12 Feb

Blended Learning - Geography

In Geography we have been looking at a map of the World. We found the United Kingdom and discussed different countries that are important to us. We talked about the size of countries and found small and large ones on the map. We then looked at the UK in more detail and the children both at home…

12 Feb

Blended Learning - R.E

Our new topic in R.E this term is called, Jesus, the man who changed lives.

We have looked at various stories, including Levi, who became known as Mathew after meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus and The Young Rich Man.

Take a look at the stories below and think about how Jesus changed their lives?…

10 Feb

Blended Learning - Art

In art we have started our new topic on Printing. The children at home picked up an art pack with a variety of resources so they could still access this subject. Our first lesson looked at positive and negative spaces. We watched some different video clips then made our own image. In class we…

15 Jan

Blended Learning - Science


We have continued our topic on Light this term. The children in class have been creating shadows using torches and different shape and sized balls, they also had some translucent balls too. Those at home found different light sources to make shadows, they used mobile phones, torches and…

15 Jan

Blended Learning - English

This term in English we have been looking at Fables. Do you know what a Fable is?

A Fable is a story that has a meaning-it teaches us something.

Take a look at some of the stories we have been looking at!

To understand Fables more we looked at a range of stories, discussed the…

10 Jan

Blended Learning - Maths

In Maths we have been looking at Addition and Subtraction. During these lessons we have used different strategies to help us find the answers. We have looked at number bonds, the part, part whole model and using the column method. Children at home join Year 3 for the live lessons and share their…