Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters
Year 4 have been building upon their flow charts last week and writing persuasive letters and posters campaigning for a new playground in computing.
Pre-School- Physical- Exploring The Outdoors
The children have been interested in finding different bugs in the garden. Together we created a digging area to see what we could find. Using different tools the children found beetles, snails, worms and slugs. The children created an area with the blocks to look at the creatures closer using the magnifying glass.
Year 6 Science: Investigating Electrical Circuits
Year 6 investigated what would happen to a lightbulb if they increased the number of cells in a simple electrical circuit.
Year 6 RE: What Do We Learn About God From the Words and Actions of Jesus?
We discussed the question "What do we learn about God from the words and actions of Jesus?" and then wrote an answer to the question. The children used pictures of Jesus' actions and the words from the sermon on the mount as prompts to help with their writing.
Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.
During their topic on the Ancient Egyptians Year 3 have been learning about the process of Mummification and how the Egyptians were prepared for the afterlife.
Year 5 History - Mind Maps Of The Industrial Revolution.
In our History lesson the children used their knowledge of the Industrial Revolution to create a mind map.
Year 5 English Journey To The River Sea
Today in our English lesson we discussed the Amazon rainforest setting from our class novel, Journey To The River Sea. The children then listened to Miss Lawson write her version of the setting.
Year 5 PSHE Rosa Parks Story
The children looked at discrimination within our PSHE . They watched a clip and discussed how the children felt then they read the story of Rosa Parks. Afterwards they looked at how to treat people with respect.
Year 2 - Fire Safety Visit
Today we had a visit from Darwen Fire Brigade. They taught us all about how to stay safe around fires and how it's important to have a get out plan at home.
Year 2 Fire Plan Reenactment
Year 2 acted out what they had learned about a fire plan at home.
Reception Music: Musical Patterns.
In Music, Reception have been making musical patterns by playing a drum and tambourine in different ways (tapping, shaking, banging and scratching in a particular order). They have also used their listening skills to identify how an instrument is played without looking!
Reception RE Lesson learning about The Mosque.
In Reception, we have continued our RE topic on Special Places. This week we were learning about The Mosque. Ms Dalal, Mrs Patel and Sohail from Year 6 answered many questions and showed us how they pray using a special counter. We were impressed that many children, including Sohail, go to The Mosque every day to learn the Quran. We were told that the boys and girls go in separate rooms and everyone takes off their shoes to show respect.