Year 6 PE
Year 6 have been learning some athletics skills in PE! We have been running sprint races and learning how to do a good standing long jump.
Year 6 RE- Who is Jesus?
Year 6 are learning about who is Jesus, and are hard at work thinking about what other people have said about Jesus - including famous people such as Elvis Presley and Albert Einstein, and also what is said in the lyrics of some worship songs, including Waymaker.
Y5 - Parent Lunch
Year 5 parents joined their children today to sample dinner time in the hall and share the experience of enjoying our lovely school dinner. It was great seeing so many parents.
Reception - Purple Mash - Spring Flowers
Reception Class have been using the Purple Mash program- 2Paint to create their flowers. The children had to select their paint and use the toolbar to adjust the thickness of their paint. They used the pen on the interactive board to place their marks and create their flowers.
Reception - Comparing Cars Move Down Ramps
Today Reception class have been comparing how different cars and othher objects move down the ramps. The children observed that the cars went faster when the ramp was at more of an incline. The children then extended this activity by building ramps using different objects and they used boxes and blocks to create different structures to roll their cars down.
Year 1 - R.E - Baptism
Year 1 are learning about Baptism in R.E. In this lesson we were exploring different forms of Baptism ceremonies from around the world. We talked about the images and wrote down our thoughts and questions.
Year 1 - Textiles
Year 1 are learning about weaving in our Art unit of Textiles. In these photographs, the children are embellishing strips of fabric with pom poms, glitter and sticky shapes. In our next lesson, they will use these to weave a whole class piece of work.
Year 5 - Holy Communion
Year 5 enjoyed Holy Communion and then had dinner with Rev Kevin and the congregation at St James' parish.
Two's Room, Exploring Transport.
We have been busy exploring the different types of transport that we have. We have enjoyed playing in the tuff tray with the trucks, filling and emptying them with the different cereals. We had fun using the ramps to see how far the cars could go. We had fun colouring in the different pictures of transport too using paints and felt tips.
Pre school - Maths
Racing cars The children enjoyed racing different cars down the ramp to see which number it landed on. The children subitise how many cars landed on the same number and recognised numbers 1-5.
Reception Class - Story Time - Whatever Next!
Today during story time the children acted out the different parts of our story Whatever Next! baby Bear and Owl met up and flew to the moon on a fantastic adventure! The children had remembered lots of vocabulary from the story and they were able to sequence the different events.
Pre-School - Transport
In Understanding the world this week we have looked at old and new transport. We looked at different pictures of new transport and we recognised a lot of them but then we looked at old transport pictures and how they used to be. The children picked out features and questioned why it was like that. We then played a matching game with the objects and pictures.