Image of Y2 DT - Perfect Pizzas
19 May

Y2 DT - Perfect Pizzas

This afternoon, we have enjoyed tasting different types of bread as part of our DT topic 'Perfect Pizzas'. The children then ranked them in order of preference. Ask your child which was their favourite.

Image of Reception - Coding
18 May

Reception - Coding

Some of the children have been exploring the coding critters. They have to follow the instruction cards to program the critter to move.

Image of Y4 RE - Places of Worship Around the World
16 May

Y4 RE - Places of Worship Around the World

Today in R.E, we have been looking at different places of worship around the world. We have made a presentation showing the different ones we found.

Image of Y3 - Science - Testing Magnets
16 May

Y3 - Science - Testing Magnets

In Science today we set up and carried out a comparative test. We were finding out which magnet is the strongest.

Image of Y2 English - Following Instructions
9 May

Y2 English - Following Instructions

In English this week, Year 2 are learning about instructions. This morning, they followed a set of instructions to make a jam sandwich ... which most of them thoroughly enjoyed eating at the end!

Image of Reception - Working Scientifically- Incy Wincy Spider
5 May

Reception - Working Scientifically- Incy Wincy Spider

This morning a group of children took part in an experiment! We needed to select a good material to make a roof so that Incy-Wincy spider would stay dry and cosy in this wet and soggy weather. Firstly we inspected each material, the children had a very good look and they also felt the materials before making their predictions. They all had a good knowledge and some good ideas as to why certain materials would or would not keep Incy-Wincy dry. Then we put out predictions to the test! We worked as a team to hold the different materials tight and steady, then took turns to pour the water on top. The children really enjoyed seeing how the water moved and settled on the different materials. We found some very good materials that would definitely keep Incy-Wincy spider nice and dry!

Image of Y1 DT - Textiles
3 May

Y1 DT - Textiles

Year One are creating their own fabric strip creations for us to weave next week. We have used glitter, fabric pens and oil pastels.

Image of Year 5 DT - Biscuit Recipes
4 Apr

Year 5 DT - Biscuit Recipes

We have had a very busy morning in Year 5 completing our food topic in DT. This term the children have been researching, comparing and designing biscuit recipes for Willy Wonka! They have tested biscuits, compared recipes and researched fairtrade products we could use before designing our final product. Today, the children worked together to bake chocolate chip biscuits which they then decorated and devoured!

Image of Y2 Spirituality Day
4 Apr

Y2 Spirituality Day

For Spirituality Day, Year 2 learned about the Taizé cross. The Taizé cross is covered with a collage of different people for whom Christ died, and Jesus is often in the centre. The children designed their own cross before looking at the parable of The Great Feast. After learning about this parable, they thought about what kind of qualities they would like in people and what sort of menu they would draw up for their ideal party.

Image of Year 6 Easter Craft
3 Apr

Year 6 Easter Craft

Year 6 had a lovely Easter craft day on Monday. In the morning they were making Easter gardens and in the afternoon they painted rocks with words to show how even the rocks sang out praise to Jesus.

Image of Rev Kev Visits Y2 - The Last Supper
3 Apr

Rev Kev Visits Y2 - The Last Supper

Rev Kev visited school on Monday to talk to the children about the Last Supper and linked this to The Eucharist. The children had the opportunity to taste some (unblessed) bread. They also asked and answered questions in detail showing him just how hard we have worked on our Easter unit.

Image of Explorers Exhibition - Reception Class Visit
29 Mar

Explorers Exhibition - Reception Class Visit

Throughout today, Reception class have been in small groups to visit our 'Explorers Exhibition' that was kindly set up by Mrs Thompson. The children have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the different items and learning about some of the more obscure objects. The children had some very good ideas and opinions about the items set out. Ask them about some of their favourite pieces of exploration equipment or memorabilia when they get home.