Year 5 Mini Olympics
Year 5 completed a mini Olympics on Monday. What fun we had. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had the greatest time!
Year 1 - Guided Reading - Decoding
Year 1 enjoyed their guided reading session with their new book this week. The children read the new vocabulary from the text and enjoyed spotting these words as we read the book together.
Year 3 French - Describing Animal Actions.
In today's French lesson Year 3 have been learning how to describe the actions of different animals.
Year 3 Maths Group - Analogue time, o'clock and Half Past
In maths today the boys have been looking at o'clock and half past. They had to say the time on the analogue clocks and then match it to the written time.
Year 4 Science - Will Location Change How Water Evaporates?
In Science, Year 4 have been looking at whether location changes how water evaporates. They placed bowls of water outside in the sun, in the shade by the building, inside on the window bottom and next to the bookshelf. They then predicted which bowl of water would evaporate most. Over the next 3 days they will check the bowls and measure the water.
Nursery - Maths. PE. - Building and Throwing
In Nursery class we have been following a pirate theme, linking with this the children used their construction skills to build walls out of our jumbo lego bricks. We discussed the colour and size of the bricks and the children also persevered to get them linked together. They then selected a 'cannon ball' and used a throwing skill to knock over the walls that they had built. The children really enjoyed this activity!
Year 1 Picture News - Special Objects
Year 1 talked about the people who are special in their lives or a special time they have experienced. We discussed how simple objects can remind us of a person or an event. The children drew their special objects and shared their thoughts with the class.
Year 3 Art - Printing Collograph Blocks
In Art today, Year 3 used the collograph blocks they designed last week to print onto fabric squares using rollers and coloured ink.
Year 3 P.E. - Throwing skills
In P.E. Year 3 have been learning to throw different pieces of equipment. They threw balls and javelins overarm to see how far they would go, and bean bags underarm into hoops.
Year 3 Maths - Digital Time
Year 3 has been learning how to tell the time. Today they were looking at reading minutes on a digital clock.
Year 6 Last SAT Paper
Year 6 have worked hard all week in their SATs tests and we couldn't be more proud of each and every one of them.
St James Rainbows and Brownies
St James Rainbows and Brownies have spaces available. They meet each week at St James Over Darwen Church. Rainbows is for girls aged 4 - 7 and Brownies is for girls aged 7 - 9. The children earn different badges, they bake, craft, raise money and have lots of fun! Please contact Lisa on 07895023147 for more information.