Image of Year 2 - Music
12 Feb

Year 2 - Music

We have had lots of fun following a conductor in Music this week!

Image of Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance
11 Dec

Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance

Our Nativity Performance. The children worked really hard practicing and learning all the songs for our performance.

Image of Year 1 - Nativity Rehearsal
10 Dec

Year 1 - Nativity Rehearsal

Year 1 have been working hard practising their parts in our production of Lights, Camel, Action! On Tuesday we had our first dress rehearsal in front of the whole school! I'm sure you'll agree they all look fabulous in their costumes.

Image of Nursery - Music - Experimenting With Loud And Quiet Sounds
27 Nov

Nursery - Music - Experimenting With Loud And Quiet Sounds

During our music lesson this week we have been experimenting with loud and quiet sounds. The children took it in turns to select an instrument to use and then tested them out to see what sounds each instrument made. We then explored how we could adapt how we played the instrument to change the volume level. The children were able to play the instruments softly to create quiet sounds and also were able to adjust the way they played the instrument to make loud sounds!

Image of Year 6 English Comparing Two Different Songs
27 Nov

Year 6 English Comparing Two Different Songs

Year 6 have been listening to two different songs, they have been analysing Big Yellow Taxi, by Joni Mitchell and What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong. The children then compared the two sets of lyrics and discussed the message the lyrics were trying to get across to them. We then had a class discussion on which one we preferred and why? Most of the class prefered the Big Yellow Taxi over What A Wonderful World since it was a more upbeat and catchy song.

Image of Year 3 Music - Keeping To The Beat Of Four
12 Nov

Year 3 Music - Keeping To The Beat Of Four

In music Year 3 have been learning to keep to the beat of four. The children worked in a circle passing a cup on the first beat and then clapping three more beats to make four, repeating the pattern and keeping in time with each other.

Image of Year 1 - Music - Tapping a Steady Beat
5 Nov

Year 1 - Music - Tapping a Steady Beat

Year 1 enjoyed using percussion instruments to tap a steady beat to a variety of songs.

Image of Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids
8 Oct

Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids

Year 4 have been working hard this half term on their ability to respond to rhythm. We have been experiments with different tempo, and this week we created our own rhythm grids using symbols as a code for which actions we wanted to do.

Image of Year 1 Music
4 Oct

Year 1 Music

Year 1 enjoyed composing their own music and following their score with percussion instruments. Later we recited our favourite nursery rhymes and played along.

Image of Year 4 Music
26 Sep

Year 4 Music

We have been working hard on our response to rhythm and beat. We practiced using call and response to tap and move our cups to the beat. It was very challenging - but we worked hard to get it right!

Image of Nursery - Music - Exploring Different Instruments
10 Sep

Nursery - Music - Exploring Different Instruments

This week we have been reading 'Goat goes to playgroup'. In our story, Goat plays a variety of different instruments, so the children explored them too! They learnt the names of some new instruments and how to play them correctly, some of the children were also able to make loud and quiet sounds with their instruments. We had lots of fun exploring the different sounds and enjoyed making LOTS of noise!

Image of Reception Music: Joining the Line with Chicken Licken.
10 Jul

Reception Music: Joining the Line with Chicken Licken.

In Music, Reception class has sung a song about the story of Chicken Licken. They learnt that he thought the sky was falling down! Gradually the class joined in the song and joined the line to go and tell the king!

Image of Year 3 Music - Pentatonic Haiku
4 Jul

Year 3 Music - Pentatonic Haiku

During music, Year 3 listened to a poem and had to write and play a melody to go with it.

Image of Reception Music: Welcoming Characters to our Party with Musical instruments.
19 Jun

Reception Music: Welcoming Characters to our Party with Musical instruments.

In Music, Reception class were thinking about different fairy tale characters. As they all arrived at our party we greeted them with different musical instruments depending on their characters. When Cinderella arrived, the children played bells because she was graceful and beautiful. When Rumpelstiltskin knocked on the door the drums were banged because he was not a friendly person. Finally, when the Big Bad Wolf arrived the cymbals were crashed together loudly!

Image of Year 2 Music Glockenspiels
13 Jun

Year 2 Music Glockenspiels

Year 2 created the pentatonic scale on their glockenspiels.

Image of Pre School- Music- Rhyme Time
22 May

Pre School- Music- Rhyme Time

Today the children have enjoyed using the musical instruments to create loud and quiet sounds and singing different nursery rhymes to match the sounds they are making with the musical instruments. The children began by tapping quietly and then changing the sound when we move the instruments faster and louder.

Image of Reception Music: Musical Patterns.
15 May

Reception Music: Musical Patterns.

In Music, Reception have been making musical patterns by playing a drum and tambourine in different ways (tapping, shaking, banging and scratching in a particular order). They have also used their listening skills to identify how an instrument is played without looking!

Image of Year 3 - Music - Ordering a Sequence of Notes
13 May

Year 3 - Music - Ordering a Sequence of Notes

In music today year 3 have been using their listening skills to order a sequence of notes and to play music using graphic notation.

Image of Reception Class - A Music Lesson at the Church!
8 May

Reception Class - A Music Lesson at the Church!

