Y4 Art - Kandinsky
In art today, Year 4 have started working in the style of Kandinsky.
Year 6 were lucky enough to have a visiting PE teacher from D.A.C.A., Miss Billington, come into our lesson to teach us how to move like gymnasts. We learned that gymnasts make themselves taller and wider, and that they move gracefully. We all had a lot of fun!
Y2 Science
Another week, another Science investigation for Y2. This week the children looked at different plastic bottles to see which was the most flexible. They found that the ketchup bottle was easier to squeeze and the water from the ketchup bottle travelled the furthest. It travelled 440cm in total whereas the water in a water bottle only travelled 110cm. They other bottles they tested were a fruit shoot bottle, fairy liquid bottle and a shampoo bottle.
Young Minds - Wear Yellow Day!
Friday 8th October we will be holding a #HELLOYELLOW day in aid of Young Minds Charity on World Mental Health Day .
Y4 Computing
Today in our computing lesson, Y4 learnt about plagiarism. We looked at a report about a man called Tim Berners Lee and found that it had been copied from Wikipedia! We then all scored really well in a plagiarism quiz. Great work year 4!
Goodbye Mrs Tootell and Mrs Gettins!
On Friday we said goodbye to Mrs Tootell & Mrs Gettins who are both retiring. Between them they have worked at @DarwenStJ for over 40 years. We held a leavers service for them and the children made lovely gifts and shared special memories. We will miss them lots! Happy retirement to them both from everyone at DSJ. Here is a link to the service: https://youtu.be/BzpDQdWjNDw
Y1 Science
In Year 1 we have been exploring rain and making rain gauges in Science.
Breakfast Club
Please read about the important changes to Breakfast Club...
Y6 - Vikings!
Today Year 6 have had an interesting lesson looking at a “gallery” of Viking archaeological finds and deciding how it shows that the Vikings were actually very different to their fierce image!
Science in Y2
In Y2, we did a Science investigation after receiving a message from Henry saying he had a hole in his bucket and needed help to stop it leaking. We tested different materials and found that glue was the best, as no water leaked through, whereas playdough let 84ml water through!
Learning in Nursery
We have had lots of fun this week in nursery. We have been learning about feelings and emotions, looking in the mirror and changing our faces to show different emotions. We had lots of fun exploring the outdoors this week. We had to wear our wellies because of the rain and we loved it! We have talked about birthdays and why they are special. We created cakes with the play dough and on the workshop table. We added candles and counted them. We also created our own birthday cards and had lots of fun. Today we have talked about why we are special and what makes us all different. We looked at hair colour, different families, what we like and dislike. One thing we talked about was that we are all special and unique. The children then drew around their hands and used ink to print their fingerprints. We have had a very busy week and had lots of fun along the way. Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos, we really appreciate it.
Team DSJ - Football.
Well done to our football team who came away with a 4-1 win and a hard fought 3-3 draw in this afternoon’s matches at Witton Park! Two great games… well done!