Image of Pre-School- UTW- Art- Colour Mixing
16 May

Pre-School- UTW- Art- Colour Mixing

The children have been exploring colours, we used the three primary colours and watched what happens when the colours got mixed together. The children then went on to mix paint colours on their hands to watch the effects change in front of them.

Image of Year 5 Picture News
16 May

Year 5 Picture News

In picture news Year 5 discussed the question, 'what is your identity?' The children gave some fantastic answers. One child said his identity was his personality, another mentioned their DNA!

Image of Year 6 Picture News
16 May

Year 6 Picture News

In Year 6 this morning we had a special Picture News based on a poem about the SATs tests and how they don't test our real worth. The children had some amazing thoughts about what else the SATs don't test, like our love for our families and living a good life!

Image of Year 2 What is Identity?
16 May

Year 2 What is Identity?

In picture news today we learned about identity and shared with each other what is special about them. What things are the same or different about each other?

Image of School Avoidance
15 May

School Avoidance

School avoidance is a sharply increasing phenomenon, with tangible negative effects on children’s wellbeing and education. The factors that come together to make a child consciously avoid seeing their classmates and teachers can be much more complicated than is often assumed. A careful, mindful approach from parents, carers and educators is required to help children return to an environment that may be causing them intense anxiety. Our guide aims to help you understand the issue of school avoidance – not only its potential roots and ramifications, but also what you can do to help children and young people navigate these obstacles and continue their education. Sources Pellegrini, School non‐attendance: definitions, meanings, responses, interventions, 2007 Gregory and Purcell, Out of school: a phenomenological exploration of extended non-attendance, 2014 Hughes, E K, Gullone, E, Dudley, A and Tonge, B (2010). A case-control study of emotion regulation and school refusal in children and adolescents; Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 691–706., 2010 Lyon and Cotler, Toward reduced bias and increased utility in the assessment of school refusal behaviour: The case for diverse samples and evaluations of context, 2007 Children’s Commissioner, Attendance is everyone’s business, 2023

Image of Year 4 Art - Victor Vasarely
15 May

Year 4 Art - Victor Vasarely

We have been looking at the work of Victor Vasarely. We have been comparing and contrasting and recreating some art in his style of work.

Image of Year 4 Science - Observations Over Time
15 May

Year 4 Science - Observations Over Time

Year 4 have been observing changes of states over time this week and making predictions which materials have a reversible change and which are irreversible. We also discussed which liquids you can freeze and which liquids have a freezing temperature above or below that of water when they change state into a solid.

Image of Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters
15 May

Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters

Year 4 have been building upon their flow charts last week and writing persuasive letters and posters campaigning for a new playground in computing.

Image of Pre-School- Physical- Exploring The Outdoors
15 May

Pre-School- Physical- Exploring The Outdoors

The children have been interested in finding different bugs in the garden. Together we created a digging area to see what we could find. Using different tools the children found beetles, snails, worms and slugs. The children created an area with the blocks to look at the creatures closer using the magnifying glass.

Image of Year 6 Science: Investigating Electrical Circuits
15 May

Year 6 Science: Investigating Electrical Circuits

Year 6 investigated what would happen to a lightbulb if they increased the number of cells in a simple electrical circuit.

Image of Year 6 RE: What Do We Learn About God From the Words and Actions of Jesus?
15 May

Year 6 RE: What Do We Learn About God From the Words and Actions of Jesus?

We discussed the question "What do we learn about God from the words and actions of Jesus?" and then wrote an answer to the question. The children used pictures of Jesus' actions and the words from the sermon on the mount as prompts to help with their writing.

Image of Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.
15 May

Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.

During their topic on the Ancient Egyptians Year 3 have been learning about the process of Mummification and how the Egyptians were prepared for the afterlife.