Image of Academy Council Litter Pick
15 Mar

Academy Council Litter Pick

The Academy councillors took part in a litter pick around school today. They all enjoyed it and together we collected two bags of litter by using the special grabbers. It was a great success and something that we will be doing again.

Image of EYFS - Police Visit
11 Mar

EYFS - Police Visit

This afternoon we had a visit from PC Ros and PC Gail. They came to talk to the children about the jobs that police officers do, and how they help keep us safe.

Image of 2's Room - Minibeasts.
11 Mar

2's Room - Minibeasts.

The Two's Room have been busy exploring Mini Beasts this week. Creating caterpillars with the play dough and using Mini Mash to create a garden centre adding flowers and bugs to go.

Image of Pre School - Minibeasts
11 Mar

Pre School - Minibeasts

This week Pre-School have been exploring mini beasts and have created houses for the bugs to live in. They have discussed where they live and what they like to eat and created snails, spiders and caterpillars at the workshop table.

Image of Y4 Trip to Ribchester Roman Museum.
9 Mar

Y4 Trip to Ribchester Roman Museum.

Year 4 had a fantastic day in Ribchester, visiting the Roman Museum. We learnt lots about the Romans and held some Roman artefacts that were over 2000 year old! We all had the chance to wear Roman armour and we held some deadly weapons! We loved exploring the museum and looking at the remains of the Roman fort.

Image of Reception Class - Browning Apples
9 Mar

Reception Class - Browning Apples

Reception Class have been exploring change over time. They have added different liquids to apples; lemon juice, vinegar, milk, water and some apples with no liquid. The children had to predict which liquid they thought would turn the apple brown first and explain their thoughts. The children checked the apples and different liquids at regular intervals throughout the day, discussing the changes they had witnessed.

Image of Y2 - Life Education Visit
4 Mar

Y2 - Life Education Visit

This afternoon, Y2 had a visit from Life Education. Our topic for discussion was 'Feelings'. We had a special visit from Harold and we were lucky enough to give him a stroke.

Image of Year 2 RE
26 Feb

Year 2 RE

In RE this week we have been learning about The Last Supper and how Jesus shared bread and wine with his 12 disciples and washed their feet before he died.

Image of Year 2 - English
24 Feb

Year 2 - English

In English, we have been sorting facts about Neil Armstrong. The children enjoyed learning about him and over the next few weeks they will write a non-chronological report about his life and the when he landed on the moon.

Image of Year 5 Primary Futures Webinar.
24 Feb

Year 5 Primary Futures Webinar.

Year 5 were very lucky to take part in a Primary Futures webinar about gender stereotypes in the workplace. They met two people from different work places; Cheryl, who was a Delivery Project Manager within the building sector and Tony, who was a Mental Health Nurse for the NHS. The children really enjoyed asking lots of insightful questions to these people and learning all about their careers!

Image of Year 3 -Science
23 Feb

Year 3 -Science

Year 3 have been investigating what happens to the size of a shadow when the angle of the light source changes

Image of Year 3 - Computing
22 Feb

Year 3 - Computing

Year 3 started their computing unit in branching databases today. We had to think of yes or no questions to sort objects into groups.