14 Jan

Computing - Year 4 - Artificial Intelligence

Year 4 have greatly enjoying our computing unit on Artificial Intelligence. We have been looking at how it can make everyday life easier and how it can be helpful. We loved testing out the Alexa and exploring what we can learn from it.

Image of Year 4 - English
9 Jan

Year 4 - English

Year 4 English

Image of Year 4 - Geography
9 Jan

Year 4 - Geography

In Geography this week, Year 4 have enjoyed learning about how our food choices have an impact on the environment - we looked at different foods such as; dairy, bread and meat.

Image of Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert
18 Dec

Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert

Key Stage 2 were fantastic this morning in church for our annual Christmas Carol Concert. Everyone remembered their lines and said them so clearly, and the carols were sung beautifully by all. Well done KS2! Happy Christmas!

Image of Year 4 English - Designing Villains
12 Dec

Year 4 English - Designing Villains

As part of our English unit, we have been designing our own villains to go into our innovated stories based on The Little Shoemaker. We used noun phrases to describe the villains and has great fun being creative!

Image of Year 4 History  - Roman Artifacts
12 Dec

Year 4 History - Roman Artifacts

This week in year 4, we became historians as we examined artefact found at Vindolanda, a historical Roman fort along Hadrian's Wall. We found similarities with the items between our life and theirs, and made predictions about what each object was!

Image of Year 4 Design Technology
5 Dec

Year 4 Design Technology

In year 4 this week, we have started to practice our sewing in preparation for making our Roman sandals. We worked hard to thread our needles, tie a knot in the end, and form the running stitch. Some of us even managed to create our initial!

Image of Year 4 History - Roman Army Foundations
28 Nov

Year 4 History - Roman Army Foundations

This week in History, we looked at Roman army formations and why this meant The Romans were so successful. We took our learning outside and pretended to be the Roman army, using our whiteboards as shields!

Image of Year 4 English - Character Thoughts and Dialogue
28 Nov

Year 4 English - Character Thoughts and Dialogue

This week in English, we have been continuing our learning about The Little Shoemaker. We have been working hard on using adverbs to start sentences, and we also thought about the difference between thoughts and speech. The children did a fantastic job or inferring the character's speech and thoughts in different ways!

Image of Should I Keep My Child Off School?
24 Nov

Should I Keep My Child Off School?

Lots of bugs and germs are spreading, and we know you want to do what is best for your child. Please see the NHS guidance below on keeping your child off school. If you are keeping your child at home, please contact the school office as soon as you can.

Image of Lunch time
21 Nov

Lunch time

At Lunchtime  today, the children didn't let the cold bother them! We all had lots of fun, there were snowmen of all different shapes and sizes! Children made snow angels and had a really enjoyable time running around in the snow. Then we all  had to get  a snowball and try and hit Mrs Meagher with it. 

Image of Year 4 Christmas Card Competition
20 Nov

Year 4 Christmas Card Competition

We had great fun completing our cards for the Christmas Card competition this week! We showed some real creativity and there were some fabulous outcomes!

Image of Year 4 Times Tables Rockstars
20 Nov

Year 4 Times Tables Rockstars

We are times tables rockstars! Year 4 have been working so hard to learn their times tables and to understand their corresponding division facts. Check out these rockstars who have made great progress in just 2 days this week!

Image of Year 4 Design Technology - Roman Sandals
20 Nov

Year 4 Design Technology - Roman Sandals

We further developed our Roman sandal designs this week, and tried to really understand the purpose of shoe laces and how we can incorporate them into our designs. We managed to make paper sandals which actually fit on our own feet! Next week, we will be designing our final outcomes, using evaluations from our mock ups.

Image of Year 4 - Smoothie Bike
14 Nov

Year 4 - Smoothie Bike

Year 4 took part in a smoothie making workshop. They had to choose different fruits which they thought would taste nice together before adding yoghurt and honey and pedaling the bike to mix it all together.

Image of Year 4 DT - Making Roman Sandals
14 Nov

Year 4 DT - Making Roman Sandals

This week in year 4, as part of our History topic and DT topic, we have made some 'mock-up' Roman sandals. We had to be very innovative in our thinking and some of us had to start over when we realised we could not get our feet inside! It was great fun, and we now have a good idea of what our real ones will look like.

