Two’s Room Fun
In the two’s room the children have been exploring puzzles and patterns. Using the play dough to make mini beasts and using their imagination to role play in the house making tea for their friends.
Pre School - Spring and Mini Beasts!
This week the children have been exploring Spring and mini beasts. Today we have been planting seeds to watch them grow. The children added soil and seeds into their pots and then we discussed what the seeds will need to grow. The children were aware that they needed the sun and water to help them. We are excited to watch them grow over the next few weeks. We will keep you updated.
Y2 Science Living/Non Living Things
This week in Science, Y2 have been sorting images under the headings alive, once alive and never alive. The children placed the images where they thought then we had a really interesting discussion about different objects. For example how the bunch of flowers were once alive but aren't once they are picked and how the ball of wool was once alive on a sheep. The children then re-looked at their images and sorted them in their groups again.
Year 6 - SPAG Afternoon
Year 6 are having a 'SPAG games' afternoon today, where we are revising our knowledge in alternative ways. These photos show us having fun and working collaboratively to complete a 10 minute SPAG treasure hunt!
Reception Class - Easter Cutting Activity
Reception class have developing their cutting skills by creating their own Easter scenes.
Y1 Computing - Coding
Year 1 began their unit on Coding today and have organised a list of objects and actions into an algorithm.
Y6 - Science - Light Experiments
Today in Science, Year 6 were designing experiments to see how light sources can be reflected on targets using mirrors. Great fun!
Y4 - Geography - Maps
Year 4 a great afternoon in Geography looking at lots of different maps. They had an empty map of Europe which they were trying hard to complete with the different countries and seas. They learnt some interesting facts about the Mediterranean Sea, too! I wonder if they can remember how many countries and continents the Mediterranean Sea surrounds...
Year 3 - Tennis
Year 3 have been developing their tennis skills in PE with Progressive Sports. The children have made great progress this half term.
Year 3 - Design Technology
In DT year 3 have been making sandwiches. They have been looking at a variety of bread types and planning what toppings they would like to use when they made their own sandwiches.
Y2 RE The Easter Story
In RE this week Y2 have been looking at the Easter story and as a class they put the different events, from Palm Sunday to Easter Monday, in order.