Mrs Simms and Mrs Williamson - A New Adventure Awaits!
On Friday we say a sad farewell to Mrs Simms and Mrs Williamson as they leave us for pastures new. We would like to thank them for all of their hard work and dedication at Darwen St James. I am sure you will join us in wishing them luck for the future. Mrs Williamson and I would like to send a heartfelt thank you for all your support over the last 13 years whilst we have been at Darwen St James, however this Friday will be our last day in school as we both move on to new adventures. We would also like to thank the children for all their hard work and dedication over the years and we are sure they will continue to flourish throughout the years to come.
Year 4 - Art - Paul Klee
Today in Art we have been looking at the work of Paul Klee and his use of complementary colours.
Top Tips for Parents & Educators - Managing Exam Stress
Most of us have felt the dread of impending exams. The pressure to succeed and not let our loved ones – or ourselves – down can sometimes manifest in ways that are harmful to children’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Several studies have demonstrated that, in a vicious circle, such anxiety impacts our working memory and actually damages academic performance as result. However, there are various solutions to the pre-exam jitters besides simply “getting on with it” – and a little support can go a long way in boosting young people who are suffering from this type of apprehension. To tie in with National Stress Awareness Month, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert tips for helping children and young people to deal with exam stress.
Reception- RE - The Wise and Foolish Builders
Yesterday in R.E we looked at the story of the wise and foolish builders. After reading the story together we decided to create this scenario ourselves. The children built two lego houses, one of them stood on a solid foundation and the other stood on the sand. We used lots of water to mimic a flood, one house stood strong and the other fell down! The moral of the story being, if we listen to the words of God we will be wise and stand strong just like the builder who built his house on the rocks.
Reception - Maths - Number Bonds to 10
Today the children have continued exploring number bonds to 10. We showed the different number bonds using our fingers. We then drew them on to our boards, representing the different numbers.
Reception - Floating and Sinking
In science today we have been exploring different items that float and sink. The children made their predictions about each item before we tested their theories. We definitely had some surprising discoveries! The children had some great observational comments and explained why they thought some items sank while others floated.
Henry Program - New Course Available!
The next Henry 0-5 will be held at Darwen Family Hub (Lord St) starting on Wednesday April 17th from 12.30-2.30. It is an 8 week programme with a creche available for younger children if needed. Parents/carers can self refer by telephone 01254 585000 or by using the new family hub website If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Free School Meals - Extended!
As you all are aware, we received funding last year and we were fortunate to be able to offer free school meals to all of our children. We thought that this would be run until the end of March, however we are thrilled to announce we are able to extend this to the 26th April. From 29th April children who are not on free school meals will have to pay for their lunch and there will be a slight increase in cost and the new charge will be £2.50 per day. Now is a good opportunity to look into seeing if your child will be eligible for free school meals if you haven't yet applied by visiting Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councils website here
Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township
Potentially addictive online games are nothing new, but the specifics of this kind of media can vary enormously – and, as a consequence, the risks in each individual game are just as diverse. The city-builder Township is no exception: providing its legions of devotees with accessible, satisfying fun … but exposing them to potential hazards at the same time. However, any safeguarding issues that the game might have can (with a little knowhow) be neutralised – allowing young players to have some engrossing fun without adults needing to worry about children’s data, their money or their mental wellbeing. Our guide outlines how to help young gamers enjoy Township safely and responsibly.
NHS Measles Guidance
Please see the latest measles guidance from the NHS.
Easter closure information
Easter closure information
Easter Competition Winners
A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.