Image of Year 4 English - Writing and Presenting Stories
7 Nov

Year 4 English - Writing and Presenting Stories

We have finally finished our unit on the Loch Ness! We have thoroughly enjoyed this unit, and wow, have the children produced some fantastic story outcomes from it! We were so proud of our stories, that we decided to type them up to put on display in school, and we worked hard on improving our typic skills in the process. We can't wait to find out what unit is coming next!

Image of Year 4 Maths - Understanding Area
7 Nov

Year 4 Maths - Understanding Area

This week, year 4 have started to look at area. We discussed what area meant, and were impressed with Dylilah's answer of, "It's the whole inside of that board, I would cover the whole board to show the area." We used post it notes as squares to physically construct rectilinear shapes with different areas, before learning how to draw them in our books. Well done year 4!

Image of Year 4 PE - Gymnastics
30 Oct

Year 4 PE - Gymnastics

This week we started our new PE unit - gymnastics! We had a great lesson learning all about partner balances and how to travel and change between different types of balance. We had to trust our partner to hold our weight, and worked well in pairs to make great progress in our balancing!

Image of Year 4 Holy Communion
30 Oct

Year 4 Holy Communion

On Tuesday this week, Year 4 joined Rev Kev and some of the local community in church for a communion service. We enjoyed singing the beautiful hymn chosen, and listened and thought reflectively about the words spoken in the service. We had written our own hymns and some of us read them out, while others read part of a Bible reading.

Image of Fire Safety
9 Oct

Fire Safety

A Home Office study has found that approximately 350 children are injured in accidental fires every year

Image of Year 4 Maths - Calculator Work
8 Oct

Year 4 Maths - Calculator Work

This week, we learned how to use calculators to mark our own maths work. We really enjoyed doing this! Then, we used dice to generate our own questions, and used the calculator to mark those too!

Image of Year 4 English - Role on the Wall
8 Oct

Year 4 English - Role on the Wall

We have now moved on to our fiction section of The Loch Ness unit, and we have been looking at The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster story. We thought about the characters of Ishbel and Kenneth, and used words to describe their characters, justifying with evidence.

Image of Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids
8 Oct

Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids

Year 4 have been working hard this half term on their ability to respond to rhythm. We have been experiments with different tempo, and this week we created our own rhythm grids using symbols as a code for which actions we wanted to do.

Image of Year 4 Science
3 Oct

Year 4 Science

In science, we have been classifying animals based on their characteristics. We did this practically, using groups and keys, asking lots of useful questions to help us identify them.

Image of Year 4 Art
3 Oct

Year 4 Art

This week, we finished our second novel of the year - The Danger Gang! As our art unit is about drawing stories, we decided to illustrate out favourite moments from the book, and add a catchy caption. There were some excellent captions and sketches by all of the children.

Image of Breakfast Club
3 Oct

Breakfast Club

In the Breakfast club we made brick towers bigger than a year 5 child and played Guess Who Games . We had lots of fun.

Image of Year 4 Music
26 Sep

Year 4 Music

We have been working hard on our response to rhythm and beat. We practiced using call and response to tap and move our cups to the beat. It was very challenging - but we worked hard to get it right!

Image of Year 4 Art
26 Sep

Year 4 Art

This week we looked at 2 different artists - Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. We created visual notes in our sketchbooks, trying to use their sketching style. We even used biro pens to sketch like Shaun!

Image of Year 4 Fundamentals
26 Sep

Year 4 Fundamentals

This week in our Fundamentals lesson, we worked on our skills of dodging and playing as a team. We had a lot of fun trying to collect each other's bands!

Image of Year 4 English
18 Sep

Year 4 English

As part of our English unit, 'The Loch Ness', year 4 have been looking at infographics, which are a type of fact-based text using images to help the reader understand. We have explored infographics and conducted our own Nessie research, ready to write our own.

Image of Year 4 Geography
18 Sep

Year 4 Geography

As part of our Amazon Rainforest studies, we used our knowledge of infographics to create one based on the Amazon! We learned a lot about how we might improve the quality of our information and how it is presented, and we can't wait to use these skills in our Nessie infographics in English!

