Image of Reception Class - Easter Cutting Activity
23 Mar

Reception Class - Easter Cutting Activity

Reception class have developing their cutting skills by creating their own Easter scenes.

Image of Y1 Computing - Coding
23 Mar

Y1 Computing - Coding

Year 1 began their unit on Coding today and have organised a list of objects and actions into an algorithm.

Image of Y6 - Science - Light Experiments
22 Mar

Y6 - Science - Light Experiments

Today in Science, Year 6 were designing experiments to see how light sources can be reflected on targets using mirrors. Great fun!

Image of Y4 - Geography - Maps
21 Mar

Y4 - Geography - Maps

Year 4 a great afternoon in Geography looking at lots of different maps. They had an empty map of Europe which they were trying hard to complete with the different countries and seas. They learnt some interesting facts about the Mediterranean Sea, too! I wonder if they can remember how many countries and continents the Mediterranean Sea surrounds...

Image of Year 3 - Tennis
21 Mar

Year 3 - Tennis

Year 3 have been developing their tennis skills in PE with Progressive Sports. The children have made great progress this half term.

Image of Year 3 - Design Technology
17 Mar

Year 3 - Design Technology

In DT year 3 have been making sandwiches. They have been looking at a variety of bread types and planning what toppings they would like to use when they made their own sandwiches.

Image of Y2 RE The Easter Story
16 Mar

Y2 RE The Easter Story

In RE this week Y2 have been looking at the Easter story and as a class they put the different events, from Palm Sunday to Easter Monday, in order.

Image of Nursery Stay and Play
16 Mar

Nursery Stay and Play

Nursery held a stay and play on Thursday, the children and their families had a fantastic time! Thank you to everyone who attended.

Image of Reception Class Pets
15 Mar

Reception Class Pets

Reception Class have had great fun learning about the different pets that their friends and teachers have. We have learned lots of new vocabulary and applied our phonics to write about the pets. If your little one is in Reception and they have a pet, please send a photo via Dojo so we can add them to our wall.

Image of Y3 - Music - Keyboards
13 Mar

Y3 - Music - Keyboards

Today Year 3 have been learning how to play 'Wibble Wobble' using the keyboards. They have been marking the keys with the correct notes and following the sheet music.

Image of Y2 - Coding
9 Mar

Y2 - Coding

This week in Computing, Y2 have added a collision detection code to our algorithm and turned the frog into a prince! Another fantastic week, well done Year 2!

Image of Harold the Giraffe Visit
24 Feb

Harold the Giraffe Visit

This morning, Reception class has had two very special visitors. Steven and Harold from 'life education' came to teach us all about our bodies, our emotions and self care. The children loved learning about a few of their internal organs and what they do to keep our bodies functioning and healthy. We also discussed who we would talk to if we felt sad or unwell and how we could improve our mood by doing different activities. The children also looked after Harold by brushing his hair and brushing his teeth, making sure that he is ready for the day! Harold ended our session by singing a wonderful song all about emotions. I'm sure your little ones will have lots to tell you about Harold and what they have learnt when they get home!