Image of Year 6 DT - Bridges
23 Nov

Year 6 DT - Bridges

In our DT lessons we have been learning about bridges. These photos show us investigating how much weight an arch will hold, and also the amazing suspension bridges we designed and created.

Image of Online Safety - Black Friday and Cyber Monday
22 Nov

Online Safety - Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Gone are the days of Black Friday only existing in the physical environs of the high street. Now, both this retail landmark and its sister event, Cyber Monday, see deals and discounts displayed across almost every online retailer. The array of reductions makes this an ideal moment to treat a loved one (or yourself!) to those treasured items for considerably less than their usual cost. The frantic dash for the best bargains online, however, also harbours several risks: chiefly, cybercriminals hoping to exploit people’s excitement and hoodwink them out of their hard-earned cash. Our #WakeUpWednesday has some expert pointers on keeping your both your money and your personal information safe while still making the most of the spectacular sales.

Image of Reception Class - Parent Lunch
22 Nov

Reception Class - Parent Lunch

Reception Class enjoyed lunch with their parents today. Thank you for coming, the children were so excitd to share their lunch with you. We will be holding regular parent lunch opportunities over the year for all classes, please keep an eye out for your turn!

Image of Year 4 Computing - Spreadsheets
22 Nov

Year 4 Computing - Spreadsheets

Year 4 have been busy using spreadsheets to create a budget party using formulas and amending their wish list to their given budget.

Image of 2’s Room - Exploring Ice
22 Nov

2’s Room - Exploring Ice

We have had a great day exploring ice today and what happens when we put it into warm water. We were excited to find out that when the ice melted, some dinosaurs appeared! We counted the dinosaurs that we found and also talked about what colour they were.

Image of 2’s Room - Dinosaurs
21 Nov

2’s Room - Dinosaurs

We have had lots of fun today cleaning the dirty dinosaurs. We talked about being dirty and how we could get clean. We had so much fun!

Image of Year 3 - Stocking Design
21 Nov

Year 3 - Stocking Design

Today Year 3 began planning and designing their own Christmas stockings. They thought about what designs they would like to create, who they would be making it for and the colours they would like to use. Over the next couple of weeks they will begin to make their stockings.

Image of 2’s Room - Finger Painting
20 Nov

2’s Room - Finger Painting

The children have been using their fingers and paint to make marks on the dinosaur picture.

Image of Year 1 - The Queen’s Hat
20 Nov

Year 1 - The Queen’s Hat

In the story, The Queen's Hat, the wind blows her hat off. For today's experience day, the children have been experiencing the impact of a windy day. We watched some windy day clips and thought of some key vocabulary. We then used a hair dryer (wind) to blow their hats off. This was very tricky to catch on camera but the children thoroughly enjoyed it! We then used a tissue paper and explored different ways to make wind (blowing, throwing, dropping...) and watched the affects it had.

Image of Year 4 Science
17 Nov

Year 4 Science

In science this afternoon we have been recognising that sounds get fainter as the distance from the source increases.

Image of Nursery - Children in Need
17 Nov

Nursery - Children in Need

We have had such a fun day celebrating children in Need! We even had Pudsey bear come and see us. Have a look at some of the photos of us all enjoying this special day.

Image of Children in Need Competition Winners
17 Nov

Children in Need Competition Winners

This week for Children in Need, the children have been entering a competition in class designing a tshirt for someone that has been a positive person in their life. Thank you to Mrs Greenwood and Miss Tanner in the office for being the judges. The winners designs were amazing and they received their prizes in assembly this morning. If you would like to make a donation there is still time, please use Parent Pay. Thank you.