Image of Year 4 PE - Fundamentals
18 Sep

Year 4 PE - Fundamentals

In our PE lesson this week, year 4 worked hard on their running skills. We practiced sprinting to various distances, and worked on our technique.

Image of Year 4 Question Matrix
13 Sep

Year 4 Question Matrix

As part of our Loch Ness unit, we have been using dice and the question matrix to generate questions linked to our research! We are looking forward to writing our articles on Nessie!

Image of Year 4 Drawing and Sketching
11 Sep

Year 4 Drawing and Sketching

This week, year 4 have used sketching pencils in different grades to sketch everyday objects around the classroom. We looked at six different shading skills and then used these on our own sketches. We particularly liked the ink shading with a 6B pencil.

Image of Year 4 Fundamentals
11 Sep

Year 4 Fundamentals

This week, Year 4 worked hard on their balancing skills in PE. We learned how to pull in the core to balance, and completed a range of activities which required balancing in different ways. We worked so well in teams!

Image of Year 4 Geography
4 Sep

Year 4 Geography

Our Geography unit for this half term is The Amazon Rainforest. We used an atlas to locate the Amazon Rainforest and its key features, also looking at the countries surrounding it. We revised our knowledge of the 7 continents of the world, and identified them on a non-labelled map. We had great fun searching the atlases for rivers, mountains and cities!

Image of Year 4 Handwriting
4 Sep

Year 4 Handwriting

This week, year 4 have been practicing their 'curly caterpillar' letters. We worked hard to form the letters correctly, making sure they were nice and round, and a great shape. We went around the classroom and looked at the amazing progress our friends had made - before nominating some super star writers! We then wrote up our Class Charter, working hard on our formation.

Image of What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety

At times, growing up can be a stressful experience. It’s not unheard of for young people to fret about things that could potentially go wrong in their lives – and what implications this would have for their life. In some situations, this can go beyond feeling uneasy about the future and become full-blown anxiety, which affects their mental, emotional and even physical wellbeing. While worry and anxiety can originate from many different places, it's immensely important for parents and educators to understand the effect this can have on youngsters – and how best to support them if they’re going through a difficult time. This guide provides insight into the ramifications of worry and anxiety, and how you can help children manage – and hopefully overcome – these challenges.

Image of Year 4 Skills Builder Lesson
16 Jul

Year 4 Skills Builder Lesson

Year 4, during their Skills builder lesson, considered the legal system and how people deserve to be given a fair trial. After considering a case, the children debated if a person was innocent or guilty based on some initial facts given about a crime. The class was divided regarding what they thought and one person was brave enough to say they did not know either way. The class then had a debate on what should be the youngest age someone could be sent to court for a crime. The ages ranged from 13 to 20 and the children were excellent at giving the reasons for their arguments.

Image of Year 4 PE Dodge Ball
11 Jul

Year 4 PE Dodge Ball

In our PE lesson we played dodgeball. For the main activity we focused on team work ready for our exciting orienteering lessons.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Puberty Talk
11 Jul

Year 4 PSHE - Puberty Talk

In our PSHE lesson this week Karen from SCARF came and explained all about our bodies and how they grow and change.

Image of Year 4 French Expressing Opinions About Clothes.
11 Jul

Year 4 French Expressing Opinions About Clothes.

In our French lesson we have been learning the names of clothes and today we used our great French speaking skills to express our opinions about different outfits. Their French accents are really sounding good.

Image of Witton Park Athletics
8 Jul

Witton Park Athletics

Tonight our children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 took part in Witton Park Athletics. The children participated in relay races, throwing, jumping and sprinting. They all did a wonderful job, behaved impeccably and showed great sportsmanship, a huge well done to them all! They did Darwen St James proud!

Image of Year 4 to Year 5 Transition
4 Jul

Year 4 to Year 5 Transition

Year 4... Sorry Year 5 have been doing lots of activities with their new teacher this week... Where has the Year gone... Lots of happy memories... They have come so far this year!

Image of Year 4 RE - Why Do We Pray?
4 Jul

Year 4 RE - Why Do We Pray?

We have been looking this week in to 'Why' people PRAY... We came up with: To Praise, To Repent, To Ask and to Yield... we then made this into a colourful acrostic art.

Image of Year 4 DT
4 Jul

Year 4 DT

In DT this week we have been preparing, peeling, testing and eating seasonal vegetables in preparation to make our own soup to our own recipe. We have been researching which fruit and vegetables are in season and which are imported.