Whilst visiting our local Church, we decided to have our music lesson there. We learnt that during services the congregation like to dance around the Church to a lively song when they give their money, so we also danced around the Church! Then the children enjoyed playing the African drums, shakers and tambourines to "King of me!"

Image of Year 6 Music - Reading Sheet Music
2 May

Year 6 Music - Reading Sheet Music

Year 6 had a well deserved break from SATS practice this afternoon to have a fun music lesson. They were able to play simple tunes on the glockenspiels by reading musical sheet music.

Image of Nursery - Music - Using Instruments to Support Rhyme Time
2 May

Nursery - Music - Using Instruments to Support Rhyme Time

Nursery class have introduced instruments to rhyme time. The children have been encouraged to select their own instruments and have enjoyed listening to the different sounds that each instrument makes. We have been practicing how to use the instruments and how we can make loud sounds and quiet sounds.

Image of Music in Year 2
24 Apr

Music in Year 2

Year 2 have been exploring making simple tunes using the glockenspiel.

Image of Year 3 music - Park Soundscape
22 Apr

Year 3 music - Park Soundscape

The children in year 3 listened to a song called 'Park' in music, where they identified the different park equipment. They then created a soundscape where they used symbols to represent the sounds.

Image of Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone
27 Mar

Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance - Roll Back the Stone

Today in Church Year 3 and 4 performed our annual Easter performance in Church today,  Roll Back the Stone.The children told the story of Easter through acting and song, and they did a marvellous job.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them this morning.

Image of Year 3 - Music - Sound Actions
15 Mar

Year 3 - Music - Sound Actions

In music this week the children have been looking at sound actions. Miss Lawson bounced a ball and the children used instruments to imitate the action.

Image of Year 2 - Music - Articulation
7 Mar

Year 2 - Music - Articulation

Year 2 have been learning about articulation in music. In order to understand articulation they learnt to use gentle, sneering and angry voices as well as selecting appropriate instruments to accompany their singing. They are very excited to hopefully perform the song; 'I'll sing this song' next week. Watch this post !

Image of Two’s Room - Rhyme Time
27 Feb

Two’s Room - Rhyme Time

The parents and children in the Two’s room had a fantastic time during our rhyme time today. Thank you to all of the parents who could make it. Please don't worry if you couldn't make it this week as it will be running it every week.

Image of Nursery - Story and Rhyme Time
25 Feb

Nursery - Story and Rhyme Time

We are pleased to announce our new story and rhyme time sessions in nursery. Tuesday for the Two's class children Thursday for Pre School children Parents are welcome to come to the session from 11.00 am for morning children. 2.30 pm for afternoon children. In this time we will have a lovely story/ rhyme session and before we finish you will be able to change your child's reading book with them before you go. We will now be changing books on Tuesday for Two's class children and Thursday for Pre School.

Image of Year 2 - Making Marks to Music
6 Feb

Year 2 - Making Marks to Music

Year 2 have enjoyed creating marks in response to the musical sounds /words they heard. Music creates emotions within us and it was interesting to make corresponding marks to the different types of sounds.

Image of Year 2 Music - Exploring Tempo
25 Jan

Year 2 Music - Exploring Tempo

In Music Year 2 have been learning about musical terms such as tempo (fast and slow ) and how music affects our moods. They have listened to the song;' Walking To School' and imagined that they were sad and walked quietly and slowly to school. More pictures to follow next week!

Image of Nursery Nativity
11 Dec

Nursery Nativity

A huge well done to our Nursery superstars who have worked so hard on their nativity. They acted out the Nativity story and sang sone Christmas songs.

Image of Y5 Music Day
16 Oct

Y5 Music Day

In Year 5 this afternoon, the children have been listening to different pieces of music and have been attempting to identify the beats and rhythm in the songs. The children then used an array of instruments to accurately add to the songs rhythm. We have also learnt a poem called 'the rhythm of life', we added actions to this poem and performed it together.

Image of Y3 - Music - Keyboards
13 Mar

Y3 - Music - Keyboards

Today Year 3 have been learning how to play 'Wibble Wobble' using the keyboards. They have been marking the keys with the correct notes and following the sheet music.

Image of Year 1 - Music - Keyboards
3 Jan

Year 1 - Music - Keyboards

Year 1 have started their keyboard lessons this week with Miss McDonald from Junior Jam. They have been exploring the different keys.

Image of Year 2 - Drumming
30 Sep

Year 2 - Drumming

Year 2 have been enjoying learning drumming with Mr Navekar this half term. They have learnt lots of new skills, including keeping a beat, taking it in turns to repeat the pattern they have heard.

Image of Nativity Video Link - Jesus' Christmas Party.
16 Dec

Nativity Video Link - Jesus' Christmas Party.

We are very proud of all of our children that have taken part in the KS1 nativity last week, As promised here are links for you to watch the performance. I am sure you will enjoy them as much as we did. Well done to them all!

Image of KS2 Carol Service
16 Dec

KS2 Carol Service

We are very proud of all of our children that have taken part in the KS2 Carol service today. As promised here are links for you to watch the performance. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as we did. Well done to them all!

Image of Year 2 Drumming
12 Nov

Year 2 Drumming

The children have enjoyed their first drumming lesson with Mr Navekar this morning.