Reception Class - English - Writing about Penguins
Reception class have been learning all about penguins this half term. During our English lesson the children wrote the sentence ‘the daddy penguin hugs his baby.’ The children applied their phonetic knowledge, identifying tricky words and using their segmenting skills. Great effort everyone!
Online Safety - Smartphones
According to Ofcom, 69% of under-18s use a smartphone as their main method of going online. Additionally, 49% of children use them for online gaming – putting smartphones only behind consoles (59%) as the device of choice for playing games on. Most people won’t require such statistical evidence, however, to acknowledge the huge importance of phones to young people. Given that Santa’s recent visit is likely to have bestowed smartphones on an even greater number of young people, it’s a particularly opportune moment to ensure that children are able to use their handsets responsibly – and, above all, safely. From passcodes to parental controls, and from screen time to scams, our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the essential advice.
Year 3 Science - Comparing Soil
In today's science lesson year 3 have been looking into the different types of soil. They compared clay soil, chalk soil, chalk loam and sandy soil in a blind test making notes of their different properties and then tried to identify them correctly.
Reception Class - Phonics and Early Reading
Reception Class have been settling into their new routine of guided reading and phonics. We are developing our blending, segmenting and writing skills.
Pre School RE Epiphany
We have had a great first week in nursery and today we have had our R.E session. We have explored the meaning of Epiphany. The children played with the three kings and went to meet Baby Jesus in the stable. We had to think about what we would give baby Jesus if we went to see him.
Two’s Room - Kitchen Disco
We have started looking at our new book, Kitchen disco! It has lots of fruits and vegetables inside the book and so we have been exploring the different kinds of fruits and vegetables today. We touched and smelt the fruits and vegetables and talked about what they were called. We also played with the carrots and the lettuce in the water. We have lots of fun activities planned for this week. Here are some photos of what we have been up to today.
Year 2 History - Comparing Buildings
In our History lesson today we are looking at how different our town looks 100 years ago compared to how it looks today. Year 2 are working in teams to create a timeline of old buildings to new buildings.
Year 4 DT Making Bowls
We have started a new topic in DT today: 3D form. Today we have started to use simple materials to make a bowl and paint to the style of our chosen artist
Online Safety - Freedom of Speech
Freedom of expression is enshrined in international law. Some individuals, however, misunderstand the right to share their opinions as a license to target others with the most horrendous prejudice. So how do we balance people’s prerogative to have their voice heard against everyone’s right to live in a respectful, inclusive society? This conflict frequently unfolds in the digital world. Online posters can be falsely accused of hate speech, while actual hate is often defended as merely being ‘free speech’. To help children and young people learn to identify the boundaries and recognise genuine hate speech when they see it, our #WakeUpWednesday guide provides some helpful definitions and guidelines.
Year 1 Science - Body Parts
During Science today, Year 1 learned all about parts of the body. We discussed bones and skeletons, internal organs such as lungs and hearts and the five senses. Year 1 made Anatomy pictures using pasta and craft materials.
Online Safety - Settng Up Parental Controls
At this time of year, it’s highly possible that you have a new phone, games console or other digital device stashed somewhere at home, ready to be unwrapped. Many parents also prefer to place some protective measures on those gifts – to keep their child shielded from potential #OnlineSafety risks – while others would like to, but aren’t sure where to begin. Our guide shepherds you through the process of establishing parental controls on new internet-enabled devices, from smartphones to laptops to consoles. Simply find the device in question and read on to find out what options you have and how to enable them – letting children enjoy their shiny new gadget, without so much of the worry over where it might lead them.
Online Safety - Tech Free Christmas
With Christmas right around the corner, millions of families are excitedly anticipating the chance to spend some quality time with each other over the festive season. When everyone’s engrossed in their phones or glued to their games consoles, however, genuinely meaningful moments with loved ones can often be difficult to orchestrate. Our Christmas #WakeUpWednesday guide will lend a hand: providing some advice on helping young people to set aside their devices for a while and live in the moment. Even if going full tech cold turkey feels unrealistic, implementing just a few of these tips could still decrease the amount of screen time in your home this festive season – enabling everyone to make the most of it.