Image of Year 4 Maths Completing a Symmetric Figure
27 Jun

Year 4 Maths Completing a Symmetric Figure

This week in Maths we have been looking in more depth in to shape and specifically how to complete a symmetric figure. Using a mirror we have been able to check our answers and make symmetric patterns of our own.

Image of Year 4 Computing - Effective Searching Online
26 Jun

Year 4 Computing - Effective Searching Online

In year 4 this week we have been continuing our topic of using Google (search engine) effectively. We have been finding out if it is true or false that a goldfish has a 3 second memory or that a camel can walk 100 miles without water... Also the truth whether the Great Wall of China is visible from Space!

Image of Year 4 Assessments
26 Jun

Year 4 Assessments

Year 4 have worked hard all week on their assessments and we couldn't be more proud of each and every one of them.

Image of Year 4 Computing - Effective Searching
19 Jun

Year 4 Computing - Effective Searching

This week we have continued our work on effective searches within our computing topic and how we can effectively search the internet using key words and phrases to find the information that we need and also how to effectively filter out the information that we don't. It has been an exciting, creative lesson.  

Image of Year 4 Sports Coach
19 Jun

Year 4 Sports Coach

We have been blessed this week by a visit from Rebekah Green... A Sports for Champions ambassador and a member of Team GB for the freestyle kayaker who has represented our country on several occasions. We heard of how she made her dreams a reality and her successes along the way. A truly inspiring story and we wish her all the success in the world in her upcoming world championship event in a few weeks time. Thank you Miss Green.

Image of Year 4 Holy Communion
12 Jun

Year 4 Holy Communion

This week Year 4 have been to church to celebrate Holy Communion. The class were an asset to the school showing respect and prayer. We had some great readers and prayer intentions.

Image of Year 4 Multiplication Check
12 Jun

Year 4 Multiplication Check

The day had finally arrived. After weeks of practice... Year 4 completed their government individual multiplications check. I'm super proud of each and every one of them. Well done!

Image of Year 4 Computing - Search Engines
12 Jun

Year 4 Computing - Search Engines

This week we have been looking at Internet Search Engines and how to best find the information, check its accuracy and how to interpret and sort results.

Image of Year 4 Re-Writing Their Own River Poem
21 May

Year 4 Re-Writing Their Own River Poem

Over the past Five days Year 4 have been writing their own river poems and today they put all of the verses together.

Image of Year 4 Maths - Hours, Minutes and Seconds
21 May

Year 4 Maths - Hours, Minutes and Seconds

Today in year 4 Maths lesson we looked at analogue and digital clock, and when morning and afternoon starts. We also looked at what 'AM' and 'PM' stand for, AM stands for Ante Meridiem meaning before midday and PM stands for Post Meridiem meaning after midday. 

Image of St James Rainbows and Brownies
16 May

St James Rainbows and Brownies

St James Rainbows and Brownies have spaces available. They meet each week at St James Over Darwen Church. Rainbows is for girls aged 4 - 7 and Brownies is for girls aged 7 - 9. The children earn different badges, they bake, craft, raise money and have lots of fun! Please contact Lisa on 07895023147 for more information.

Image of Year 4 Art - Victor Vasarely
15 May

Year 4 Art - Victor Vasarely

We have been looking at the work of Victor Vasarely. We have been comparing and contrasting and recreating some art in his style of work.

Image of Year 4 Science - Observations Over Time
15 May

Year 4 Science - Observations Over Time

Year 4 have been observing changes of states over time this week and making predictions which materials have a reversible change and which are irreversible. We also discussed which liquids you can freeze and which liquids have a freezing temperature above or below that of water when they change state into a solid.

Image of Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters
15 May

Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters

Year 4 have been building upon their flow charts last week and writing persuasive letters and posters campaigning for a new playground in computing.

Image of Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet
14 May

Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet

Today the children have been programming their Micro:bit to create a digitial pet. There were lots of variables needed and lots of code to debug! The children showed gret perseverence and were proud of their finished program.

