Year 4 Anti Bullying Posters
As part of their PSHE lessons and in aid of Anti Bullying Week, the children have been designing their own anti bullying posters. Here are Year 4’s entries. We will be displaying the posters around school.
Year 6 Drama Techniques
In English we used drama techniques to 'freeze frame' what our reactions would be if we were told that we were going on a trip around the world, like the main character Michael, in our book Kensuke's Kingdom.
Remembrance Day - 2 Minute Silence
Today we carried out a 2 minute silence to honour the lives of those killed in the war.
Year 1 - RE
In R.E. Year 1 have been learning about the differences between the world Jesus grew up in and the world they are growing up in. This week we talked about clothing and footwear. The children make some sandals from construction card that people would have worn in Jesus' day.
Year 5 Science - Humans
In our science lesson this afternoon, we have been learning about the life cycle of a human and the gestation of animals.
The BBC micro:bits Have Landed!
We received some new tech in school today, a set of 30 BBC micro:bits. The BBC micro:bit is packed with inputs, outputs, sensors and radio communication features. You can find put more here We can’t wait to get started with these!
Pre School - Literacy - Where The Wild Things Are
In Literacy this week we have started our new story,' Where the Wild Things Are.' The children went out in the garden to find wild things using our imagination like Max from our story. The children found bears, witches and owls in the forest and loved running away from them and hiding in different places. The children moved their bodies to the action words we have been learning, skipping and marching. We even made some magic wands.
Football Team
The football team represented Darwen St James' excellently tonight and showed great team work. They smiled and had fun from start to finish and we are very proud of them all. Well done!
Y1 - DT - Pivot Mechanisms
Year 1 have been learning how to make a pivot mechanism in Design Technology this week.
Y3 Science - Rocks and Soils
Today Year 3 have started their new science topic learning about rocks and soils. During the lesson the children moved around the class investigating and answering questions about soils, rocks and fossils
Reception Class -Acting out a Story
In Reception Class we have been acting out the story of Owl Babies. The children took on the role of different characters, repeating familiar phrases from the story.
Year 3 Maths - Place Value
This week in maths Year 3 have been using place value charts and counters to spot patterns in numbers.