Pre School - Keeping Ourselves Safe
Today in PSHE we have been looking at keeping ourselves safe looking at safe and unsafe things to put on our bodies and in our bodies. We looked at different medicines and shampoos. We talked about sand and mud and how we have to try and not get it in our eyes and make sure we wash our eyes.
Two’s Room - Minibeasts
We have had a fantastic week in nursery this week. We have been learning all about minibeasts and creating our own bees. We had lots of fun during rhyme time with our family members. We had fun playing in the water with the ducks. We looked at the word sitting and what it means to us. We all practiced doing this and we also showed this with other objects. We enjoyed playing a colour matching game where we had to match the different colours to the different coloured objects. We have spent time exploring the outdoors and we even found some worms.
Year 1 - Little Red Riding Hood
Year 1 have been collecting vocabulary to use in their writing about Little Red Riding Hood. They focused on the characters and the woods. The children worked in pairs completing a 'Role on the wall' activity. For this, they had to think about how the wolf felt and what he looked like.
Year 1 - Funky Food
This week Year 1 started their new D.T unit of Funky Food. We started this unit by doing a survey of our favourite fruits and vegetables. The photographs show the children completing a tally chart as they asked their friends questions. Then Year 1 produced pictograms of what they found.
Year 2 - Maths - Halving and Doubling Numbers
Maths- Today's learning objective is: to learn to half a number or double a number. Our unit in Maths this term is multiplication and division.
Year 3 - Computing - Graphs
Today in computing year 3 have been looking at graphs. They collected information on the children's favourite colours, then using 2 graph on Purple Mash made their graphs to show their results.
Year 2 - Computing - Binary
Computing- In computing this term we have been using 2 questions (a binary tree) to answer questions . A little like the Guess who game.
Year 4 - DT - LED Lights
As part of our DT topic we have been investigating 'Light Up' signs and created series circuits with switches and resistors with the aim of lighting different LED lights
Year 4 - Computing - Creating Programs
Year 4 have been using the 'IF' function in their computing to create their own programmes that only run on a specific set of commands.
Year 3 RE The Easter Story
In today's R.E. lesson year 3 have been thinking about the Easter Story. They have looked at and talked about different artists pictures then ordered them to follow the story. They used post it notes to write a key word for each picture and to draw a happy or sad face to say how it made them feel.
Pupil Worship Conference
Two of our Year 6 pupils attended the Pupil Worship Conference today. They explored Easter story through taste looked at crosses across the world after lunch. Here you can see that we have made an Ethiopian cross. They all look brilliant!
Supporting Children who are Being Bullied
The latest bullying research from the DfE makes for upsetting reading