Y4 - Creating Board Games
Year 4 are busy making their earthquakes and volcanoes board games.
National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday Social Bots
Can you spot a bot? Automated accounts are a growing #OnlineSafety risk on social media. What do they want, and who controls them? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide tells you lots … about bots!
Y2 - Computing Lesson
The children started by working in pairs during our Computing lesson this week and spent time using google to search the answer to a number of questions about dinosaurs. They then signed on to Purple Mash and completed a quiz based on the information they found.
Nursery - Exploring Autumn
Nursery have had lots of fun exploring Autumn this half term. There has been lots of outdoor learning.
Nursery Places Available!
Nursery Places Available Now for 2,3 and 4 year olds. 2 year funding is available. 15 hours free education for ALL 3 and 4 year olds. 30 hours funding for 3 and 4 year olds available for working parents. High quality teaching through play in our fantastic Nursery environment. Please contact us on 01254 703260 for more information or to arrange a viewing.
Reception Class Outdoor Fun!
Today the children finally got to experience our fantastic outdoor area and what fun they had!
Year 3's Library Visit.
Year 3 have been selecting books from our school library to take home.
Y3 Art and Design
In Art and Design the children in Year 3 have explored Islamic patterns and then selected a pattern for them to develop. They really enjoyed the lesson, some superstar artists!