What Do these Words Mean to Us?
Over this term, Year 6 have been learning about The Eucharist (Holy Communion) in our RE Lessons.
We created Jamboards at both home and school looking at some of the key words from the Service, and thought about what these words mean to us!
Our Favourite Micro-organisms song!
Year 6 are learning about Healthcare, Hygiene and Heroes this week, and we have discovered our favourite song about micro-organisms. Mrs Thompson thinks it should be number 1 in the charts it’s so good! Year 6 aren’t so sure…
Art at Home and School!
Today Year 6 have been learning about the art of Gustav Klimt, and making sketches based on his paintings.
Take a look at our brilliant efforts!
Blended History Work: How Important are the Mayans to Study at KS2?
We have begun our new History topic on a blended learning basis this term. Some children are doing the work in class, and some children are doing the same work at home. Here are some examples of their work, which show spectrums of importance in different areas relating to the Mayans. The…
Thank you Ranger Stu!
After our zoo zoom last week, Year 6 decided to send Ranger Stu thank you / Christmas cards. He received them yesterday, and put this post on his Instagram account!
Zoo Zoom!
This week, Year 6 have been lucky enough to have a virtual visit from Ranger Stu and some exciting rainforest animals! We met a white-faced owl, a tarantula called Tallulah, an armadillo, a boa constrictor and a scorpion that glows blue in UV light! The children loved the experience, and asked…
Scientific Discoveries!
Over the last few weeks in Year 6, we have been discovering all about the Human Body. We started by looking at a heart and its different components and function. Then we created a scientific investigation to discover how different exercises affect our hearts differently. We made our own blood…

Diwali Dance Workshop
Year 6 had a fantastic time when West End in Schools came to visit and we performed a dance to tell the story of Diwali! Here are some photos – there are more on the PE Curriculum page!
The Sleepy Giant – National Poetry Day 2020
Year 6 have freeze framed what they imagined when they heard and read the poem The Sleepy Giant by Charles E. Carryl.
Read the poem and see if you can find our freeze frames!