Image of Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay
12 May

Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay

We have listened to your feedback regarding wanting to know what your child eats in school and we have now activated ParentPay meal ordering so that you can order what your child will eat in school (please note thaat this will be compulsory form September). Please familiarise yourself with this by logging on to your ParentPay account and selecting your child's meals with them at home. Dinners need to be ordered before 9am. Please message Miss Greenwood if you have any problems logging on, thank you.

Image of A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!
12 May

A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Woods Fruit & VEG for supplying our fruit over the past few months, whilst we were in receipt of a food grant for our Key Stage 2 pupils. The fruit was lovely and fresh and the children really enjoyed it. We are missing your tangerines already!

Image of Year 4 English - Poetry
8 May

Year 4 English - Poetry

We have started a new English Unit this week - based on the poem 'The River' by Valerie Bloom. We have spent the week exploring some of the writing styles, images and also exploring some physical features of rivers.

Image of Year 4 Maths - Money
8 May

Year 4 Maths - Money

This week we have started our new topic of money... whilst discreetly continuing our previous topic of decimals. A important topic in this day of age, especially in a new generation of contactless payments, Apple and Google Pay etc. Had some good fun.

Image of Year 4 Science - Reversible Changes; States of Matter
1 May

Year 4 Science - Reversible Changes; States of Matter

This week we have been continuing our science topic in states of matter and looking at changing materials from a solid to a liquid and then changing them back again. We have also been exploring when it may be useful to change the state of matter and briefly explored materials that have irreversible changes when they are changed from one type of material to another. (like an egg!)

Image of Year 4 Art - Complimentary Colours - Paul Klee
24 Apr

Year 4 Art - Complimentary Colours - Paul Klee

Year 4 have been continuing their work on referencing the art of Paul Klee using complementary colours.

Image of Year 4 Maths - Finding Fractions as Decimals
24 Apr

Year 4 Maths - Finding Fractions as Decimals

Year 4 have been working on decimals this week and finding their fraction equivalent. We have been using place value holders to find tenths and hundredths of an amount.

Image of Friends of DSJ
22 Apr

Friends of DSJ

We are looking for new members of our Friends at Darwen St James group. The group was created to help raise funds for school by thinking of ideas and planning fundraisers throughout the year. Past events include; *Film night *Bingo night *Family evening *Summer Fair *Christmas Fair All the money we raise is used in school - we have developed the nurture room and we are currently renovating the library areas around school. If you would like to find our more or if you would like to volunteer, please speak to Miss Sears.

Image of Y4 Science
18 Apr

Y4 Science

In Science we have started to look at our new topic 'States of Matter' looking in more detail into Solids, Liquids and Gasses

Image of Y4 PE -- Athletics
18 Apr

Y4 PE -- Athletics

We have been using short bursts of energy in PE to run over small and larger distances as part of our athletics topic.

Image of Year 4 - Art - Paul Klee
11 Apr

Year 4 - Art - Paul Klee

Today in Art we have been looking at the work of Paul Klee and his use of complementary colours.

Image of Free School Meals - Extended!
8 Apr

Free School Meals - Extended!

As you all are aware, we received funding last year and we were fortunate to be able to offer free school meals to all of our children. We thought that this would be run until the end of March, however we are thrilled to announce we are able to extend this to the 26th April. From 29th April children who are not on free school meals will have to pay for their lunch and there will be a slight increase in cost and the new charge will be £2.50 per day. Now is a good opportunity to look into seeing if your child will be eligible for free school meals if you haven't yet applied by visiting Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councils website here

Image of Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township
3 Apr

Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township

Potentially addictive online games are nothing new, but the specifics of this kind of media can vary enormously – and, as a consequence, the risks in each individual game are just as diverse. The city-builder Township is no exception: providing its legions of devotees with accessible, satisfying fun … but exposing them to potential hazards at the same time. However, any safeguarding issues that the game might have can (with a little knowhow) be neutralised – allowing young players to have some engrossing fun without adults needing to worry about children’s data, their money or their mental wellbeing. Our guide outlines how to help young gamers enjoy Township safely and responsibly.

Image of Easter closure information
28 Mar

Easter closure information

Easter closure information

Image of Easter Competition Winners
28 Mar

Easter Competition Winners

A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.

