Image of Reception - Class Worship - Jesus Feeds the 5000
13 Jan

Reception - Class Worship - Jesus Feeds the 5000

This morning the children learned about the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. We discussed how we would have felt if Jesus shared out our lunch to thousands of people, and we considered the things Jesus might say to us. Jack shared out some breadsticks with the class as we thought about this story.

Image of Reception - Phonics - ai as in Snail
13 Jan

Reception - Phonics - ai as in Snail

Reception class have been working extremely hard during phonics and guided reading. Today the children learned a new digraph, ai as in snail. Every phonics session the children are given the opportunity to read and write words and phrases containing the phonemes they already know.

Image of Year 1 P.E. - Team Building - Working Together
13 Jan

Year 1 P.E. - Team Building - Working Together

Year 1 began a new unit of P.E this week called Team Building. The children enjoyed working in pairs to carry balls across the hall using different body parts and learning how to stand up back to back in pairs.

Image of Year 1 - Art and Design - 3D Making - Exploring and Joining Materials
13 Jan

Year 1 - Art and Design - 3D Making - Exploring and Joining Materials

Year 1 explored various materials that they could use in their sculptures. They experimented with paper, sugar paper, tin foil, paper clips, lolly sticks, glue and cardboard to create a variety of sculptures.

Image of Reception - Maths - 1 Less
13 Jan

Reception - Maths - 1 Less

Reception Class have been developing their knowledge of finding 1 less. Today they had to find 1 less than a given number between 1 and 5, using dot plates to support them. They have also been singing lots of number songs, such as 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer and 5 Currant Buns.

Image of Year 1 - RE - Epiphany
9 Jan

Year 1 - RE - Epiphany

In Year 1, we have been learning about Epiphany and particularly about the Festival Of The Three Kings that is celebrated in Spain. The children learnt that in Spain they eat an Epiphany cake with a tiny figurine of Jesus or a king hidden inside, as well as a black bean. If they get the figurine in their slice of cake then they get to be king for the day. If they get the bean, they have to pay for the cake! We decided to all be kings and queens and made beautiful crowns to wear.

Image of Year 5 Computing - Designing our 3D Games!
9 Jan

Year 5 Computing - Designing our 3D Games!

In Computing this half term, Year 5 will be designing and creating our own 3D computer games! We all enjoyed setting the scene yesterday, evaluating some games on Purple Mash, deciding on our themes and beginning to plan our settings. We have lots of very imaginative ideas!

Image of Year 5 Worship - Praying as we put on Holy Clothes!
9 Jan

Year 5 Worship - Praying as we put on Holy Clothes!

We pretended to put on Holy Clothes as we said our prayer in class worship this morning: socks of compassion, the vest of kindness, the hat of humility, the gloves of gentleness and the pyjamas of patience!

Image of Year 4 - English
9 Jan

Year 4 - English

Year 4 English

Image of Year 4 - Geography
9 Jan

Year 4 - Geography

In Geography this week, Year 4 have enjoyed learning about how our food choices have an impact on the environment - we looked at different foods such as; dairy, bread and meat.

Image of Year 6: Computing - Researching Networks
9 Jan

Year 6: Computing - Researching Networks

This week in computing year 6 have been researching networks and the internet, with a focus on building our knowledge of subject specific vocabulary.

Image of Year 6: R.E - Exodus
9 Jan

Year 6: R.E - Exodus

In R.E. year 6 have been thinking about what exodus means to Christians, with a focus on developing our understanding through subject specific vocabulary.