Welcome back to school
Year 4 have had a brilliant first week back altogether. Take a look at the pictures of our activities from the week.
Lockdown 2021 - English
In Year 4 we blended our learning in home and school throughout ‘lockdown’. This meant that children at home joined us for four or five live lessons every day, in all subjects, through Google Meet. All the children, whether in home or at school, were then doing the same learning activities…
Lockdown 2021 - Foundation Subjects
In Year 4 we study the foundation subjects which include Geography, History, Art and Design, Design Technology, French, Physical Education, Music and Computing. In the carousel you will find lots of examples of our learning this term.
Lockdown 2021 - Religious Education
In Religious Education, we have been answering the question ‘How does Jesus show his power and authority?’
Lockdown 2021 - Science
In Science we have been learning all about the human digestive system and food chains. Take a peek at some of the fantastic work we have produced
Lockdown 2021 - Mathematics
In Maths this term, we have been learning about the column method for addition and subtraction with numbers up 4-digits. We have also been learning how to estimate and check our answers using the inverse operation.

Lockdown 2021
In Year 4 we blended our learning in home and school throughout ‘lockdown’. This meant that children at home joined us for four or five live lessons every day, in all subjects, through Google Meet. All the children, whether in home or at school, were then doing the same learning activities…