Art at Home and School!
Today Year 6 have been learning about the art of Gustav Klimt, and making sketches based on his paintings.
Take a look at our brilliant efforts!
WC 18/01/21
This week we have been learning about The 3 Litte Pigs. We have explored the feeings of the pigs and the wolf, we have created our own houses and completed a book review. In numeracy we have begun learning bout addition and comparing numbers. RE this week was the story of Jonah and the Whale, we…
Celebration Winners of the Week!
This week we have been learning about The Three Little Pigs. Creating the three houses the pigs made out of straw, sticks and bricks. Following the tracks that the pigs made to help develop fine motor skills. Engaging with funky fingers tasks and lots of singing. The children have challenged…
Blended Learning - Science
We have continued our topic on Light this term. The children in class have been creating shadows using torches and different shape and sized balls, they also had some translucent balls too. Those at home found different light sources to make shadows, they used mobile phones, torches and…
Blended Learning - English
This term in English we have been looking at Fables. Do you know what a Fable is?
A Fable is a story that has a meaning-it teaches us something.
Take a look at some of the stories we have been looking at!
To understand Fables more we looked at a range of stories, discussed the…
Blended History Work: How Important are the Mayans to Study at KS2?
We have begun our new History topic on a blended learning basis this term. Some children are doing the work in class, and some children are doing the same work at home. Here are some examples of their work, which show spectrums of importance in different areas relating to the Mayans. The…
Celebration Winners of the Week!
Well done to Dante, Aaron and Storm!
In nursery we have been exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have been engaging in different activities to support their learning. Designing the bears, making a new chair for baby bear and developing size language finding…
WC 11/01/21
This week we have been learning about Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We found out facts about bears and explored different textures in understanding the world. In maths we have been exploring big, medium and small objects.
In Worship we have been discussing what gift we would give to Baby Jesus…
Blended Learning - Maths
In Maths we have been looking at Addition and Subtraction. During these lessons we have used different strategies to help us find the answers. We have looked at number bonds, the part, part whole model and using the column method. Children at home join Year 3 for the live lessons and share their…

Lockdown 2021
In Year 4 we blended our learning in home and school throughout ‘lockdown’. This meant that children at home joined us for four or five live lessons every day, in all subjects, through Google Meet. All the children, whether in home or at school, were then doing the same learning activities…
Thank you Ranger Stu!
After our zoo zoom last week, Year 6 decided to send Ranger Stu thank you / Christmas cards. He received them yesterday, and put this post on his Instagram account!
Christmas Celebration 2020
Over the past few weeks, we have been working so hard to make this Christmas special. We have had lots of fun doing different activities. Take a look at what we have been up to.
Merry Christmas everyone!
In Nursery this week, we have been developing our knowledge on mixing different colours…