Year 3 English - IdentifyingKey Words in Paragraphs
In English today, Year 3 worked in small groups to research facts about Tutankhamun and the Pharaohs. They then shared their facts with rest of the class.
Reception - Maths - Representing 9 and 10.
Reception Class have been busy developing their knowledge of the composition of number. They had to use the different resource savailable to repreent 9 and 10 on their tens frame. The children had to explain how they had composed the number and how many spaces were left on their tens frame.
Year 6 Maths Quiz
Year 6 have been working really hard this week on maths revising and preparing for SATs, so this morning we had a lot of fun testing our knowledge on a Maths quiz on Kahoot.
Year 6 Revising for SATs
Year 6 have been working so hard this week, revising and preparing for SATs. We wish them all the luck in the world - you can do this Year 6, you are amazing!
Year 6 British Values
In our Class worship Year 6 asked and talked about the question 'Can the past help us learn about modern life?'
Year 5 History - The Industrial Revolution
In Year 5 the children looked at the children working the Industrial Revolution. The children then went on to complete a myth busting treasure hunt.
Year 5 PSHE
In PSHE the children were learning the importance of listening. During the lesson they played a lsitening game, they had to work with a partner to tell and listen to a story. They then had to feedback what had been said.
Online Safety - Helldivers 2
Within the last few months, Helldivers 2 has propelled to immense popularity in the gaming community, with players of all ages enjoying its frenetic combat, humorous presentation, and challenging gameplay. Whether they’re cooperating with friends or competing with strangers, the game has attracted many young players despite its higher age rating. As can be expected from an online game – especially one rated 18+ – there are several inherent online safety risks posed to children and young people who play Helldivers 2; from the content of the game itself to the dangers of interacting with strangers online. Our guide highlights the most prominent hazards of Helldivers 2 and provides you with top tips for keeping its younger players safe.
Year 5 Science - Researching Life Cycles
In our science lesson we have been researching the life cycle of our chosen mammals.
Year 3 - History - Being an Archaeologist
Year 3 have been following in the steps of Harold Carter, an archaeologist that discovered the tomb of Tutankhamon. They investigated a tomb looking out for various artefacts.
Reception Class - A Music Lesson at the Church!
Whilst visiting our local Church, we decided to have our music lesson there. We learnt that during services the congregation like to dance around the Church to a lively song when they give their money, so we also danced around the Church! Then the children enjoyed playing the African drums, shakers and tambourines to "King of me!"
Introducing Recount Letters - Year 2
Year 2 have started their English topic on recount letters. We have read a variety of letters developing our reading fluency. Today we investigated different unknown words from the letters we read.