Image of Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait

While scrolling online, you’ll almost inevitably have come across posts or links with headlines like “You Won’t Believe These 10 Crazy Facts about …”. Such lurid language – and the often-dubious nature of the content it promotes – has become something of a running joke on the internet. Yet while these articles are often laughed at by communities online, they can have an insidious side. Clickbait, as it’s known, can frequently function as part of a trap: intended to draw users in for the sake of advertising revenue or, in worse cases, masking an attempting to collect their personal information. This #WakeUpWednesday guide explores the various risks of clickbait and offers some top tips for evading the pitfalls of this controversial marketing technique.

Image of Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone
27 Mar

Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone

Today in Church Year 3 and 4 performed our annual Easter performance in Church today,  Roll Back the Stone.The children told the story of Easter through acting and song, and they did a marvellous job.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them this morning.

Image of Easter Egg Competition
27 Mar

Easter Egg Competition

This year our competition theme was the Paris Olympics and we have had some eggstrodinary entries! Well done ot every family that entered this years competiton, the judges have had an eggstremely dificult decision this year! The winners will be announced in our special Easter Worship tomorrow, you are all welcome to join us.

Image of Measles Guidance
26 Mar

Measles Guidance

Please see the latest guidance for measles.

Image of BwD Family Hub Website
24 Mar

BwD Family Hub Website

Fantastic news! Our website is live! The Start for Life Family Hub Website is the gateway to information of where services are, it details everything a family will need in those 1001 critical days and beyond. Our Family Hubs and Children Centres are our Single point of access to those start for life, wider services and family help. The Hubs and Children Centres are the physical places where a family can visit and speak to a trained staff member, face to face, who will provide them with straightforward information or advice on a wide range of family issues spanning the 0-19 (25 with SEND) age range and connect them appropriately to further services across that age range if they need more targeted or specialist support.

Image of Year 3 and Year 4 Guided Reading Group
21 Mar

Year 3 and Year 4 Guided Reading Group

This week the year 3 reading group has been reading The Queen's Plan. They have enjoyed reading and talking about the characters and story as well as adding expression. They have been breaking down new words and identifying the sounds ai, ee, igh, oa.

Image of 10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home
20 Mar

10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home

Cultural and technological changes have made the experiences of today’s children vastly different to our own childhoods; it can be challenging to engage youngsters in open, honest conversation – especially about more sensitive topics. This, combined with many children’s instinct to avoid “rocking the boat”, can make it difficult to stay up to date with the goings on in their lives. However, it’s hugely important that trusted adults still offer an empathetic ear and feel able to encourage young people to open up about their day-to-day activities. This #WakeUpWednesday guide provides ten top tips for promoting open conversations with children – helping to make sure there’s someone they know they can turn to in times of need.

Image of Year 4 - DT - Light Up Box Construction
13 Mar

Year 4 - DT - Light Up Box Construction

We have started to construct our light up design boxes in DT this afternoon... some good designs coming :-) stay tuned!

Image of Year 4 - DT - LED Lights
29 Feb

Year 4 - DT - LED Lights

As part of our DT topic we have been investigating 'Light Up' signs and created series circuits with switches and resistors with the aim of lighting different LED lights

Image of Year 4 - Computing - Creating Programs
29 Feb

Year 4 - Computing - Creating Programs

Year 4 have been using the 'IF' function in their computing to create their own programmes that only run on a specific set of commands.

Image of Year 4 - Holy Communion
22 Feb

Year 4 - Holy Communion

Year 4 enjoyed Holy Communion on Thursday. Behavior and respect was impeccable with excellent feedback from Rev Kevin and the congregation at St James' parish.

Image of Online Safety - Self Regulation
21 Feb

Online Safety - Self Regulation

As infants, we all rely completely on adults to help us resolve situations that are causing us to become upset or stressed. This is known as co-regulation. The next phase, once autonomy has begun to develop, is called self-regulation: this is when children start to become capable of exercising more control over their impulses and behaviour, and managing their own emotions. This vital developmental milestone, however, isn’t reached spontaneously. Learning to self-regulate requires sensitive guidance from trusted adults – simply talking with children about their thoughts and feelings, for instance, can ease the route to self-regulation. This #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert tips for supporting children to reach this goal.

Image of Year 4 DT - Light Boxes
21 Feb

Year 4 DT - Light Boxes

Year 4 have been exploring light up boxes in DT this week and have also been looking into 'light up signs' and their uses.