10 Feb

Ella's beautiful collage!

Our art lessons this term have been focusing on the work of Gustav Klimt, and we have been creating collages based on his paintings.  This is Ella’s beautiful artwork.  Well done Ella – you have done an incredible job!

10 Feb

Delightful Digital Collages!

Some of Year 6 chose to use 2Paint a Picture on Purple Mash to manipulate photographs of themselves digitally to create a collage effect. I think they are fantastic! Can you tell who is who?

10 Feb

Heroes and Villains

Collaborating on ideas about heroes and villains for our new English topic!

Sam’s Recipe for a Hero

Natasha’s Recipe for a Villain


8 Feb

Celebration Winners of the Week!

We have been learning all about Chinese new year this week. It is the year of the ox.  We have enjoyed creating our very own Chinese dragons, which involved folding paper and decorating it with lots of colourful materials. We also made some beautiful fans. We made lanterns by using cutting and…

2 Feb

What Do these Words Mean to Us?

Over this term, Year 6 have been learning about The Eucharist (Holy Communion) in our RE Lessons.

We created Jamboards at both home and school looking at some of the key words from the Service, and thought about what these words mean to us!   

1 Feb

WC 01/02/21

This week we read The Gingerbread Man, I think it is safe to say that we really enjoyed it too! We have enjoyed playing bingo, creating a story map and decorating our own gingerbread man. At home we have been helping with chores, joining in with blended learning and building cars. We also crossed…

1 Feb

Our Favourite Micro-organisms song!

Year 6 are learning about Healthcare, Hygiene and Heroes this week, and we have discovered our favourite song about micro-organisms.  Mrs Thompson thinks it should be number 1 in the charts it’s so good!  Year 6 aren’t so sure…

1 Feb

Celebration Winners of the Week!

The children had taken a big interest into spiders this week. We had lots of fun, creating spiders, going on a spider hunt, counting legs and eyes and making our very own busy spider with the play dough. The children explored shapes in maths creating a shape spider. The children enjoyed the story…

25 Jan

WC 25/01/21

This week was dinosaur week, and it was a ROARing success!

25 Jan

Celebration Winners of the week!

The children enjoyed another week of The Three Little Pigs. We created some 3D pigs using different pieces of materials. The children made a wanted poster for the big bad wolf. We counted different objects that linked to the pig story and tried matching them to a numeral. We also introduced a…